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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Thu, Mar 9 2006
Letter For A Friend
Mood:  hug me
Topic: Open Letters
Dear Michael

I'm trying to comprehend what is going on right now. Except my mind is fuzz to what is happening. In the past 24 hours I keep going back to Jehovah for guidance. So I can let all these hateful feelings leave me. So my heart can be strong enough to fight this injustice with you once again. I knew after your Vindication that this fight would still continue, but I never expected this.

Some of your fan community seems like they are confused to what is going on. Not knowing who to believe or what to believe. It seems the evil is taking over some of their thoughts and that scares me. Mostly I try to stay away from it, as I am trying to heal my mind from the evil. I (we) your Positive Voices are trying to do what we think you would do, and show them somehow out of the evil. But in these times…this is very hard to do.

So now, I use my knowledge of you, and help out my fan family keeping as strong as I can. So if they may fall back, I am here to soften their landing. I go to these different fan communities and see the belief in the way they speak. Believing the media, believing the lies, yet for most, I can see the terror in their words. Wondering, searching everywhere for truth. Right now, I'm not in the state of mind to help the unwanted…Michael, it's their loss, and I will not sit around and listen to the tabloid garbage.

Mostly right now, I am worried about you. Knowing you are holding onto your children tight, gathering your strength from them. But…I keep asking myself how much more of this terror you can handle. You have been so strong in these past 3 years, and continue to display so much strength. But a person can only handle so much…Michael Jackson or not. After the fame and fortune is dimmed at the end of your day, you are simply a human being, simply a man, simply Michael Jackson.

I am praying for you Michael. Praying with Jehovah with everything I am. Praying to take down this evil that is surrounding your aurora. This evil that is clouding your family, and its name. I know he is around all of you. I feel that he is around you, watching, looking over…all of your beings.

This brings me some comfort, and please know that your Positive Voices are here with you…as we always have been…Praying, for your family, and your safety. In all that you do.

And Michael please know, that I too, am with you…in prayer, faith, and unconditional love.

When it rAiNs, may you feel I am near.

We love you

Your Positive Voices
And Laura

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Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 10:49 PM WST
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