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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Fri, Feb 29 2008
Attention: Fox News Concerning: Roger Friedman
Topic: Open Letters
Attention: Fox News
Concerning: Roger Friedman
(This letter is for Roger and others at Fox that may care)
Its such a good day for you Roger isn't it? Now, why do you wish to strive on making the days dark for Michael Jackson and his MJ friends? I'm a friend of Michael Jackson. I'm tired of the 'foolishness' you say, and write regarding him. It seems that people like you should be willing, able, and capable of publishing more 'uplifting things' other than stuff to make one feel like vomiting in the beginning of there day. I'm (as well as others) are beginning to think that you feel only obligated to bash Michael Jackson for those of interest to read what you have to say. Meaning, you take no time to bash others, or talk foolishness about them, but oh, WOE, when it comes down to Michael Jackson. Roger "Fungus" Friedman is coming!

So, deep inside of yourself, you must be a lover of MJJ, and NOT a foe, because if you were a foe, you wouldn't give unnecessary eye read to others about the nonsense you spend time contemplating and writing about him. I, for one, don't give attention to what you write anymore, and I only learned about your foolishness from those that do give time to read the crap you say and share with me. Being a 'true' friend that I am, I felt compelled to write you myself (as I've done in the past) to tell you to just straighten up your act, and become a better person, by not bashing-trashing another individual such as....(Michael Jackson), and others ?in the future? you may become intrigued with. All that know Michael Jackson, can tell you do not know the man. And it appears that Michael doesn't know you, and you surely are not giving him any reason to get to know you either. I guess you wish to follow your mentor Martin Basher....and speak words that have no growth or inspiration what?s so ever in them.

The sad thing is, I and others know of you because of the trash-crap-fungus-mess you wish to write the majority of your time! What a legend you are becoming.

Continue...... to have a good day for yourself, but leave Michael Jackson out of it!
Eve - TheMusicLady

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:54 AM WST
Updated: Fri, Feb 29 2008 1:02 AM WST
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