I am the perfect person to become your victim, You’ve opened your arms and I felt the welcome. I’ve done nothing wrong yet you spread your poison, People think differently, so I guess you got your reason. All I have become towards you is a single problem, I am your target for bringing me down to the bottom. I must feel great for being thought of, so why the burden, Because I feel no comfort when lies are being spoken. Truth is brilliant but lies at a certain point will conquer, And destroy a part of the present leaving me at a corner. You will feel the victory and I will feel the painful defeat, I will feel the torment for a while and you enjoy your treat. But everything in the end always turns out for the better, You can’t always believe what you hear through a whisper. No matter what you try to do the truth you cannot cheat, Hope one day you get it when rumors over you will meet. So sorry if you don’t like me but what is there to do, So sorry if it’s jealousy but you won’t get this through. I will not permit your rumors to have me as a wreck, I know what is right and my property I will protect. So sorry if you want something that I truly value, So sorry if I have something that you want to pursue. I know I haven’t done anything wrong with respect, Knowing me better than that is what you should expect.