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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Wed, Jan 4 2006
Dear MTV
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Open Letters
Dear MTV,

My name is Telena Rogers and i am writing you in regards to the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Myself, and many others are saddened by the treatment Michael Jackson receives on your music station. It seems as if every time Mr. Jackson is mentioned on your station, it is a negative message, or he is downplayed by different speakers featured on your shows. I am disappointed because Mr. Jackson has done so much to advance and better the entertainment industry. He deserves much more respect than what MTV gives him. It is a known fact that Michael had the biggest impact on breaking the color line on MTV. Today, a large portion of your music videos are by African American artist. Michael has a lot to do with that.

I am a fan of Michael Jackson, and I want to ask if the MTV crew would please take this matter into consideration and reevaluate their actions. I would like to see your station respect Michael, and new upcoming artist. Michael Jackson has changed the music industry for the better, and his great impact can never be forgotten. I would like to see more of Michael's videos played, and more positive dialog about him on your shows. I'm not one to pull the race card, but as an African American, I do not appreciate the disrespect MJJ receives when he has opened the doors for many music artists; Black and White. MTV has benefited from playing Michael’s videos because he created a diverse fan base for your station. Please treat him with more respect. Thank you for reading.

Telena Rogers
8828 SE Flavel St # 5
Portland, OR 97266

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:01 AM WST
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