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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Fri, Sep 23 2005
Mr. Joseph Jackson Visits Evacuees
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Main News

Following the devastation left in the wake of hurricane Katrina, Mr. Joseph Jackson, the patriarch of the Jackson family, felt moved to travel to the affected areas to help the victims in whatever way he could. Through a flurry of action between Mr. Jacksona?™s team and the Michael Jackson Fan Cluba?™s president, Deborah Dannelly, a trip was planned to an area of Texas where evacuees were brought to safety from the flood ravages of Louisiana.

The Michael Jackson Fan Club had teamed up with longa?”time friend and associate, Michael Bradle, who had incorporated the American Response Team. The ART was designed to be a a?œpeoplea?”toa?”people,a? grass roots organization capable of quick, effective action. Through the collaboration, Mike was able to use funds and goods collected via the MJFC and other contributors to build water filtration systems, feed and provide much needed supplies directly to victims quickly following the disaster. The news that Mr. Jackson wanted to come and visit with the victims was more than welcome!

Joseph Jackson arrived at the airport on Monday evening to a barrage of press and media attention. He was warmly greeted by Deborah Dannelly, president of the Michael Jackson Fan Club and Mike Bradle of ART. Many travelers passing through the airport recognized the patriarch of the Jackson family and stopped to speak to him and take photographs. Many seemed truly amazed that it was actually Joseph Jackson arriving in Corpus Christi, Texas!

Early Tuesday morning, Mike and Deb collected Mr. Jackson and his security guard, Charles Coupe and drove to the Memorial Coliseum. The crowd of a few hundred evacuees who have made the Coliseum their temporary living quarters had been eagerly awaiting Mr. Jacksona?™s arrival. When Mr. Jackson arrived, they pressed forward to see him, causing the single police officer to call for backa?”up!

Mr. Jackson assisted the MJFC and ART in supplying the food that was delivered and served for both this meal at the Coliseum and the one following. Around 11:30, Red Cross volunteers escorted Mr. Jackson to the kitchen to wash his hands and don plastic gloves and an apron. Mr. Jackson enjoyed serving almost 100 people before finally stopping.

More important than the feeding of a meal was the attention that Mr. Jackson gave each individual. He not only signed autographs and posed for pictures. He listened to their stories; stories that have been repeated to others and relived in the minds of the victims again and again with the hope that maybe if ita?™s repeated enough, the pain will lessen or make the story less horrific. Mr. Jackson showed true compassion, graciousness and understanding as he walked around the facility with the people who had lost so much, seeing where they sleep now, how they live now, how they cope.

The group left the Coliseum around 2:00 p.m. and traveled to the smaller group of evacuees located at the Annaville Baptist Church. Although both the meal served at the Coliseum and at the church were purchased through a group called a?œHelping Hands,a? the lunch at the church was physically served by a restaurant called a?œJacka?™s Dinner Bella? located in Corpus.

Mr. Jackson sat down to share a three course meal with the evacuees that included salad, Salisbury steak with greens, potatoes and peach cobbler with ice cream. Again, Mr. Jackson spoke with the victims with an attitude of great care, concern and respect.

During the dinner, an announcement was made. The group was, once again, to face another evacuation, this time fleeing the onslaught of hurricane Rita. Tragically, this new threat was gathering in ferocity and heading for this place of refuge. This announcement that they would once again face displacement seemed unbelievable and brought a new wave of sadness.

Perhaps it was memories of how it was for his family long ago; of what it is like to struggle to care for a large family on minimal salary through not so good times, that helps to comfort and help those who have little more than the clothes on their backs and the spark of life. It was very plain that Mr. Jackson brought joy and comfort as well as sustenance with his visits. And the children, especially, loved him! His dark eyes twinkled when he spoke with them with a slow, grandfatherly way.

Later that evening, Mr. Jackson joined Rita Cosby for a live MSNBC telephone interview. The interview was to be carried over satellite, but because of problems with the weather, the satellite was not working properly. Ms. Cosby remained focused on Mr. Jacksona?™s reasons for coming to Corpus; that he cares about the victims and felt urged to visit to lend them support and comfort. Of course, she also asked about the single that Michael is recording. Mr. Jackson answered that Michael is making a single in Bahrain and that he, himself, is doing what he can over here to help. The interview lasted about ten minutes.

Before retiring for the evening, Mr. Jackson stopped by at Deborah Dannelly's home to visit with her family. He stayed for a short while before returning to his hotel.

Deborah took Mr. Jackson to the airport on Wednesday morning for his return home.

The MJFC and ART wants to thank Mr. Jackson once again for his efforts on the behalf of the evacuees. We thoroughly enjoyed hosting this visit and look forward to meeting again in happier circumstances.

Source: MJFC - Gail Felix (TheJusticeSystem)

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:01 AM JST
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