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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Mon, Jan 16 2006
Another Ridiculous Accusation Against Jackson
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Main News
by Aaron Barrow
MJ News Source

Jan 14, 2006 The King Of Pop, Michael Jackson, has been accused of sexual molestation once again. Before you pass judgment, commentator Pearl Jr. and I dug up the truth behind this matter.

In March of 2004, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) launched a criminal investigation after, then, 18-year-old Daniel Kapone made allegations of sexual abuse. After a two-month investigation, the LAPD cleared Jackson of all accusations, finding the accuser and allegations not credible.

It has been reported that in November of 2004, victim's rights attorney, Gloria Allred, represented Kapone. Then months later when Allred discovered that Kapone had never met the pop star, Allred quickly dropped Kapone as her client.

The next month after Jackson was acquitted and found “Not Guilty” on all counts in his 2005 child molestation trial, on July 25, Kapone filed a handwritten, paper-thin, lawsuit with little or no details. At that time, Kapone had no legal representation. Then, in October 2005, Kapone re- submitted his lawsuit, this time with an official document and an attorney. In the lawsuit obtained by, Kapone filed suit against Jackson, his company MJJ Productions, and SONY Music Corp. Also, the suit listed 1-200 defendants. Kapone’s attorney, Matthew Mattern listed 20 charges stemming from child molestation, plagiarism, and violation of certain civil rights.

Kapone claims that from 1987, when he was two, until December 1999, Jackson sexually molested him, stole his music, and forced him into having cosmetic surgery. The suit claims that Jackson stole songs for the 1987 album "Bad." From the time-line supplied, Kapone would have to be 6 months old, writing songs for the album with the most number-one hits in music history. Kapone also says that Jackson stole songs and released them on the albums "Dangerous," "HIStory: Past, Present, and Future," and "Blood on The Dancefloor." Furthermore, Kapone claims that Jackson gave him drugs and alcohol plus called him Jewish epithets.

Even though Kapone wanted to testify as an “1108” witness in Jackson's 2005 trial, he did not because when he was interviewed by Santa Barbara County District Attorney, Tom Sneddon and Deputy- District Attorney, Ron Zonen, BOTH decided NOT to have Kapone as a witness because his allegations were simply too unbelievable.

To date, Michael Jackson’s archenemies Tom Sneddon, Ron Zonen, and Gloria Allred have all passed on this witness due to these outrageously far- fetched claims. With this in mind, who is attorney Matthew Mattern--some type of thrilled seeking, self- serving, ambulance chasing, money hungry lawyer trying to grab his 15 minutes of fame by taking on a case that Michael’s worst enemies won’t even touch.

Lastly, Kapone sold his story for an undisclosed amount to a Brithish tabloid. It was published on May 29, 2004. Kapone also is a part of the high school gang "Messed Up Friends Club" and he was named "head lyncher." Kapone told the tabloid that he was being molested from the age of three [1988] until nine [1994]. But in the lawsuit he says that he was being molested from the age of two [1987] until fourteen [1999]. Making the ridiculous even more ludicrous!

A court hearing is scheduled for February 14, 2006 in Orange County Superior Court. From the evidence that MJNS has seen, it is clearly evident that these charges are, like always, absolutely ridiculous.

MJNS called Jackson's spokeswoman, Raymone Bain and was told that these allegations are 1000% false, fabricated, and made up. We also called Jackson's personal attorney, Brian Oxman, and was told these allegations are “absolutely ridiculous and this is one of the prices you have to pay for being Michael’s a very sad price to pay.” Thomas A. Mesereau, Jr., who successfully defended Jackson at his 2005 trial was reported as saying that “these allegations are ridiculous on their face and that they will be vigorously defended."

Aaron M. Barrow, reporting from Nashville, Tennessee -Michael Jackson News Source (MJNS).

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:54 PM WST
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