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undefined We Are Here....Colonies

We Are Here!
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I Believe!

Do you truely believe in the existance of life on other planets? What if i told you that I believed that WE are the alien? how would you respond to that?


Ok.. what about this one... Put yourself in the shoes of a village woman back in Jesus time. ok.. now.. knowing only what a common villager would know and see.. describe to me how she would describe her encounter with a spaceship... when she runs back to the village to her people... How might this woman describe a ufo? Ok.. lets take this one step further. Perhaps she saw a being emerging from that ufo. and lets just say that arrived in a manner that went beyond anything the woman had ever known. When she ran back to her village... Who might she say she saw? What theory do you believe in....How did we come to be on Earth...Do you believe in "The Big Bang" or 'Creation" ? How about i throw in another theory... "Colonization" Ok.. they aren't all the same...two of the theorys tell how life began... its only assumed that it was upon this very planet that this occured. But colonization on the other hand... assumes that life was created some other place than this planet. When you look back into the history of mans reign on Planet Earth you see alot repetition... we just dont learn from our mistakes... They say history repeats itself.. I believe this to be true.. but on a larger scale not limited soley to this Planet. Look around you..everything you see...every luxury you have be it a small luxury or otherwise, plays a part in the slow demise of this Planet we call home. Every thing we use requires resources originating in some way or another from this planet. Although we need to use these resources for our very survival, we didnt think ahead.. and realize that eventually the demands we made on this Nurturing Planet would be depleted. We never gave back what we took... killed animals to extinction..cut down entire forests... all of this done to make our life easier. Its human nature to want to make things better, always seeking information, always looking for better ways to perform unplesant chores..easier ways to perform tedious tasks. Now that we realize that we have messed up...Mankind looks to space.. Now what would you say if i added..............AGAIN.
