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Enchanted 7 Ranch











Prices can be high, or not. But I can tell you, if you order to have this vacation just for your family, it might be expensive. The reason is this guest ranch is fun, and we have a lot of people booked at the dates they want. And it can hurt our business if we only have one family come, for a whole week. Of course it would be easier to manage, but some people are really anxious to ride with us, and get lessons from. Some people don't get long vactaions, cause of work. We try out best to fit everyone in with our schedule.

A family event is more expensive, but you would have the whole vacation and guest ranch to yourself and host. If you don't wish to spend that much money, you can sign up for a group event, which is cheaper and it allows different people to be part of the group with you. Who knows, maybe you'll make some good friends! We only accept up to sixteen people a week. If you have a party of more than sixteen people, and are willing to pay more, go ahead and call and ask your questions.

Family event: $2,000 per person. The good thing about this is that you'll be with your family and a host, which will give you one on one horsemanship lessons. And the whole guest ranch acres will be yours the week your here!

Group event: $1,000 per person. This allows you and other people to be part of a group and will do activities together. You may make some friends, and get some good riding lessons.

We do not allow kids five and younger ride, and we will not let them stay at the cabin while we are out doing activities. We always lock the cabin before we leave. No one is to be in the cabin while the host is busy with the group, away. We do have discounts for people who board and take regular riding lessons from us.