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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Mon, Mar 8 2004
Today Show Transcript

Friday, March 05, 2004
Raymone Bain speaks to Katie Couric

Katie Couric: Every day there seems to be a new rumour swirling around Michael Jackson and whether it be drug problems, money troubles or a custody dispute, now his personal publicist and spokesperson Raymone Bain says she wants to set the record straight and she's starting to do that this morning. Raymone Bain, good morning, nice to see you.

Raymone Bain: Good morning to you.

Couric: Tell me where Michael is and how he's doing.

Bain: Michael is in Aspen with his kids on vacation, he is doing fantastic, however as you can imagine, he is getting a bit concerned about all of the rumours, the innuendos, all of the people who have been speaking on his behalf whom he doesn't know, whom he hasn't authorised them doing so, and I think that anyone would now be just a little bit angry and that's putting it mildly.

Couric: I know that it was reported in a New York tabloid that he is in Aspen being treated for drug and alcohol addiction problems-

Bain: Not true. Not true at all, absolutely false. Michael is there on vacation with his kids and it's just amazing, I know, I think they are referring to Dr. Sebi who-

Couric: He is a herbalist I understand, he is described as a 70-year-old therapist who claims to have developed a miraculous herbal treatment called the African bio-electric cell food therapy, this according to the New York Post.

Bain: And you know, I can't answer any of that simply because I think that it gets a bit ridiculous, if I have lunch with a friend who's an Oncologist do I have cancer? If I have a visit from a friend that's a Haematologist do I have a blood disease? I mean Michael has known the Doctor and I don't think that that should indicate that Michael is being treated for anything, he is not in detox, he is absolutely, positively on vacation with his kids and Katie, why would Michael, if he were in detox, leave LA? I mean he can you know, very well had the Doctor come there. Why would he take his kids with him if he were being treated for some kind of dependency of drugs and alcohol, that's absolutely untrue.

Couric: There was a very damaging article, as you know, recently in Vanity Fair magazine that talked Michael's use of alcohol, pouring it in Coke cans, and calling it 'Jesus juice' or 'Jesus blood' and what is his reaction to that? This was not un-named sources, this was a former business manager, who I guess was the source of this information. What is his reaction to those kind of allegations?

Bain: Outrage. And I can't blame him. Because just because someone has been employed does not mean that they tell the absolute truth. I think there are people who, for whatever their reasons are, have been out here making misstatements, turning the truth into something that's untrue, speaking out about issues of which they have no knowledge, and Michael Jackson is frankly sick of it.

Couric: You've been on board for about a month now right?

Bain: I have-

Couric: -In early February, how has his public relation strategy changed since you joined sort of the whole enterprise, and what specifically is your role?

Bain: Well my role is to address all of the issues of the media and to speak on Michael's behalf. Michael has indicated that he is going to be both pro-active and reactive. Pro-active; You might see some surprises in the future. Michael Jackson is going to speak on his own behalf on occasions and then I will speak on his behalf on occasions. Reactive; Because he is really concerned about all of these erroneous reports, I mean, for instance, there is a magazine article coming out either today or next week emphatically stating that he is indeed in detox, and which emphatically indicates how I was brought into the team - factually incorrect! Both.

Couric: Does he plan to see these publications?

Bain: Well he has indicated to me that if it doesn't stop he will. I think we are going to look and see how much co-operation we can get, I have been speaking to members of the media, they've said that in the past they've not known who to speak to, they've not known how to get to him, okay, well now they know.

Couric: What about the allegations against the Mother of Michael Jackson's current Accuser, that have raised suspicions about her credibility or motivation, is this an example of more pro-active moves by the Jackson camp to raise doubts about her?

Bain: We weren't behind that and I can't address that at all but I, certainly as the publicist was not behind that and I don't address issues dealing with any of the legal matters, he has two wonderful lawyers, Mark Geragos, Ben Brafman, who have basically been at the forefront for him in addressing those legal issues.

Couric: What is the role of the Nation of Islam? There have been a lot of reports that they are consulting him, that they are taking a primary role in sort of a lot of his dealings, can you shed some light on that for us?

Bain: Well there is not a role of the Nation of Islam as a group. Michael has known Minister Farrakhan since he was six-years-old, he trusts him and he likes him. Leonard Muhammad he has known for a very long time, he trusts him and he looks to him as an advisor. He is not embracing a religion or a thought as a result of his friendship with the two of them. Each of us has our own various religions and our philosophies and because he relies on me to do a specific responsibility for him, that doesn't mean he is embracing my religion, I think he is separating all of that from how he feels about those individuals ability to talk to him, to advise him, and to perform various services that he is in need of.

Couric: Well, Raymone Bain, thank you for being here-

Bain: Thank you.

Couric: -I'm assuming you will be available to talk with us when certain things surface so you can-

Bain: Twenty Four-hour accessibility.

Couric: -Give Michael Jackson's side of the story.

Bain: All right, and thank you for having me.

Couric: Thank you.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 11:04 AM WST
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