Please visit the links below. And check out the site
again in a month or two, when I should have a lot more stuff on it.
Look to the right for my plans! Oh by the way "Shimaru koara" means "strangled koala" in Japanese, at least I think it does.
-You can access this page through "" or ""!
o and my xbox live user name is "wingwave" add me to your friends list. (especially if you play phantasy star online).
THE SITE: ----A virtual chatroom, I'm working on it with a
friend, it will be probarly be on his site ( but
there will be news etc here!---- ----Funny cartoons, hopefully,
again I'm working on it with another friend but it might be on my
site!---- ----All my manga art work! this will be not the best
but main function of my site!---- ----A load of game reviews and
guides for pc and xbox (but a few on the gamecube!)----