BE the unicorn!!!
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Mandy Loves Unicorns!!!

~*~Mandy is Obsessed with Unicorns~*~

Feel the Magic
    “The unicorns were the most recognizable magic the fairies possessed, and they sent them to those worlds where belief in magic was in danger of failing altogether. After all there has to be some belief in magic-however small-for any world to survive.” ---Terry Brooks-The Black Unicorn
“The question of the historicity and actuality with regard to the gods and unicorns is a relatively trifling matter which may be left to antiquarians and biologists, for both the god and the unicorn have a business to perform greater than any mere existence in the flesh could explain or provide a basis for.” –Odell Shepard, The Lore of the Unicorn

BE the Unicorn

(This next story I did not make up myself, I found it. BE the unicorn, peoplez!!!) Skeptism as to whether or not the unicorn existed is everywhere. It matters not whether such a magnificent beast as this existed. What matters is that the unicorn may be the example as to which we should live by today. In Medieval Times, the belief in the unicorn was at its highest peak, thus, living during those times was much calmer and more pure than any other. Think back to the times of King Arthur and his entire kingdom. The ideas he professed may very well be the way in which we should live today. We, as humans, should not decide whether or not the unicorn existed, but rather remember what the unicorn stood for during those times. It reminded people to do good and ultimately to be good. It was being able to respect all living things, human or not; to remember regardless of race and origin that all humans have the right to achieve happiness, love, understanding, and complete harmony with everything around them.

The Last Unicorn

When the last eagle flies Over the last crumbling mountain And the last lion roars At the last dusty fountain In the shadow of the forest Though she may be old and worn They will stare unbelieving At the last unicorn… When the first breath of winter Though the flowers are icing And you look to the north And a pale moon is rising And it seems like all is dying And would leave he world to mourn… In the distance hear her laughter It’s the last unicorn I’m alive… I’m alive. When the last moon is cast Over the last star of morning And the future is past without even a last desperate warning Look into the sky where through The clouds a path is formed Look and see her how she sparkles It’s the last unicorn I’m alive… I’m alive. ---Peter S. Beagle-The Last Unicorn

“The unicorn, she said, was a marvelous beast, shining with honor, wisdom and strength. Just to see him strengthened the soul.”-from The Unicorn in the Maze by Megan Lindholm

The Unicorn

He hides by day, and searches by night. The last known unicorn, with the coat of angelic white. It’s almost as if he’s magic, the possessor of powers unknown. He keeps the hope of finding another, but he is painfully alone. Being seen by mankind, would mean instant death. Due to life’s attained ignorance, they would take his last breath. He wants so badly to nuzzle, close to someone safe and warm. But this hope slowly fades, as does the night with the coming morn. He remains forever brave, and holds his head up high. Sometimes on a quiet night, you can hear his mournful cry. He will continue his search, until his dying day. The majestic and beautiful unicorn, who is perfect in every way. ---Marlene Bucci

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Love: It don't make the world go round but it makes the ride worthwhile.
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I hope the unicorns have inspired you to be a better person. They have inspired me.