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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Wed, May 10 2006
My letter to the Editor of GQ magazine
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Open Letters
I have to say that I was a fan of your Magazine until I read the article about Michael Jackson recently. let me ask you something, first of all, why you did not use, Michael's picture ( himself) for this article? Why to use imposter?

Second of all, why in the world you write this kind of things about him? Why you do not leave this man alone? You should be ashamed of yourself. Like I said , I use to have your Magazine in my Salon. But let me tell you something. I will make sure that GQ will not see the color of my door anymore. You have no respect for people. All you want is just to make money in any way you can. If this man is so bad, why You are still making money off of him? All I have to say, is that look at yourself in the mirror and make a change. You are not smart, because you lost me and all my customers with this article.

Farah Pajuheshfar
Las Vegas NV


Subject: Curious

Hi, I'm curious as to how GQ could stoop so low, as to have an has-been impersonator strive to make them some extra money? Tell me, Is GQ that hard up for money that they are now, hiring look-a-likes rather than the 'real' celebrities, to pose for pictures. Who's to believe your Articles anymore? I don't have time for foolishness. Even Television are starting to keep it real, with Reality shows and so on. While GQ, wants to hire Michael Jackson Look-a-likes, and pass them off, as the "Real" person. Thank Goodness, "The Real" Michael Jackson, let us know, what is up with your magazine. Now, for him, I will not purchase another GQ Magazine that has goals to deter, manipulate, deceive the people, for money. Thank you Michael for releasing The Statement through your spokesperson. I will let all know, not to buy this magazine as well, unless.....
"GQ makes that change, for the better"

Eve - The Music Lady

Subject: Another reader lost...

I was very upset when I opened your magazine only to see a Michael Jackson impersonator followed by one of the trashiest "stories" I have ever read. I have been a fan of your magazine for quite some time now, however, I refuse to purchase another copy until an apology has been given to Mr. Jackson.

Up until now, I had always looked at GQ as a reputable magazine. I have now lost all respect that I once had for GQ. Don't you think Michael Jackson has been put through enough?

I do hope that in the future more thought goes into what you put in your magazine. It's unfortunate that GQ has lost so many fans over something that you would expect to find in The National Enquirer....

Stephanie Cook


To whom it may concern:

I have got to say, that your magazine has hit an all time low for Trash Tabloid Journalism, when you ran the recent article about Michael Jackson. Especially, since the pictures weren't even of HIM!

Furthermore, the biased and slanted reporting is, after all, only one man's OPINION. Hardly needing the importance of being shared with the world.

Instead of being on anybody's news stands, Your magazine belongs in the garbage can, after this showing.

I think Michael Jackson should sue you, for falsifying his image. And all of Michael's fans should sue you, for calling us names. We are getting sick and tired of putting up with it.


Julie Bramow
Vinton, Iowa

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 3:44 AM JST
Updated: Fri, May 12 2006 2:04 AM JST
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