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Pregnancy is the most permanent decision you can make.  All other decisions can be reversed, you can sell a house, get a divorce, but having a child even if you set them up for adoption, is a permanent choice.  You've created a life!

I've recently read a book: "The Mother of all Pregnancy Books: an all-Canadian Guide to Conception, Birth and Everything in Between" by Ann Douglas.  It's an excellent book, and seeing as how it's the only real book I've read on pregnancy, all my information comes from that book.  As I read more I'll add the titles of the books from which I draw my information.

If you are considering having a baby or getting pregnant, the book starts off very well with Chapter One: "Are You Really Ready to Have a Baby?".  For now, the contents of this part of the site, will mostly follow the order of the book.  The book is awesome, I recommend it to absolutely anyone who wants to have kids in the future,  is thinking of having a baby or pregnant with their 3rd child!

Chapter One: Are You Really Ready To Have A Baby?
Chapter Two: Your Pre-Game Plan
Chapter Three: Sperm, Meet Egg
Chapter Four: Missed Conceptions
Chapter Five: Winning at Baby Roulette
Chapter Six: Operation Healthy Baby
Chapter Seven: The Worry Zone
Chapter Eight: The Complaint Department
Chapter Nine: To Test or Not To Test
Chapter Ten: Lights, Camera, Action!
Chapter Eleven: When Pregnancy Isn't Perfect
Chapter Twelve: Life After Baby