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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Wed, Jan 25 2006
Ms Baine's Convo With Geraldo...In Case You Missed It
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Main News
Ms Baine's Convo With Geraldo...In Case You Missed It

Joining me now to sort fact from fiction is Michael Jackson's spokesperson, my friend, Raymone K. Bain.

G: Hi Raymone!

RB: Hi Geraldo (she was wearing a black suit with white piping and a three string pearl necklace)

G: First of all Raymone, you know the rumor that swept the world that he is on prescription drugs, on Demoral, that he is abusing these drugs and he's very, very ill ---

RB: Hmm -- Not true. I've seen him, I've spent time with him, we've been on the phone and there's so many other people who have been speaking to him recently -- there's so many people who have spoken to Michael in the last several months, that can verify the fact that he is not drowning in drugs. It is unbelievable how some of these
reports are dissiminated.

G: But how often do you speak with him?

RB: I have been speaking to him quite a lot because as I've said, he has been 'hands-on' with regards to work--

G: So when was the last time you spoke to him?

RB: Yesterday.

G: Just yesterday.

RB: Yes. um hmm.

G: Okay so he is focused and you think that he is physically in good shape.

RB: Well I know he's physically in good shape -- I've seen him, I've been in his presence, my team has been in his presence, the artists have been speaking to him constantly back and forth about this project that we're hoping will help tremendously down in the southern --

G: 'I Have This Dream' -- now when is this song being released?

RB: We are looking at releasing it mid-month -- in February -- mid to late February.

G: And will the proceeds will be going to Katrina relief?

RB: Yes.

G: Was he looking for –

RB: Absolutely not --

G: -- begging for a job in Bahrain?

RB: Absolutely NOT! I was astounished in looking at some major reputable news organizations where the headlines were: 'Michael Jackson looks for a job'! The truth is that a multi-billion dollar entertainment conglomerate has asked him if he would consider becoming an advisor helping to bring entertainment enterprises to the Middle East.

Don't believe 90% of what you read because 9 times out of 10, it isn't true. And this record is happening, we have some absolutely fabulous artists who are participating and we are hoping that it will help tremendously down in the Gulf region of this country.

The End.


Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:44 AM WST
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