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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Thu, Sep 22 2005
Men indicted with trying to tape Michael Jackson conversation
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Main News

7:55 p.m. September 21, 2005

LOS ANGELES – Two men were indicted Wednesday on federal charges alleging they conspired to illegally record Michael Jackson's conversation with his former attorney while the pop star jetted to his arrest in Santa Barbara in 2003.

Jeffrey Borer, owner of XtraJet charter aircraft services, was charged with with conspiring with Arvel Jett Reeves to tape the conversation. Reeves, who owned the company that serviced and maintained XtraJet's planes, faces an additional charge of witness tampering.

The pair reportedly offered to sell the videotape to several media organizations before Jackson obtained a restraining order against the company preventing it from distributing the video.

The tape purportedly recorded Jackson and lawyer Mark Geragos during a November 2003 flight from Las Vegas to Santa Barbara where the pop star was supposed to surrender for arrest on child molestation charges.

Borer plans to plead not guilty at an arraignment that is likely to take place early next week, said Borer's attorney, Stanley Stone.

"There was no audio on the tape, so the conversation was never taped," Stone said. "There were no microphones. There was no wrongdoing."

Reeve's attorney could not be reached.

If found guilty, Borer's two charges could result in up to 10 years imprisonment, while Reeves' three charges mean he faces a maximum of 20 years.

The indictment alleges Reeves tried to convince an "unindicted co-conspirator" to tell FBI agents that the video cameras were installed the day before Jackson's flight to try and catch someone suspected of stealing alcohol from the plane.

"This case is about personal privacy," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew.


Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 11:55 PM JST
Updated: Fri, Sep 23 2005 12:04 AM JST
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