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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Mon, Jun 20 2005
To All of Michael?s Friends, Fans & Supporters: THANK YOU
Mood:  party time!
Topic: Main News
Created: Sunday, 19 June 2005

On behalf of Michael Jackson, MJJsource would like to express his deepest appreciation to everyone who extended their love, prayers and support to him, his family and his entire team during this very difficult year and a half.

As we close this chapter in all of our lives and embrace a new beginning, Michael wants every fan, friend and supporter to know how truly loved and valued you are. He felt the power of your prayers, your personal sacrifices and the passion of your hearts in your many acts of love, letters, gifts and emails. There are no words to express how important each of you are to him. He is so deeply thankful to God, his family, his attorneys, his friends and his fans… the incredible power of all your love and dedication was invaluable to him and sustained him as he fought for his life everyday.

Throughout this experience, you were never far from his thoughts. He knew about your support demonstrations and vigils all over the world. He saw your faces, your banners and your signs at the beginning and end of each court day. Your constant presence and your cheers were an invaluable source of encouragement for him. He noticed every expression of love placed at his gates; the hearts, the angels, the stars, the banners… He drew strength from your strength… and he expressed his heartfelt gratitude and love for all of you, to those around him, time and time again.

It is of the highest importance to Michael, that his fans be acknowledged and that they truly know how special they are to him. He is so blessed by your loyalty and your ability to see the truth through all of the deception.

He sincerely thanks you all, with a humble and grateful heart, for standing with him, believing in him and fighting for him. His love and gratitude for you knows no bounds and he shares this victory with you. If he could have, throughout this experience, he would have told each one of you personally, “I love you more.”

From Team MJJsource:

As Michael’s official website, we were gagged by law from expressing our anger and outrage at so much of what was being done and reported… but you, the fans, did it for us… And, to you all, we say a sincere, thank you. Thank you. Thank you… for your unwavering loyalty to Michael and to the truth.

We continually cheered with you as you courageously stood up to the powerful forces of deception behind this trial. We know you cried and screamed with us as lie after lie was perpetuated and sold as fact to the world through the media. Often we looked to you to speak when we couldn’t… and you did, sacrificing your own time, money and sometimes relationships with those who refused to see Michael’s innocence. Michael has been a warrior; we have all been his army.

Each of us, in different ways, have had to stand up against much adversity as we have fought to let the truth of this incredible injustice be made known, most importantly and significantly, Michael himself. We know that it has not been easy; we know that so many of you have sacrificed so much to be there for Michael and stand up for truth.... no matter what.

The tireless 'campaigns for victory' of Michael's fans and friends were such a source of beauty and strength for Michael and for all of us involved. But most of all, throughout the entire ordeal, Michael was there, leading us all on, a source of immeasurable inspiration as he bravely walked in that courtroom each day, withstanding indescribable pressure and pain. His strength and endurance is a wonder and blessing to every one of us. We thank him, with all of our hearts, for finding the incredible fortitude within himself to see this horrible experience through to its victorious end. It is a profound lesson for all who have witnessed this triumph, “…and the truth shall set you free.”

For so many years, Michael has given his fans all he had to give on stage and in life, over and over again… and when it was your turn to give back… you were there, in force. You made him proud. You made him strong.

On behalf of Michael Jackson and everyone on his team, MJJsource wants to recognize and praise you all for your roles in this victory of truth. You always knew, you never questioned, you never wavered...

We give you a standing ovation.
Dancing IN the Victory.
Team MJJSource

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 3:56 PM JST
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