I'm not real sure where things went wrong this time but they did!
Two babies later I was getting another divorce.
And by this time I was fat too!
Hubby was back in the bars dancing with all the slim pretty girls and here was fat soon to be "ex" following him around!
I told you I like country music - well my theme song became "YOUR GOOD GIRL'S GONNA GO BAD" by Loretta Lynn (you would really have to hear the whole song to understand).
I lost weight and showed him a thing or two! (yeah right) Cut my nose off to spite my face?
Don't get mad - get even? (I usually did)
Now I had to get another job - so what do I do?
I start bartending >>> I showed him - didn't I?
Spiral down - down - down!!
Many years and many drinks later, Jesus penetrated my thick skull!
And I was drunk when He did it.
I was sitting alone after hours at work - drunk with the country music blaring on the jukebox and singing my heart out!
And I started crying and talking to the Lord. Really talking.
And things began to change in my life.
Not overnight but pretty quickly. I'd had enough of the sinful life!
I went back to school - got my GED - started college (all this in my late 30's - early 40's) and quit my job as a bartender and now I am in the medical profession.
I have recently rededicated my life to Him.
Things are not a bed of roses but I have peace in Christ and His love to get me through. l have to work on some things but He is right here to help me. And He will not forsake me. God is changing me from the inside out. ROMANS 12:2
AND THAT WASN'T THE HALF OF IT - you don't have the time or patience for it all (didn't think I saw that yawn, did you?)
HEB. 8:12 "For I will forgive their wickedness and remember their sins no more."
To suffer passes; to have suffered never passes.
One gorgeous son died in a car wreck Aug. 12, 2000 ~ he knew the Lord but this IS the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. I am struggling, God, struggling. I don't know how I am going to survive... but God's Grace will lead me thru this valley and with the help of the Holy Spirit... my faith will stand firm.
P.S. I remarried Jim.... he is the one I married at 15... we got married December 24, 2002. We had been divorced 30 years.
Thanks for listening.
Don't minimize "little" sins or overrate "big" sins. They all separate us from God, but they all can be forgiven.
I have struggled with old slew foot for a long time - but he has lost me to Jesus! I am learning to LET GO and LET GOD!!! It is in Him and Him alone where faith comes from. I am getting to know the Jesus that has loved me since before time. I am so glad He is a patient and loving Father!
Christianity, in its purest form, is nothing more than seeing Jesus.
Christian service, in its purest form, is nothing more than imitating Him who we see.>>> to see His Majesty and to imitate HIm, that is the sum of Christianity
max lucado