It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the new link of Secret Shadow. I am very pleased
to bring you in a field of dreams expressed through poetry; a world where imagination takes
you wherever you have to go without even taking a physical step into reality. Welcome to the
world of the dragon child.
Before you continue reading this, you probably ask yourself this one question; what is poetry?
Is it A short piece of imaginative writing, of a personal feeling and placed out in lines.
Will this short definition do to describe poetry? Some people might think, “Yes” because
it’s short. Poetry is much more than that, it has the ability to touch us somewhere truly deep.
It’s in a way a form of art; it represents something of the world, it expresses or evokes
emotion, it pleases us by its form, and it stands on its own as something independent and
To those who write poetry, it’s a form of self-expression, it becomes a part of us as time
goes by and usually it hits us whenever something goes wrong in our lives. I wrote once a
poem named “Shadow of poetry”. You won’t find it here but it basically states how poetry
has its own language, a language of emotions and it’s found within our souls to express
ourselves through paper but because its words sometimes can be so complex to other people
that it is soon abandoned and turned into a city of phantom.
Poetry deserves to stay alive because of its philosophical and the simple truths of the
aspects that affect our daily lives. So keep reading by clicking at the titles that pleases
you the most. Each poem has its own picture and background. I tried to find backgrounds not
too bright so you can read at ease.
If you have any comment or any thought at all, please click on my email address at the bottom
of the page;
My final word to conclude this introduction is to thank you for taking the time to read this
site and I do promise that you won’t regret it at all. Do enjoy every moment…. Love. Irina