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  Tuesday 04/8/3 [9:56am PDT]
next comic:
100% Completed 100% Done
Looks like things will be slowing down again. I'll explain below.

We are now currently featuring:

Special Song for Today:
"Home, Sweet Home" - Risa Ohki & Nobuo Uematsu - "Final Fantasy: Love Will Grow"

Rinoa Hotaru

...I'm not upset by the pain you've caused.... Let's just say goodbye and get it over with.

"...Finally! We're Moving On..."

Wednesday - $3P73|\/|83R 15, 2004
- 12:39

Finally. I'm giving a quick update. New domain name should be up in a couple of days. The new URL is During this time, however, I'll be redoing the site and making it look better. Hope everyone can wait.

I so happy! Finally, I'm getting something done!

For the time being, I'd appreciate it if people would check out this Yahoo Group. I've been playing Final Fantasy X lately and a bunch of my friends and I wanted to get together and do this RPG. If you're interested in joining, that's great. If not, at least spread the word to those that you think would be interested. Thank you for taking the time to look at it. ^^

"Isn't Machina against Yevon's teachings?" - Wakka

"Pretend you didn't see them." - Seymour Guado

"That's not something a Maester should say!" - Wakka

"Then pretend I didn't say it." - Seymour (FFX)


I HATE my modem...

My modem died...

Wednesday, June 9, 2004

Well, my modem has been down for about four days...and off and on since March. Grrrrr...

So, now I'm stuck...without being able to post in my Yahoo! Groups or even on this site. That sucks! So, I'm posting from school for right now, but come tomorrow, I won't be able to post until the cable peoples come out and fix my connection. I hope to be back online soon...and posting too! Later!

~Sorano Hotaru~

Sasu Hiasobu! is a copyright © 2003 of Usagi Ti. All rights reserved.
Sorano Hotaru - Jennifer Norris
Mizu Seishou - Aeron Ryan
Stumpy - Cody Ryan
Mirumoto Ryosuke - Andrew Alandy
Nobi Biu - Amy Eastham
Tsubasa Rinoaru - Ti Usagi
More credits to be added later after the rest of my staff is informed of this.