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Nature's Palace

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The touch of the air connected with the earth,
Makes my soul believe in nature’s worth.
Its spirit floats around the unknown forest,
And brings my entire body to a sense of lust.
Its fragrance is of a scent of natural sweetness,
And by the smell, I feel being home in my palace.
The warmth it gives me is overflowing with youth,
I feel as myself surrounded by the nature’s truth.

I love the very day I entered the garden’s door,
The corner of trees has not been explored before.
Its beauty surrounds every last inch of my soul,
Every time I walk in the grounds, I am whole.
Its depth revolves with a world of the unknown,
Life is present even between the smallest stone.
I love being able to fly with nothing there to stop me,
All there is to think of is how good it feels to be free.

The presence of every living creature in the woods,
Has it’s own specific character with its moods.
Its wings will carry my heart to the farthest place,
And the images will possess the most valuable grace.
Its magic will cast my soul an enchanted spell,
And I shall be lost saying to the world, “Farewell.”
My senses will be trapped in a field of nature,
As I fall into the thoughts being hard to capture.