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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Wed, Mar 14 2007
Japan: Laying The Groundwork For His Comeback!!
Topic: Main News

Some in the music industry say is it not surprising that Jackson is a frequent visitor to Japan.

"The level of loyalty and even sympathy Japan fans display for Michael is quite amazing," said Reiko Yukawa, a music critic and a songwriter who has interviewed Jackson. "Many fans in Japan try to understand the true personality of Michael Jackson, who they consider as sensitive and caring. They continue to show a tremendous amount of support as dedicated fans."

Jackson has described Japan as a "special place" on more than one occasion.

Jackson has always enjoyed a strong fan base in Japan. In 1987, he drew more than 450,000 during his "Bad Tour," giving 11 performances across the country. He continued to return to Japan to give concerts until 1996. However, as Jackson's personal life started to unravel, so did his music career. As a result, Japanese fans heard less from him as an artist.

These two events are seen as helping Jackson back on track both artistically and financially.

"I think he is laying the groundwork for coming back for concerts," said Dave Spector, a TV personality and a celebrity watcher in Japan. "If he is gone too long, coming back for a concert will be even more difficult. But if he visited at least he looks like he is interested in Japan a lot and people will not forget him and it builds up the expectation that he is going to sing next time."

Spector, who attended the V.I.P. Party, said Jackson seemed relaxed and in good spirits during the five-hour event.

Jackson was "moving, clapping and moving his feet" during the performances of the Jackson impersonators and the chorus, he said. "He did not make any dates [for concerts], but you can tell he was ready to sing."

ABC News


Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:10 AM JST
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