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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Mon, Jun 27 2005
Jackson a victim of media vultures
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Main News
It is baffling to me how people judge without knowing too much of anything.

Mr. Mike Vecchio ("Jackson free, but accuser is not," June 19) is worried about Michael Jackson's future victims when he doesn't even know if there are any past ones. We are so quick to jump on the bandwagon and go with whatever the media writes. Today's world is different, and people sue if you look at them wrong. We don't know anything about what Michael has or has not done. What we do know is that there are vultures out there who prey on the weak and take advantage of kindness.

Were you at Neverland when any of these accusations supposedly took place? I don't think so. There isn't always smoke when there's a fire. If you take a hard look at Michael, you can see that he is still a child himself. Do we know how things done in a childhood could possibly effect someone? Unless you're a psychiatrist, and sometimes they have trouble, how can you make judgments like this.

Michael went to trial, he was acquitted of all charges, and you can continue to speculate all you want, but you weren't there.

There is too much hate and willingness to believe everything that is written about anyone. The media aren't always right, and they form opinions just like everyone else. Michael will do just fine, and if America doesn't want to buy his music, so what? We love to ruin people. He can go to Europe, Asia or anywhere else in the world where people still love him. I believe Michael was innocent and, although a grown man, he has the spirit and mind of a child. He is living the childhood he missed, and people are using it as something dirty and to get a free ride.

When you know for sure what happened, then you can say what you want. But you don't know and it's only your opinion, just as this is mine.



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Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 10:49 PM JST
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