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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Sun, Jul 17 2005
D.A. Sneddon: Jackson accuser doesn't understand acquittal
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Prosecutor Press Release
By Associated Press
Wednesday, June 15, 2005 –

The boy who accused Michael Jackson of child molestation is having difficulty dealing with the pop star's acquittal, the prosecutor said.

Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon told several news organizations that he spoke to the accuser immediately after the singer was found not guilty on all counts Monday.

"He's very down. He's having a difficult time understanding why people didn't believe him," Sneddon said Wednesday on NBC's "Today." Jackson remained out of sight, recovering from his bruising trial. "He has to spend some time healing," said attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr., who headed the defense team.

Jackson is "at peace" as he recovers from the ordeal of his trial, his brother Jermaine said Wednesday. "Michael is recovering, but it's a time (to) rejoice for the family and we're very, very happy," Jermaine Jackson said on CNN's "Larry King Live." He would not say where his brother was spending his days since being acquitted of all charges in an indictment that alleged he molested a 13-year-old boy at his Neverland ranch in 2003. "I can't tell you that ... but he's at peace and we're very happy," Jermaine Jackson said from his home in Encino. "Look what they put him through for so long, and it's time for him to just get back into himself and just let the light come into him and the peace and that's what this moment is all about."

The entertainer hasn't been seen in public since returning home to his Neverland ranch immediately after the acquittal. He looked exhausted as he shuffled slowly out of court, giving a tentative wave to fans.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 4:40 PM JST
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