Monica's Online Journal: February 2005
Ok. Lots to say and I actually have the time now to say it. :-). I don't even know where to start. Think I'll start with school.
School is finished for the summer (thank god)!! I don't think I did very well in physics like I was hoping. I think I got in the 60s (huge disappointement) but that's alright. I'm not beating myself up over it. I had a 74% going into the exam and I didn't even have enough time to answer all the questions. I guess I should probably say I didn't study at all for any of the exams. So I guess I did pretty good considering that. I'm pretty sure I pased all the exams. Biology went well. I was done the exam in 1hour and 15 mins. Answered all the questions and was quite confident. I think I did well in that class considering my midterm mark was 67% I think I'll end up with in the 70s for that class. And as for Calculus, I think I got in the 70s, my mark before the exam was 82% and I didn't get to answer all the questions again, but I think I did well on the questions I did answer. Anyway, I guess I'm proud that I did so well without even studying. Now I can't wait to go to University. Today I would like to start working on registering to University of Ottawa (accepting their offer of admission and choosing my 1st year courses) then applying for OSAP. I'm not very worried about OSAP, because I went to do some banking yesterday (that's another story which I will tell in a bit) and I'm pre-approved for a loan..... before I get into this, let's start a new paragraph. lol..
I still work for the bank (TDCanadatrust) and as a receptionist/consultant for New Look Eye Wear. Sometimes I work on the retail side (selling glasses and being a receptionist, filing stuff ect..) and someitmes I work on the optomitrist side solely as receptionist, it's a really easy job. Last time I had a shift there, I brought my book and just read for 4 hours, no one came in, no one called, nothing. And there is nothing else for me to do. So I talked to my supervisor and she said I could bring my knitting and crochet to do that the next shift I have there. Everyone else usually brings magazines, and I used to bring my homework to do, but now school is out. I have been seriously considering "applying" to Stitch It in the Bayshore mall, not really as a third job, but more as volunteering so that I can learn. I would relly like to learn how to professionally hem clothes and such. I think I'm gonna wait till August for that though, cause as it stands, for the next two weeks I have doubles almost everyday, then am going down to Longlac for the last week of July. So far, I don't have many shifts for August. Since I work for the Temp Agency "Your Choice" with in TD, I can work in any branch, depending where there is shifts available, but because I live really close to Bayshore and was going to school and my availability wasn't very good, I've been working only there for the past 4 months. I've gotten to know all the regular customers, I know the staff really well, I'm very comfortable and efficient in my work, and I have a good repore (don't know how to spell that) with the manager and supervisors, there was talk of hiring me part-time for the branch. I'm extremly excited about this. I would love to work part-time for Bayshore. They mentioned it to me about a month ago, asking if I would be interested in working just at that branch and I said yes definately, but I haven't heard of anything since. But now that a position for full time has become available, there are part-time employees who are applying for it, and I'm hoping that if one of them gets it, the branch is gonna need a new part-time staff memember. Hopefully I can get a chance at the position.
Now as for money that I mentioned earlier. I was getting a little worried at the end of the school year but things are going really good now. I am very happy about my financial situation. (No cause for worry mom and dad). Like I said, all I need is for one of you to co-sign on an 8 000$ student line of credit for me, and that should last me either 2 years or the total duration of my schooling, depending on OSAP. My jobs are going great and I should be able to, with my jobs, pay for rent and groceries and such from my paychecks during the school year. Then during the summer I might be able to save enough to cover some of the tuition and books. Even if the line of credit doesn't work, and if OSAP doesn't give me anything, I am pre-approved for a 7 000$ loan. So, needless to say I'm quite confident about my financial situation and futur school expenses.
As I was saying about me going to the bank yesterday. I went to open an ESP account, apply for a US visa and open a US dollar account, and get some info on investing, cause I want to start doing that to make more money. Well, things went overly well. I got an ESP account opened (Employee Saving Plan). This is the best account I will ever have!! I can put a maximum of 6% of my pay into it, and the company (TD) puts in 50 cents for every dollar I put. In other words this account has like a 50% interest rate!!! It's awesome! I love working for the bank. Then I wanted to get a US visa and a US dollar account (cause I get a discounted staff rate on US money cause I work for the bank) However, Accu-Rate has a lower sell rate (cheaper for me to buy) than the staff rate at TD.) Anyway, that's not the point. I was a bit worried that I wouldn't be able to get a US visa, but turns out I was already pre-approved for a 5,500$ one. Needless to say I didn't take the full amount. Why would I need 5500$ US?? that would be alot to pay off. So I took the minimum. Unfortunately there is an annual fee for the US visa, but it's only 25$ US a year. I also opened the US dollar account and made it paperless record keeping, that way no charges come out of the account. I also got some info on Investements, and found out that to get Mutual Funds I can make a minimum contribution of 25$ a month to my portfolio, and for no extra charge I can have someone else, manage my portfolio. I was quite happy about this, so I decided to start right away. Starting next month, 25$ comes out of my account every month to go into my investments. I feel so important/special :D lol!!
So yeah, financially, I'm feel I'm doing great. Not worried about the futur. Working at the bank has given me so much insight on how to manage money. I'm definately really glad I got/get the chance to work there. As for futur wise though, the plan is still to become a teacher. A high school teacher in science, mainly physics. I would like to one day get my masters, then doctorate in physics. I'd love to have the title Dr. Monica, not Miss or Mrs. Anyway, that's something that's way in the futur so I"m not worrying about it just yet. Who knows, maybe I will get the chance to be a professor in a few years. Whatever I do however, I want to do it up in the North. No more of this big city in the south thing. Next year, I plan to apply at Lakehead University in Thunder-Bay so that I can be closer to my family, and be up North where I feel I belong.
Now to a new subject. My living arrangement for the next little while. I'm glad I've gotten that all sorted out. This month (July) I'm slowly moving my stuff out to where I've been staying the past 2 months: at Kyle's (my bfs). With all the drama that had been happening with his X and my X, two of his roommates started to "stir up shit" as they say. So Kyle said last month enough is enough, you guys have 30 days to move out. So, they are moving out today apparently. After talking with him and his room mates we all came to the conclusion that I can move into the spare room in July, and stay there and pay rent till the end of September when Tyson, Sam (roommates of Kyle's) and I are getting a two bedroom appartement near here and Kyle will move back with his mom to finish school. I must say, I'm very excited to be living alone again (well not alone, just not with 20 people!!) It'll be nice calm and CLEAN!! Tyson isn't very clean, but Sam is and she usually does everything anyway. So I'm definately not worried about messes or rent and what not. I'm also very proud of Kyle for making the decision to move back home with his mom (she lives really close to hear like 2 min walk from Kyle's). He never finished high school, so he is going to enroll in Adult High School (where I just finished) to finish his high school, then depending on what subject he enjoyed/was good at go to post-secondairy education. He seems to be set on college, but who knows, maybe he'll see that he is quite smart and go to University. I'm really excited to see what subjects will interest him and have scientific conversations with him. :-).
Well that's pretty much my story so far. Think I'll finish up some packing and go over to Kyle's. We are supposed to go out jogging today, and I also have to work tonight at 4 at New Look. Well, guess I'll try to keep more updated on the journal, even if you guys haven't been reading it MOM!! lol just kidding. Love you all lots and I'll be seeing you all soon
Well I'm off to work right now, got a double today. 9-3 bank then 3-9 optomitrist. *sigh* big day a head of me, then gotta get up in the morning to go back to work, and I worked last night. Oh well, that's life I guess. I'm glad I've got my exams done, they were alright, they didn't go great but they didn't go horribly either. Well I'd better get going if I wanna get there on time.
I think I'm gonna be sick!! I just made spaghetti and meat balls. Man am I ever full. The plan for this evening is to go clean up the kitchen with Kyle as soon as I finish this entry then watch a movie. Brother Bear. I think after that is gonna be time for bed for me cause I have my last exam tomorrow. Physics. I should really study for that one. I'll write more later (as in tomorrow) about how the past little while has been and how my exams went. But for now I just wanted to write a little something, and put a couple pics up.
There's one really cute one of Gurr, and the other is Kyle and my spaghetti supper (which I'm so proud of considering it's really like the first time I make it and it turned out really good).
Well, lots of stuff has happened. Good news, school wise, I got two tests back from calculus, the latest one (the one I did last week) I got 97% on and the previous one, from like a month ago I got 87%. I also got a mark back on my Major Independant Study (big project) that's worth 10% of my final grade. I got 100%!!! I'm so happy. That is the project I was working on last week. I did it all online. It's found under the biology part of my site. Or you could just click here.
In other news, I'm putting an end to the drama with the Xs. Wrote a long letter to her in my blog on campuskiss, seeing as how she is constantly checking our profile. At first I just ranted then it kinda turned into concern for the poor child she is about to have. How all her lying and stealing and deceit is not gonna have a good impact on her childs morals and values. Anyway, I was seriously sincere in trying to get her to turn her life around, but I doubt it'll work. As for Ben, I talked a bit with him this morning on MSN. I noticed he logged on so I said hi and stuff. Still don't know if he is ready to be friends or on a talking basis. But like I said, trying to end all this drama with the Xs. Kyle doesn't seem to think it's wise for me to be friends with him; thinks it'll only make things worse. Maybe he is right, I don't know. I guess I should just let things be.
Anyway, things are going great with Kyle and I. We go through little rough patches here and there, but who doesn't. He got his hair cut. I kind of miss his shoulder length hair, but the new hair style isn't too bad :-P. I cut his hair about a week ago to his shoulders. I was really proud of myself cause I think I did a really good job. But a few days later he ended up cutting it really short anyway. I'm so proud of him making an effort to get his life back on track. He cut his hair to be more presentable to get a good job. We've worked on his resumer, and I've been teaching him math. As soon as he gets his transcript (he ordered it last week from his last high school), he is gonna order some correspondance courses to finish his high school, then go to college.
Yesterday Kyle and I went to Dairy Queen, this time I got a Banana Slpit, he got his usual Smartie Blizzard. Then we came home and played Dr. Mario. I'm starting to get addicted to that silly game. I love Nintendo. lol. I finally bought a digital camera, but it's kinda crappy so I'm gonna be bringing it back next week. I also want to bring in my resumer to "Stitch it" in the mall and see if they would let me train (on my spare time, no pay). I really want to learn how to hem clothes. I think it's a valuable skill that I would like to master lol. Well, we have to go to the Bayshore mall soon so I'm gonna go and finish my supper before we leave.
Here are some pics of me cutting Kyle's hair, then when his hair dried; and mom, take a look at how big my Mimosa now is!!; and finally, his new hair cut, and gurr.
Interesting events. As expected, Jeff brought Nat over. I was here when it happened :-). Kyle was upset and didn't want to do anything stupid so we talked to Tyson and Fred and they were gonna kick her out. Kyle calmed himself down then went to Jeff's room looked at Nat with me, Fred and Tyson beside him and said: "you are not welcome here" then she went on about how she is still technically on the lease so we can't kick her off the property. Then she started going on about stuff and curtousy, and I just said, don't talk about curtousy, you are here when everyone wants you out. Anyway, Fred kinda pulled me back and we all just went into Kyle's room to relax a bit. Tyson and Fred went to the mall, and Kyle and I had a talk. Worked out a few things that had been bugging us the past couple days. When Tyson and Fred came back, Tyson came to Walmart with me to buy an air conditioner. Yay!!!! The heat has stopped. I'll be able to sleep decently again. Kyle and I will be able to cuddle again. :-)!!! Anyway, then Kyle set up the Air Conditioner in the bedroom while Tyson came with me to my place to get the big fan for the room too. When we came back, Nat left. The Air Conditioner is working great!!! Thank God!! I think this is the best I've felt in a couple weeks, since the heat started. Found out that Nat has been obsesively checking Kyle and I's campus kiss profile, reading our blogs (journal entries) and what not. This drama is ridiculous. So Kyle and I are gonna make a new one and not put our names on it so she can't find us.
Kyle and I are cleaning the room. Since this heat hit we've been unable to do anything. So now that it's cool we are cleaning. Well, right now Kyle is doing all the cleaning so I'm gonna go help. :-)
Lots of news, good and bad. Good, school is going much better, finished projects and paying more attention in class. Almost done school, 4 days left then 3 exams and I'm done. Got lots of shifts lined up at the bank and at the optical store. Thinking about taking on a third endeavour but still debating. Wanna learn more on hemming, so thinking about the stitch it place in the mall. But we will see what happens. University is comming up. Gotta get in gear and apply for OSAP. Options have come up so that I don't get stuck with out a place to stay when school comes around. Bad news, Kyle's roommates have been trying to screw things up. But they only ended up screwing themselves. Jeff is going to go hang out with Nat (Kyle's derranged X) tomorrow and is advertising it to try and piss us off. Not really working, I kinda hope he invites her here (and hopefully I'll be here when it happens) cause Kyle is gonna kick her out and Tyson and Fred are ready to "physically" remove her if she protests. As for Jeff and Joanne, well they are planning on moving out at the end of the summer, but Kyle is sick of their crap so he's giving them till the end of the month to move out. They were complainning that I should pay some fee that they got stuck with cause they didn't give Kyle the rent money on time, and they wanted me to pay it. Kyle said it wasn't my fault so I shouldn't have to and they just kept complaining about being broke and not afording it and the exact same day, they went and bought a brand new mini fridge for their room at 70+$. What the hell is that?!?! I really think Kyle put it best in a rant he did on campuskiss:
"past few days for me have been an eye opener. monica has been staying over at my place pretty regularly. not living here because i didnt want to make that mistake again like i did with my ex. we have both agreed with this. plus the people i live with are a pain in the ass!! the roomate i hate the most is on welfare and bitches and complanes that he never has money... well for starters... why the fuck did you but a satalite dish you dumb fuck. if you dont have the money to survive why spend it on things that you dont need? i have been living on my own since i was 17 and guess what im 23 now and havent had cable since... that to me is a blessing !!! reciently this same roomate has been working behind the scenes to try an get my gf to pay rent (he has been talking to other roomates and decided that rather then waiting for an answer from other roomats {or comming to me } he would speak on their behalf and state somethnig they wouldnt agree to) so instead of comming to talk to me he decided to talk to me about it on msn. minto called me about rent bouncing. (no one this month has handed rent ontime for it to come out {it was in my accnt but it wasnt available making the checque bounce}) so minto is charging me 50 extra for the hassle. and i have to get a money order to pay it they wont accept a cheque now. i told my roomates that ill pay it off BUT it will raise next months rent to make up for it. so instead of comming to talk to me this roomate decided to mssg me on msn (his room is across from me ) and say that monica should help pay it. cuz he doesnt have enough money WTF! (because everyone didnt hand in rent to me on time monica should help pay it?) how the fuck does that work it wasnt her fault people dont know how to save money what does it have to do with her... all for him to save like an extra 2 $ to split 50$ 6 ways lmao and the best part was later that day he bought a mini bar fridge for 70 $, heres my oppinion you dont like it you little greedy fuck i gave you your option... move out, or shut up... have a nice fucking day!!!"
So yeah, you can tell he was quite upset. I'd be too, actually I am! lol. The thing I think that is worse is that when Jeff first came here, Kyle let him stay here 3 months rent free to give him a chance to get on his feet. And Jeff just keeps walking over him. The whole cat thing were Kyle said no cat, but Jeff snuck his cat in anyway saying it was only for a week then the cat just stayed and Kyle kept telling him to get rid of it but he never did. And then with Joanne moving into Jeff's room, Kyle never o.k.ed it and Jeff told the other room mates that he didn't care what Kyle was gonna say, Joanne was gonna stay in his room regardless. Anyway, tomorrow he is apparently going to tell them they have 30 days to move out. He has already talked to all the other room mates and they all agreed. So althought I have to work at the bank from 9-3, it should be an interesting day. He is actually writting them out an official letter of notice right now.
Oooo and tomorrow we are supposed to go and get an air conditioner for the room. It's so hot that neither of us can sleep at night, and Gurr just looks dead. My poor baby. We were supposed to get it tonight, but Zellers had run out, so we're gonna go to Canadian Tire and get one. Well, think I'm gonna go relax before bed cause I gotta work tomorrow.
Yesterday was a borederline day for a bit, I was quite sick, then Kyle and I discussed a few serious issues but we sorted it out and things are going great. Althought I'm sick, I'm in a great mood. I brought Gurr over, I missed him so much. He is currently sleeping in the window. I was up at 5 this morning and stayed up. I thought I would have gone back to bed, but no. At 6 I went for a quick walk to my place to get Gurr and some stuff to make hamburger steak and mashed potatoes tonight, with gravy and fried mushrooms and onions..... Mmmmm....... Wait a minute, I can't make that tonight, I think I'm working. Well, I'll make it tomorrow night then. This morning I made myself scrambled eggs with bolony and cheese. Was gonna make Kyle some but he was sleeping and didn't want any. Well, I think I'm gonna go get ready for school now.
I had such a great day yesterday!! First, at the bank, Shane came to see me on his break to ask if I was still interested in going clubing after work. I told him I wasn't sure so to come see me when he was done work (at 5 and I would be at NL right next to Timothy's where he works) so at 5 he came over with a banana hot chocolate and a cranberry muffin for me for my birthday and we ended up chatting till 7! It was really nice, it made the time go by really fast. Kyle and I had a little spat cause he forgot to come see me on my hour long break at 3. It kinda disappointed me but we talked and sorted it out. At 9 he came to pick me up from work. We went to his place, lots of drama with the lady next door. Apparently taking pictures of us playing badminton outside... argh, anyway, I got ready to go clubing. Tryed not to dress too warm, so halter top and skirt with my high heel "sandles", and my hair up in a bun. At 10 Kyle walked me to the bus stop where I was to meet Melissa and Shane. We went to McDonalds first cause Melissa was hungry, then to the Cabin to dance and drink. I got in for free cause it was my birthday, Melissa and Shane bought me drinks and I danced. I had so much fun!!!! OMFG I LOVE to dance!!! I'll have to go out clubing with Kyle some time. Althought I was smashed out of my mind, all I could think of was him. Wishing he was there, or imagining he was there. I called him a couple times to let him know I was alright so that he wouldn't worry. He said he'd feel better if I did. Besides, after I'd talk to him I'd have this huge smile on my face. I had a blast!! It was so great. I think I was borederline on overdrinking. What's great is that when Melissa and Shane walked me home, as I opened the gate to the yard, Kyle had been waiting at the door to greet me. He took such great care of me when I was falling all over the place. He is so caring.
Well, think I'm gonna go make an entrie in Kyle and I's campuskiss profile then go back to bed lol.
7:37am. I have to start getting ready soon for work. I got a long work day ahead of me, 12 hours. 9-3 at the bank then upstairs to NL from 3-9. Not that I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not dreading it either. Yesterday was a great day. The surprise was a birthday cake. Mmmmmmm..... ice cream cake from DQ!! I'm actually finishing off my piece from last night for breakfast lol. Well I should probably go get ready for work...
It's about 6:45am right now. Wide awake, but it's a good thing. I spent quite a while working on my site last night/homework. I have to prepare a bunch of review questions for my biology class (Chapter 3 on Photosynthesis), so I decided to add that part to my site. It's under Hobbies--> Sciences--> Biology--> Photosynthesis, or just click here. The project insn't due till Wednesday but I wanna get it done for Monday. After a few hours of homework/site editing I decided to go out and play badminton with Kyle, Tyson and Shawn. Besides, it was nearly 8 and I wanted to go before the sun went down. It was so much fun! The best though was when Kyle and I played just him and I. We are actually both quite good. Then I came back in and worked on the homework and site again till about 11, then went to bed. Anyway, I should go and tidy up my stuff that's lying around everywhere, Kyle is cleaning/re-arranging the room today so I should get my stuff out of the way. :-).
It's now 6:17pm and Kyle is still at the mall lol!! He apparently keeps forgetting stuff. He's planning something for my birthday, and I'm starting to get anxious cause he keeps leaving and won't tell me where he is going. He bought me a ring for my birthday. I've been wanting the ring for a while and was really not expecting it at all!! Anyway, here are a few pics. Me, the ring, and me trying to show off the ring LOL!!!
Today I had a good day. I woke up at 6:30 this morning, and tried to rest till about 8. Kyle walked me to the bus stop. I did the Physics test, it was an easy test, I just wish I understood the stuff a little better, but over all I think I did well. The rest of the day went really good. I got into Calculus and got the teacher to help me out with a few questions. He said he's glad that things are going better with me. Then I realized that the test in Calculus in next Thursday, not this Thursday. Yay!! Cause I wasn't completely ready for that one. While he was teaching, he was showing how to analyze a graph. When it came to the second derivative he was demonstrating a vertical tangent and saying the graph had no point of inflect, which made no sense to me so I spoke up and said I didn't see how a verticle tangent meant no point of inflection, what other tangent can a point of inflection have? He seemed a little confused then told us to just work on the questions and he'd get back to me on that. Turns out that a verticle tangent does mean a verticle tangent. And he thanked me for pointing it out. I was really proud of myself :-). Kinda boosted my confidence in school again. Anyway, then in Biology I was taking notes and participating in class. So I guess I've got decent motivation for school again.
Personal life wise, things are going great with Kyle. We had a great day yesterday. He brought me to Dairy Queen for food and icecream and again we had some great conversations on life. We also had an awesome evening, not going into detail :-P.
Oh, and yesterday, Sam (Tyson's gf, also a roommate) put a candle on a choclate muffin for me as a mini early birthday cake. It was really sweet of her. I wasn't saying anything, cause I didn't want people to know. Didn't wanna make a big deal out of it, but Kyle found out and then everyone knew. But I'm glad they found out cause it's nice to know that people care :-).
We brought my scanner over and he is setting it up right now, so soon I'll be able to add stuff to the Science part of my site, and add some pics of me when I was younger, and some of my friends. Well, I think I'm gonna go get started on that.
I'm in a much better mood today. Last night was a really bad night. Kyle and I kinda had a fight. We are both to blame for it. But yesterday and today I've been doing a lot of thinking and have come to some conclusions. Mostly about myself and things that I need to change. Don't really feel like going into detail about them. The bottom line is I'm feeling much better, and I really can't wait until these meds kick in cause I'm sick of the random ups and downs taking over my life.
We ended up not going to pool last night (because of the fight). I ended up in bed at like 11:30 and got up at 8:30 this morning. It was so hot yesterday and last night but surprisingly I was still able to sleep. Hopefully it means that the insomnia is gone and not just that I passed out from exhaustion. Kyle on the other hand wasn't able to sleep last night cause it was too hot. We are gonna have to get a fan for his room to put in the window.
Today I only had one class so it wasn't so bad. I didn't have to spend so much energy forcing myself to go to school. I came home(#2) and Kyle was still in bed sleeping. I smiled to myself, went over to him to let him know I was here and that I'd go on the computer to let him have his rest. So here I am, fixing up my site. He is kinda waking up now and speaking somewhat coherently :-). He might be getting a badminton set to put outside so we can play. *HUGE SMILE* I LOVE badminton!!! Needless to say, I'm encouraging him. I'd love to spend some time outside with him playing badminton.
Anyway, enough of that, don't wanna get myself too excited now. lol. I can't believe I'm in such a good mood all of a sudden. It kind of upsets me that change so much from one extrem to the next in such short periods of time. It's actually a little exhausting mentally ... and physically I guess. Well, Kyle is up now and I think we are going to the mall.
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