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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Tue, Jul 5 2005
My Message to You, Michael: " We will stand by and wait... we will never leave you"
Mood:  hug me
Topic: Main News

(Saturday, 02 July 2005) –

This letter so completely and beautifully represents the sum of the sentiments in the thousands of letters MJJsource receives for Michael everyday...

Thank you...My Message to You, Michaela?|a?|..You need not ever doubt that your fans love you with all their heart and soul! There was nothing stopping me from going to Santa Maria during your trial. My reason for being there was to send positive energy, love and 100% support... there was nothing that could have stopped me from being there!

I will tell you that it was the best time of my life. You have the most loving and supportive fans!! Let me give you some examples: For those who didn't have enough money, others housed them in their hotels. For those who didn't have enough food, others all fed them. For those who came alone, others made sure they joined them in groups. Ia?™l

l have you know, Michael, it was a support group like no other!I know when someone is trying to accomplish something they say, "Even if I make a difference and help just one person, I would then feel my effort was worth while.a?•

Please allow me to tell you this... Michael, you have touched, influenced and have been an inspiration for SO manypeople!! You have so many people wanting to work for you in helping you make this world a better place. I believe they all look to you, as assurance, in believing that there are still good people in this world, people whom actually still care!

You know, one of the media members asked me, a?oeWhy do you care?a?• my answer was, a?oeBecause Michael Cares.a?• You LEADER Michael and I and many others, are thankful for your guidance. There are many people who just need to know the way and they know you can show thema?|. such an honorable role.

I, we, leave you now, to heal and replenish your body and mind. We are all extremely sorry, you had to go through, what you did, it broke all of our hearts.

We will stand by and wait, we will never leave you Michael. We know you hurt, we know you need a break, we know you need to be with your children and familya?| we love you Michael.

Please forgive us for our never-ending want, of you in our presence.

All MY Love

Blanketparis! - MJJsource - The Official Source for Michael Jackson News and Information Generated: 5 July, 2005, 00:23

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 6:12 PM JST
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