3/25/05: This last layout's finally up... I've been experimenting with Adobe so I could make it a nice one. As I said in the last update, I'm going to stop working on this site once I've finished the biographies. Hope you like the layout.
10/27/04: Alright, it's been over 4 months since I last updated. That's a sign. I've decided to stop my work on this site. I won't take it down, I'll just cease work on it. I will finish the biographies and make one final layout. Then I am doing no more. I won't give out anymore awards, I won't ask for them, (I'll still accept them if you want to give me one anyway, though.) and I won't add anymore features. But, I promise to make this last layout the best I've ever made.
6/7/04: Ehehe.... I got the Neptune layout up! ^^;; I know, Pluto was up for about 2 months, but, it's up now! Hope you guys like it; not one of my bests. Also, all the pages look like this now, so, I like this layout MUCH better. I promise to come out with a few more bios and samples of the awards you can win soon!