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Aurora's Corner

Friday, 13 May 2005

New Kid On the Block
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Nothing
Just started up this blog, so I figured I should at least write something. Problem is, I've got nothing to write about. Actually that's not true. I could write about how I just started writing fanfic and how I'm new ti the fanficdom. Is that the right word for it? Whatever. I've been writing since at least a year ago but I didn't get the courage to actually make them public until this past March. I was a little insecure that my stories wouldn't be good enough. The reviews I've gotten have told me otherwise. What really knocked me on my ass though was when other writers whose fanfics I've followed and cherished since I started reading fanfic actually said that they liked my stories! I love Spuffy and I'm very happy to be part of the community. So to whoever is actually reading this, thank you.

Posted by moon2/aurora0 at 11:10 AM EDT
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