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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Wed, Mar 3 2004
Subject: Michael Jackson Voicemail Project
The following the is site produced the song "We You're Inocent". He need our support.

Please make a report at your website about the following and help us to make this a real big "United Michael Jackson Fans" project.

Please spread this mail to all Michael Jackson Fans, fan clubs and message boards...

United Fans For Michael (U2FM)

The Michael Jackson Voicemail Support - Song


0049- 12 12 6 UNITEDFANS

(0049- 1212- 6- 86 48 333 267)

and leave your personal message to Michael.

After releasing the U2FM ?We know you're innocent? ?Song more than 100 000 people downloaded the song.

Now we're going to produce another Support Song for Michael that contains your own messages of support and encouragement.

Samples from fans all over the world shall be in this song, so it's in the full sense of the word a "United Fans" Project. We will send this song to Michael's team and also publish it on our website.

Call 0049- 12 12 -6- UNITEDFANS (Using the letters above the numbers on your phone)

(0049- 1212- 6- 86 48 333 267) or within Germany: 0 12 12 - 6- UNITEDFANS

You can also send your messages in WAV or mp3-file format, that should be no longer than 20 seconds along with a short notice, that it is Ok to use it in the song. A short information about you and where you come from would be nice, too.

Please send them to the address:

We gonna produce this song in the middle of March and it's going to be released at the beginning of April. Please call or send in your files within the next two weeks.

Please spread this among other Michael Jackson Fans and let them know about the project.

Take part in supporting Michael !

Visit our website at:

Thank you very much


Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 11:01 AM WST
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