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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Wed, Jun 8 2005
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Heres The Letter:

Before I start, I would like to state, that yes I am a Michael Jackson fan, I have been a fan of his art since I was a 5 year old child.

But this has become something bigger then Michael Jackson:
*The Super Star*

This is about an innocent man, being railroaded, shamed, by the media, accused by a crooked DA.

A money hungry mother, using her children for her despicable mission to do anything for money.

I'm not writing this on behalf of Michael Jackson, the icon, the super star, a living legend.

I'm not writing this because he's the greatest entertainer to ever live, or Michael Jackson the *PUBLIC PROCLAIMED* King Of Pop.
That's right, not the ?self proclaimed? king of pop.....
Like the media claims in every report they write. You know, when the *MEDIA* use the statement ?King of Pop?.

Michael once said about the title, when asked by Oprah Winfrey in a 1993 interview, and I quote Oprah-?Where did this whole notion that you proclaimed yourself King of Pop come from?? Michael-?Well, I never proclaimed myself to be anything. I'm happy to be alive, and I'm happy to be who I am. King of Pop was first said by Elizabeth Taylor on one of the awards shows?-UN quote.

This is about a human, being sacrificed by greed, hate, conspiracy, and money. This is about an innocent human being named Michael Jackson who is on trial. A person waiting to hear his fate, by 12 jurors holding onto his life by a string.

Forget that Michael Jackson ?the king of pop? even exists for a minute. I want to tell you a little story about Michael Jackson, a man who is being labeled as a *serial child molester*. An innocent man, who has just sat through 66 days, of testimony from people who lied, and scam there way on the Prosecutions witness lists. People who have been proven, way beyond a shadow of doubt, that they lied under oath, that they have lied before to get what they want. And people whom are so greedy, and have so much hate inside of themselves, that they have made this bogus case against Michael Jackson. Charges ranging from 4 accounts of child molestation, conspiracy to kidnap, giving alcohol to minors, in the end 10 accounts, 10 criminal accounts that if found guilty, this innocent man, faces 20 plus years in prison.

I'm here to ask, ?for what?? I have sat and watched, listened, read, followed this trial from start to finish. If this innocent man was anyone else, other then Michael Jackson, this case would have been thrown out of court, in its 1st Month.

Thomas Mesereau Jr., had the accuser, his brother, and sister all to admit in cross examination that they had lied under oath, or caught them in a lie or a compromising situation. Every witness in this case, has had, a ?familiar? past, or has been proven, that their part in this was about money.

Now, my thing is, if Michael Jackson was a ?serial child molester? like the prosecution has stated through out their ?case? then why isn't there as many ?victims? out there, as there are children all over the world that Michael Jackson has helped, has healed, as gone way beyond lengths, to help sick and dying children live? I am no expert and I want to make very clear that I am not claiming to be one. But all it takes in this case, is common sense, and the ability to read, listen to the evidence or lack there of should I say in this case.

In the end of my writing this, the only sources to this piece will be common sense and the words, and the complete heart and soul of Michael Jackson. This just simply isn't the case. In order for someone to be a serial anything, there has to be evidence, and patterns. The only patterns in Michael Jackson's past, and future is the undying love and grace that this man has for the human race. That he has for the living, that he has for children all over the globe.

A couple things that have triggered me writing this piece is this title that keeps hanging over Michael Jackson's head. I want to point something's out. If I could. I have watched documentaries on this subject. There is one key thing that serial child molesters all have in common. The fact that this starts out when the person is younger, some may start with brothers or sisters. Biological children, nieces, and nephews. There would be signs. A child molester doesn't stop, until they are caught. They cant stop. Children are infatuated with Michael Jackson, they see his innocence, they feel his love. Children of all ages, of all races, in ever part of the world. Girls and boys, not just boys, like the media and Tom Sneddon would like you to believe.

Another thing is, if someone was a child molester. He would live in seclusion. Privately, he would have his own ?haven.? A place where no one could visibly see him. So that he could do whatever he wanted. Two things here Michael Jackson has. He has seclusion. But that is so he can shelter his children from his success. So that his children can have a semi-normal life. He is secluded in Neverland, so the man can breathe. He has privacy around Neverland. Gates the shield the outside world from his children. He has a fenced yard to keep the paparazzi out of his property. So when he isn't Michael Jackson (the superstar), he can try peacefully to raise his children as Michael Jackson their father. And provide them a stable and loving home.

Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch, is filled with employees, people everywhere, security everywhere. To keep the media, and paparazzi out. To make sure, that every person, every single person that comes into Neverland is safe, and taken care of.

I would like Tom Sneddon or the rest of the prosecution to answer this question for me:
If Michael Jackson is a serial child molester, like you all claim, then why would he have his;
Neverland Ranch so protected, and secure?
Where would he have privacy for molestation?
Oh right, his bedroom, again, a place that is inside of a house filled with maids, nanny's, cooks, landscapers, gardeners, dozens of people in and out of this house.

Molesters need a private place to do their crime, they need the smarts to stalk, and hunt their victims. Remember this starts when these people are children.

Tell me DA, when did Michael Jackson have the time to start planning the years of being a molester like you claim?

Was it when he was 10 years old, signing, and gliding his feet across the floor, jamming to James Brown, getting himself and his brothers signed to Motown records? Or was it when he was on tour @ 14 years old. Playing sometimes 2 shows a night, and then wake up and do school, and then practice, and then get on stage the night after and do the same thing?

Or was it when he released the biggest selling album of all time ?Thriller?? When he and his bothers where on their victory tour for months? Or was it in the 90?s when Michael Jackson formed the ?Heal The World Foundation.? In which this organization helped million upon millions of children. Giving money to charities, helping families of sick children, healing the world, traveling miles and miles away to bring joy and light into someone's life? Is that when it started? Help me out, because none of your evidence fits Mr. DA. The title you have now in scripted with Michael Jackson's name doesn't fit your case Tom. All the lies that have been told by your department, and your ?witnesses? haven't shook us. You can't deny the facts in this case. Open your eyes to this, see what is happening to this man's life. Look at him deep in his eyes, deep in his soul. This is an innocent man you are trying to take down, because you are scared of what he is. And that Tom, is a man, that has everything that you want. His legacy, that he earned when he was 10 years old. A man who doesn't need his last name to know who you are talking about. But continues to use it because he is proud of who he is, and that Tom is someone that you will never be. Gracious, loving, giving, beyond himself. Passionate for the human race, for the living, and the dying, children of all ages, races, man, woman, animals, everything that God has created.

This man will go down in history for being everything that he has earned and worked for. Everything that you are trying so desperately to take away from him. Everything you want to be, from the soul, and mind of the greatest entertainer in the world I say? ?They say I'm different, they don't understand, that there are bigger problems that's much more in demand. You've got world hunger, not enough to eat, so there's really no time to be trippin on me?

Again, this isn't about him as a superstar, this is about an innocent man being labeled the sickest thing imaginable.

I thank you in advance for taking the time to see this from my point of view. For Taking the time to see this other then Michael Jackson ?The King Of Pop,? and merely seeing this for what it is, and that is a smear campaign.

Lastly I would like to say to Michael's Sea Of Humanity, (His fans) ?We shall never be broken, our faith and love for Michael will carry him through this. We know that ?Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons.? We know this cause Michael has told us, and we trust in him.

And lastly to our Heaven Father, we know that you will do right by Michael, and help him prove to the world, his innocence. We love you Father, and we ask you to watch over him, and hold Michael and his family from harm, we ask you for all of this now, in the name of your son, Jesus Christ Amen.

I will use 1 quote from a released piece. And that is where I will end this. Geraldine Hughes. A woman I give all thanks to God for. For not being afraid to stand up for what she knows, and not being afraid to stand up for a man who she knows is innocent. And I quote:

?This whole case started with the accusations of one boy. Now, with the witness of one, I bring the truth about the child molestation allegations witnessed from another side. They crucified Michael Jackson's character, assassinated his reputation, accused him falsely, nailed him on the cross with vicious lies, and robbed him of his earthly goods. I might be wrong, but he does not Sound like your typical pedophile, someone looking to hurt a child, but instead sounds like someone who has vision for world peace. Helping mankind by starting with the Man In The Mirror. With all of Michael Jackson's notoriety, awards, millions of dollars, record breaking statistics and fans all over the world he remains surprisingly humble, meek, unselfish, always caring for world unity, dying children, underprivileged children and reaching out to a hurting world. He never publicly broadcast his humanitarian acts and deeds because of meekness and humility.?

~Geraldine Hughes~ (scripture taken from her book; Redemption}

~rAiNcRiEs~ Copyright ? 2005 Laura C.(PV4MJJ Fan Member)


Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 5:06 PM JST
Updated: Wed, Jun 8 2005 5:16 PM JST
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