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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Tue, Nov 8 2005
To all premium members of web site
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Main News

There will be no loss suffered by members. The web site plans to come back online in the near future at this moment and if that changes all members will be informed. As you have seen in the past members found membership expiration dates rolled back and offsets for inconvenience and that is the marker of good intent. Even if Michael feels he can not depend on those he must choose from to handle his web site and decides he is better off just shutting it down. you can rest assured that refunds and compensation will follow.

Behind the scenes at Michaholics web site we are appauled at the mis-trust and panic that seems to have broken out with a lot of fans and we would like to ask that everyone just wait and see. If what you are saying online is true and you have gotten nothing for your membership then what is the big deal in waiting a little longer with nothing until the story unfolds.

You have said the web site would not respond to emails and has not updated news for days, even after important items surfaced elsewhere. They did not report on a possible shutdown even though they had to have known in advance.

Well there you go then...

Michael needed to reach out and pull the plug and unless he "can not" get any help he will put a team together and fix the problems.

The Sponsor of this web site is reported to have offered a hand to Michael through associates to work behind the scenes and to make sure any new site features and functions run smoothly and he knows what he is talking about when it comes to web sites running smoothly and members being pleased.

We have heard of no official response to this and merely wanted to make the point that everyone knew long before the shutdown that there was a problem.

Why have we taken the time to post these comments:

Because we are aware and would like to inform everyone that no matter who is at fault and what else happens; Michael Jackson will not "rip off" anyone!

Especially his own.

Thank You for your attention.
Michaholics Security


To the premium members/regular members of, and members of

[Nov. 4th, 2005|07:25 pm]

We have been informed by Taunya Zilkie, site manager for, that all data from is safe and sound. Ms. Zilkie conveyed to us that " has always been in Michael's hands, not just now."

Any additional information/inquiries regarding should be addressed to and will be provided by Raymone K. Bain, Michael Jackson's official Spokeswoman.

Ms. Zilkie thanks us for allowing her to go on the record about She does not want inaccurate information circulating about this important issue.


Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 11:02 PM WST
Updated: Thu, Nov 10 2005 12:37 AM WST
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Mon, Jul 4 2011 - 9:23 PM JST

Name: "Michaholics"
Home Page:


It was our pleasure to defend Michael during this time and we are proud to have been on the forefront of support when Michael needed his Fans most. Thank you all for the support as well.

  Michaholics Security.

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