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...Love is not the Greatest Joy on Earth... What have you missed?
The cast of Sasu Hiasobu!
Follow Usagi to the Rainbow!


Welcome to the first picture placed up here. As I get more pictures of the staff and the other characters who have played vital roles in the making of this manga, I'll place them up here. So for now, you guys only get one piccy and that's the one that's above.
By the way, I'm fully aware that I spelled "emotional" wrong. I've been told more than once by just about all of my friends, so don't bother emailing me to tell me that. Besides, I'm still really angry concerning that. I can't go back and change it, so it's gonna stay that way... FOREVER AND EVER!!!


This is actually the second picture, but it was taken before the first one above. In this particular picture, Aeron, JenJen, and I are actually working. Although Cody looks like he's working, he's really just playing games. Of course, we all love him anyway! ^.^;


Okiesh. This may not seem important right now, but I guarantee that it will be later on. This is a piccy of my mommy! That's right! Ikuko-mama! I love her so much and I really have her to thank for this! She's been such a big help to me... especially with advertising for "Down With Love!" (she is literally my walking billboard). Thank you, Mama!


Okay, this was a modeling shot done of me a few years back, so I don't exactly look like this all the time, but it's pretty damn close. This was actually one of the few really good pictures taken of me. I'll post up some pictures from Karaoke Night on Saturday (03/12/6) if anyone decides to bring a camera. Of course, I think I may just get my father to buy me a disposable camera, so I can develop the film later and post it on the site, you know? Enjoy! ^^

Sasu Hiasobu! is a copyright © 2003 of Usagi Ti. All rights reserved.
Sorano Hotaru - Jennifer Norris
Mizu Seishou - Aeron Ryan
Stumpy - Cody Ryan
Mirumoto Ryosuke - Andrew Alandy
Nobi Biu - Amy Eastham
Tsubasa Rinoaru - Ti Usagi
More credits to be added later after the rest of my staff is informed of this.