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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Mon, May 8 2006
"We Celebrate Justice"
Mood:  party time!
Topic: Main News
All Fan Members and Supporters.

Thank you for all your help, and all your participation in making this project a very positive one, and surely a united one.

We have all came up with a slogan for our design to be displayed for the Vindication Anniversary Project For Michael.

The title of our project will be:

Michael Jackson
"We Celebrate Justice" June 2005

The Designed was created by Designer; J-World - Celeste (Fan of the Month of April)
The picture chosen, shows a image of Michael Jackson, defeating our adversary with a 'strong force.'

This is the Design that all of us, will use to display/show our unity as a whole. Please do not alter or change this design because the message that we are striving to send is, massive Unity between all fans-supporters of Michael Jackson, Worldwide.

Poster, Banner, Stickers, Tee Shirts, Etc. should all be the same design.

Monday, June 05, 2006 will be the date, we start to display are unity, by putting up our posters in the yard, on our vehicles, and even wearing it, showing much activity up to the faithful day of; June 13, 2006.

I love all the fans of Michael so much. You all express and have a certain essence about yourselves, that makes each and every one of you unique. I thank you from my heart. I hope that this activity, will brighten your days and make you feel the love, that you all deserve for your constant devotion, time, energy, spent on your favorite Star, Michael Jackson.

The Design will be available here for download:

Also check our website to get the image as well at:

Save the picture to your computer, disc, or whatever you may use to print out for the items listed
above. This way, its not that expensive for us, we can pretty much spend what we wish on doing this ourselves. Wonderful right?

Afterwards, if 'anyone' have pictures of how they put up a banner./poster/etc of "We Celebrate Justice" posters and more.. please please email them to me:
I will strive to put them all on our website to show... please send only "One File" per person, so it won't be to large to upload, to be seen on the internet.

I wish everyone well on what you do, to show our Unity, the oneness, that many have doubted since the trial. This is our time, to speak out, and be heard in volumes. This is our Voices Over The Sea!

Our Positive Voices 4 MJJ.

Thanks All Participating Fan Club Members from:
Positive Voices 4 MJJ (PV4MJJ)
Fanship Turns to Friendship
MJ Soldiers Of Love
Loyal To Michael Jackson
Heal 4 Michael
Heal The World 4 MJ
I Believe Michael
Devoted To Prince And Paris
True MJ Fans
Sexy Michael Jackson and More.......
(anyone that wishes for your fanclub/site/page to be mentioned, please email me)
To see the entire list, check our website June 01, 2006.

Check back, periodically for changes -- updates on our project together. Let's have fun, and feel the united love for Michael, and "One Another"

~Major Love~
Eve - The Music Lady (President of PV4MJJ)

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:01 AM JST
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