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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Tue, Jan 3 2006
Support Michael Jackson Campaign Underway!!
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Open Letters
Support Michael Jackson Campaign Underway!!

The Support Michael Jackson Campaign led by MJNO , is a campaign in which fans around the world are coming together to change the negative views that have been unfairly reported of Michael Jackson by the media, prior to, during and after the trial.

Our current project is aimed toward MTV, because of the way they have turned their backs on Michael and have joined the media in belittling Michael. After how Michael has earned MTV huge ratings upon the release of 'Thriller', and other successful Music Video's, we find their negativity toward Michael Jackson unacceptable.

There is strength in number. Our goal is 100 individual letters expressing displeasure of MTV's current negative views and asking MTV to be more positive and respectful toward Michael on MTV! We would like to stress though that fans not show their anger by attacking MTV in their letters. MTV will become defensive which would only jeopardize the efforts of this campaign.

We want to show that this affects many of us all over the world. Be professional and respectful in your letter, as we don't want to come off as crazy or obsessed fans.

In your letter please include your first and last name and mailing address, and send your letter to, who is collecting all letters to be sent to MTV. Be sure to have "MTV Letter" in the Subject Line. We want MTV to recognize that there are many people who show an interest in seeing better coverage and treatment of Michael Jackson on MTV. The deadline is January 30th, so get your letters in ASAP!

You can also show your support by placing this "Support Michael Jackson Campaign" request on your website, message board etc etc.

Source:MJNO/ paul(mjcool) / MJ-Upbeat / Gail Felix - Assistant To Angel Howansky

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:01 AM WST
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