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My little Biography


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     My name is Monica, (obviously) :-) and I live in Ottawa, Ontario.  I was born in June and am 20 years old.  I have many hobbies and interests as you've probably already seen on my site. :-) I live in a townhouse with 5 other people. 

     I was born in Hearst, but soon after, my parents moved to White River, and by the time I was 3 they moved back to Hearst on a farm.  For the next 3 years I enjoyed farm life and went to french school, then we moved to Longlac, an even smaller town in the North.  And to be honest... I miss it.  Well, not the town really, just the North.  After being in the big city, I realized just how much I love the forest and nature, and feel sad for those who've lived here there whole life and never get a chance to even fathom the beauty of the north.  I've gathered a few of my favorite photos of scenery from the north.  They can be seen here.  But these are only a small portion of scenery that can be seen in the more secluded areas of Ontario.

     Before I even got to high school I already started dating.  At 13 (grade 8) I started dating Joel.   By the age of 17 I started getting quite stressed out.  I was working in the lumber mill, doing my grade 12 and my OACs at the same time.  For the first semester my courses were Chemistry OAC, Math 3U(equivalent of 12A), Physics 12A, Algebra Geometry OAC, and Calculus OAC.  The last two I was taking by teleconference two nights a week.  On the days I wasn't in school all day I'd work the evenings in the lumber mill doing physical labour, mostly on the patching line from 4-11, and every morning I got up 5am to go baby-sit.  I actually really miss that part.  I used to have so much fun baby sitting that girl.  Anyway, my second semester was going to be mildly better but still quite packed.  I was determined to finish early so I could go to University of Guelph in Molecular Genetics.  Needless to say, that didn't happen.  By the end of the first semester I couldn't take it anymore so, at 17 I moved out of my parents house and in with Joel who was living in Toronto for school. 

     What a change!  A small town up north to Toronto at 17 with my boyfriend.  From here things started going down hill.  I stopped doing my correspondence courses.  Joel had school from 7am to 7pm and I couldn't really go out of the house when he wasn't there.  So, life was quite different.  However, I do kinda miss those days too (I wouldn't want to be in that situation now, but it's nice to reminisce sometimes :-))  This was pretty much when I started buying lots of cook books and getting used to my parents not being around.

     In April of that year, Joel finished school and got a good job.  We moved to Deep River into a three bedroom apartment.  Soon after, we got a cat. Gurr.  The pic below is of him.  He is my baby and I love him so much.

     So, I'm in Deep River with Joel.  In September I had another go at high school.  I was still missing some courses to graduate OAC.  I took 3 courses but it soon became 2 because of stress.  I was working in a bar at the time and having trouble up keeping a house and going to school at the same time.  When the second semester rolled around I had already quit my job to concentrate on school, but regardless, same thing happened again.  I was registered for several courses, which became two because of stress.  At 18, balancing the maintenance of a home, school, friends and a relationship isn't all that easy.  I started skipping class all the time.  Half the time to clean the house and prepare supper, the other half to hangout and often drink with friends.   Things just kept snowballing down hill.

     In May things got really bad.  Joel had bought a house, I decided to go on welfare and live on my own.   In June I got my own apartment and Joel and I broke up.  After 5 years I was single for the first time.  However this didn't last very long, the same month, I started seeing Ben.  It wasn't until September however that we started officially dating.  That summer was really hard.  Things had gotten horribly worse and it was hard to live in the same town as Joel.  I decided to move to Ottawa with Phil and Ben.  Welfare paid for my move seeing as how it was required for mental health reasons.

     The three of us got a three bedroom apartment.  With in the first two weeks, I got a job.  I started working for Timothy's World Coffee.  Now that was a learning experience to say the least!  I stayed because I needed the money, but after a while I just couldn't stand the discrimination anymore, I quit in December and started putting together some files to start a lawsuit.  This fell apart because I realized putting the law suit together was just causing me more trouble than it would be worth.  I just left the situation and hoped Karma would come around one day... and it did :-).

     In January (more like February), I started working for the Coliseum.  Another interesting learning experience.  I got the job because Ben had been working there since September.  However, after the first 2 days I had to leave for a month.  Over the past little while, I had accumulated to much debt for my liking.  Looking back it wasn't all that much, but still I was not very happy, so I decided to go back to Longlac to work in the lumber mill for a month to make up the money seeing as how I was making 20$ an hour working there.  When the month was over I came back and continued with the job at the Coliseum.  I started out serving popcorn and then slowly started knowing my way around.  I learned all the other RBO (little restaurants like Burger King and Pizza hut...).  After about a month, I had sprang my finger and started working in Operations as a Door Player, then to Floor, ect.... so I pretty much knew my way around.  Just as I was nearing my 3 month probation period, a position had opened for a new treasurer.  This was also around the time I was looking for a new office job and had gotten a government security clearance.  I went to the interview, did well and in a few weeks started my new job as Treasurer in May.

     This was a fun job.  Not very well paid, but a lazy job as I like to call it.  One of those dead-end jobs that are very easy to get caught up in because they are so comfortable.  There's not much effort required, so it's not that bad going to work, but it doesn't pay well at all and will get you no where in life.  I started realizing this after a little while and started looking for a new job.  After a little while (September), TD bank called me and I went for the interview.  A week later I had gotten the job as a teller and began my training.  That was a lot of training!!  But it was paid, which is good.  

     After trying to balance the two jobs, both at nearly full-time hours, it began to take it's toll.  In January I had had my fill and quit the Coliseum.  One of the smartest things I've ever done.  I do have a few regrets, but nothing really important.  At this point I had a very big wake up call.  I realized to an even greater extent how much I had got caught up in the "lazy" job and that I needed to do something with my life, I just wasn't sure what.  So I decided to go back to school.  

     Shortly after I quit the Coliseum, Ben and I decided to end our relationship.  Things weren't working out as well anymore and we didn't want things to escalate to the point where we wouldn't even be able to be friends anymore.  So we tried living in the same house with 4 other people.  I had my room upstairs, and he moved into his room which was downstairs.  We tryed being friends for a while but that didn't work. So we just started to give each other space.

    In April I started seeing some one new; Kyle (pic above). We had known each other for a long time, but only became good friends in March. After a few weeks of "Should I or Shouldn't I" we finally talked and got everything out in the open. Now we are dating and the main thing is, we are both really happy with each other. Ben took it horribly, which really sucked cause I was losing a good friend there. But you win some, you lose some I guess. I understand now that the reason he did the things he did was because he was so attached to me he became completely unrational and his emotions completely took him over. I truly am sorry for all the pain I've caused. I'm not saying it was right for him to do all the stuff he did, just that I feel really bad for the way things happened.

    In April I also got a second job, working as a receptionist/consultant for an eye glass store. I didn't get many hours, which was good because I had another job, and school. It was just enough to bring in a little extra money.

    The summer past and still there was lots of tension between Ben, Kyle and I. I worked alot of hours at both jobs to pay off my credit card debt before I started University in September. Kyle and I went through some really, REALLY rough spots, but we've managed to smooth out most of them. Also from the time Kyle and I became friends up unitl September, Kyle's X-girlfriend, Natalie, had been thriving on harassing us and our friends. It was really funny actually and I was considering devoting a page to her stupidity, you know for those rainny days when you need a good laugh.

    In October, Renald ( my boss from NewLook quit because of a retarded district manager (the new district manager was an old show store manager who never worked in the optical industry lol, and was a complete ass, he would hire ppl for Renalds store with out Renald even knowing, just one day Oh, look we have a new employee) Anyway, Renald was the best boss ever so I decided to quit. In November I finally got around to giving my 2 weeks notice.

    School wasn't going very well. Adjusting to Full-Time University after 3-4 years of work and a few courses here and there, turns out to be quite a shock! Lol. By the time I had gotten used to checking my homework online and finding the notes online, it was already too late, exams were a couple weeks away. I wasn't doing any homework so just before the exams I had to cram, which doesn't really work. Luckily I was told that in the first year they let you finish your whole year and see if you do better in the second semester. I'm confident I'll do much better this semester, I've found the help centers (been to the physics one before the exam) and I've even started a site where I will post the solutions to all the homework (maybe it'll even help someone other than me) this is the "site".

    So here I am now, still with Kyle who has made an amazing change from when we first started dating. I can't beleive how much he has changed for the better. I always knew he had it in him. Considering the last relationships he's been in I'm very happy that he wasn't completly jaded on relationships and women. :-). I love you Kyle! oxox

    Ben had also gotten better. We were able to talk again for little while. But things quickly turned bad again. I don't think he still wants to get back with me just doesn't want Kyle and I together, but Kyle definately knows better than to listen to him anymore. Personaly I can't stand Ben anymore. His true colours definately showed and show now. His life pretty much now consists of playing an online video game, working nights at a temporary position at Zellers then cooking food for the other video game obssessed male of their house (cause he doesn't work all he does is play video games and gets Ben to cook him food) lol. Very sad indeed. Well in my opinion karma once again comes around.

     I have also made some drastic changes. I've learned to lighten up. I'm not so stressed anymore over trivial things. I'm not as uptight about cleaning, I've become very laid-back. (Which totally surprises me since I've always been proper and a stressed out perfectionist) I really don't know what happened. lol!!

    Anyway, as for jobs, I only work for the bank now. It's good to give me a little cash coming in. Technically I make enough to support myself through school, but that's with out eating lol, so I'm glad I have my student line of credit.

    And finally school. I'm now a first year student at University of Ottawa in Physics and Engineering (in french). I'm enjoying my classes and althoguth my goal is still a Doctorate in Theoritical Physics at University of Queen's, I wouldn't be surprised if that goal changes to something like Computer Programming or Software engineer or something like that.

    Over all, things are going great for me right now. I do have a rough time with stupid roommates, sorry make that A stupid roommate, and Kyle and I have are little arguments here and there, but we are still very happy together. We've both made gigantic leaps for each other :D, he is such an amazing man..... I love you babe!!!!