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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Wed, May 31 2006
Japan welcomes Michael Jackson
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Topic: Main News
Pop star makes rare public appearance for Tokyo music award ceremony

Updated: 7:02 a.m. ET May 27, 2006

TOKYO - Pop star Michael Jackson appeared in public in Tokyo on Saturday for the first time since his acquittal on sex-abuse charges last year and was welcomed by an adoring crowd.

Neither heavy rain nor scandal could prevent several hundred Japanese fans from flocking to catch a glimpse of the 47-year-old entertainer as he arrived at a Tokyo stadium to receive a music award.

The crowd held up signs that read “We love you, Michael” and “Welcome to Japan” and some sported his trademark glitter glove as Jackson stepped out of a black limousine, surrounded by several bodyguards.

Jackson, in a jewelry-embroidered black blazer and tight black trousers with a simple white T-shirt, did not speak but waved and raised a forefinger to acknowledge a group of reporters before he was whisked inside along a red carpet.

Jackson has remained largely in seclusion since his trial on child molestation charges.

He is in Tokyo to receive a “Legend Award” at MTV’s Japan Video Music Awards ceremony on Saturday, according to spokeswoman Raymone Bain.

More Asia visits He will also will spend time in Tokyo touring the city, visiting orphanages and meeting with Asian business leaders, Bain said, adding that his trip kicks off the first in a series of planned visits to Asia.

“I look forward to my visit to Japan because I have so many fond memories of my visits there,” Jackson said in a statement.

Jackson moved to Bahrain shortly after a jury cleared him last June of charges that he had sexually abused a young boy at his Neverland Valley Ranch in central California.

Although keeping largely out of public view since then, the performer continued to make headlines in a dispute with the state of California for his failure to pay employees at Neverland and maintain proper workers compensation insurance.

Last month, Jackson reached agreement with creditors and Sony Corp. to refinance some $270 million in loans, and avoid default, by giving up half of his prized stake in the Beatles’ song catalog.

Days later, a Bahrain-based music label announced it had teamed up with Jackson to produce a new album by the singer, his first studio collection since the release of “Invincible” in 2001.

Copyright 2006 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters.

? 2006


Jackson in 1st appearance since acquittal
Sat May 27, 9:44 PM ET

Michael Jackson made his first public appearance since being acquitted on child molestation charges, choking up as he thanked Japanese fans at an award ceremony Saturday.

"I'm honored to be in Japan again and I'm very happy to be among the Japanese people because I love them very much," Jackson said in a brief appearance at MTV Japan's "Legend Award" ceremony at Yoyogi Olympic Stadium. "Thank you for your loyalty."

The pop star was to visit orphanages, tour Tokyo and meet with businessmen during his trip to Japan, said Broderick D. Morris, chief executive of Positive Productions Yokohama, an entertainment promotions company.

Jackson arrived Friday night with his three children and will stay through Wednesday on the first leg of a swing through Asia that will include stops in Singapore, Shanghai, China and Hong Kong.

"I'd like to say to the Japanese people from the bottom of my heart, I love you very much," said Jackson, wearing a fitted tuxedo with a short jacket.

Responding to his fans screaming "I love you!" Jackson replied: "I love you more."

He flashed a victory sign to the crowd.

"This is like his comeback party," Morris told The Associated Press before the event. "He's in good spirits, and he loves it here.

"There has been a lot of bad press, but Japanese fans still love him. It's like a second home for him."

Jackson, 47, has been living in the Middle Eastern kingdom of Bahrain since his June acquittal on child molestation charges in California.

He has said he plans to return to recording and hopes to release a new album in 2007.

Copyright ? 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. The information contained in the AP News report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.

Copyright ? 2006 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
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For the images of the event go to The Asian Tour

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 3:57 AM JST
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