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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Sat, Dec 16 2006
Statement from Michael Jackson: To My Japanese Fans
Topic: Main News

December 8, 2006

To My Japanese Fans:

I understand that there has been some confusion concerning my upcoming visit to Japan.

Positive Productions and Mr. Broderick Morris have been kind enough to invite me to Japan to participate in a Christmas event at the Tokyo Shinkiba Studio Coast, and I have accepted. I will be attending the Christmas Celebration on December 19, 2006.

As you all know, I visited Japan in May of this year. Mr. Morris and Positive Productions sponsored that trip as well. My children and I had a wonderful time visiting Tokyo and seeing fans and friends. I am sure that this visit will be just as enjoyable for us.

Please rest assured that reports of my upcoming visit to Tokyo are true.

Thank you for your love, your kindness, and the support that you, and my fans from around the world have shown to me, and my family, over the years.

I love you all from the bottom of my heart, and wish you, and your families, a wonderful holiday season.
With love,

Michael Jackson

Source: Raymone K. Bain

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:37 AM WST
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