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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Thu, Nov 17 2005
LA Investigators Clear Jackson of Abuse
Mood:  happy
Topic: Main News
The LAPD released a follow-up statement to their original press released two months ago. In the June 2 2004 release, Lieutenant Art Miller writes:

Los Angeles: On May 28 2004, Detectives from the Los Angeles Police Department's Juvenile Division officially concluded their 2 month investigation into allegation of child abuse against Michael Jackson.

The person making the allegations claimed the acts took place in the City of Los Angeles in the late 80s. After an extensive investigation, which included hours of interviews with the person making the allegations, Detectives concluded there was no evidence that any crime occurred. No charges will be sought.

This is the second police force to clear Jackson of molestation with regards to the liar's claims; the first being the good ole' Santa Barbara Police Department. The claim was that the defamatory accuser "recovered" these memories from when he was 3 (yeah right) with the "help" of psychologist and all around loose-cannon (according to sources) Carole Lieberman.

Sources say that the two involved most in the LA claim even making it this far are psychiatrist Carole Lieberman and Attorney Gloria Allred. Both women have a history of ill-will toward Jackson. Both have actively sought to have Jackson's own children removed from his care without showing any cause why they should be taken away. And both of them were involved in this erroneous claim.

In an April 14 2004 report, Reuters reported about the involvement of these two in these false allegations:

The sources said that Beverly Hills psychiatrist Carole Lieberman, who filed a child abuse complaint last year with Santa Barbara County Protective Services against the pop singer, counseled the new [accuser] and helped him remember the alleged assault.

The sources also said that feminist attorney Gloria Allred, a prominent critic of Jackson's lifestyle, was also involved in bringing the recent complaint to police.

Both women told Reuters they could neither confirm nor deny their involvement in the case.

They could neither confirm nor deny? What could `confirm' Allred's involvement are the pictures that made it to the hideous foreign tabloid `News of the World'. In the pictures of the liar telling his story, you can clearly see that the background behind him matches perfectly with the background during all of Allred's press conferences.

Lieberman gave a very disturbing radio interview where she complained about Jackson needing psychiatric help and saying his children should be removed. This is coming from someone who hasn't so much as met Jackson, let along has ever been in a position to diagnose him. She has also been called "mentally unbalanced" by prominent attorney Jeff Fieger (see article). She sued him and lost, of course. He is by far not the only person to think Lieberman could stand to spend a few sessions on a couch somewhere herself.

In an April 19 2004 Fox news article, Roger Friedman (yeah, him if you can believe it) quoted Lieberman making some incredible statements about the "case". According to Friedman, she said that she wondered if Sneddon has a case at all. She, too, had her own feelings about the timeline the current district attorney is trying to push. She told Friedman:

"The dates in the case will be its downfall…I told Tom Sneddon, things don't add up… There's some kind of disingenuousness about the way he's handling the case, some kind of ambivalence."

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:45 PM WST
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