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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Thu, Jun 16 2005

CNN) -- The following are a sample of reactions to the acquittal of Michael Jackson on all 10 charges in his child molestation trial:

Chant outside the courthouse:

M.J. innocent, innocent, innocent!

Jury's statement read by the judge:

We the jury, feeling the weight of the world's eyes upon us, all thoroughly and meticulously studied the testimony, evidence and rules of procedure presented in this court since Janurary 31, 2005. Following the jury instructions, we confidently came to our verdicts. It is our hope that this case is a testament to the belief in our justice system's integrity and the truth. We would like the public to allow us to return to our private lives as anonymously as we came.

Statement from lawyer of Debbie Rowe, one of two ex-wives of Michael Jackson and mother of two of his children:

Debbie is overjoyed that the justice system really works, regardless of which side called her to testify at the trial.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson, spiritual adviser to Michael Jackson:

The jury has spoken. I hope that many lessons will be learned from this. The healing process must begin. And Michael must assess the impact of the very impropriety of these problems that got him into this trouble. We hope that all those involved now will learn a lesson that we will go through another stage.

He was tried and convicted in many newsrooms, on many TV shows. The jury had the capacity in the end to discern innuendo and suggestions from fact.

The Rev. Al Sharpton:

I think that this is a vindication for people that believe that people are innocent until proven guilty. I think that there are no winners here. I don't think that there's reason for Michael or those opposed to Michael to gloat. There's a lot of pain, a lot of hurt here -- children have been dragged into court, Michael's reputation has been damaged severely, but I think the criminal justice system worked this time.

Debra Opri, Jackson family attorney:

I am not shocked. I expected it. Did I cry? Yeah. Am I going to cry again? Yeah. After a year the stress is just melting away, and I'm so happy for Katherine, Joe, Michael, LaToya, Janet, Tito, Jackie, Jermaine and Randy. I spoke with the family as they were exiting and they're all very happy and very relieved.

Elizabeth Taylor, actress and friend:

Thank God Michael is vindicated for all time. Now maybe people will leave him alone.

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Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 2:27 AM JST
Updated: Thu, Jun 16 2005 3:51 AM JST
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