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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Mon, Mar 29 2004
Secrecy for Grand Jury Participants

Nineteen members and six alternates were chosen on Thursday as the grand jury in the Michael Jackson case.

Although The restrictions were contained in a "decorum order" issued by the judge the day before barring journalists from approaching even the dismissed grand juror candidates, the media used their time to interview friends and family members who were waiting outside.

Judy Forbes, whose husband was a prospective juror, waited ooutside. Her son is a former security guard at Mr. Jackson's Neverland Valley Ranch. "We don't follow the case," said Mrs. Forbes. "It's not that important to us. In the grand scheme of things, we'd rather spend time with our grandchildren."

"We planned to go down the Ohio River on the Dixie Queen May 9 and have already invested about $3,000 into this vacation," said Mr. Hill whose wife was among the initial 1,000 called for jury service.

The possibility of his wife serving on the grand jury is coming at a bad time, Eric Beltz said "We're thinking about changing jobs and moving, but if she has to be here for awhile, that's the way it goes."

Media attorney Ted Boutrous filed a request on Thursday for an emergency hearing before presiding superior Court Judge Clifford R. Anderson III to argue the restrictions.

Not many journalists were on hand on Thursday. They knew that asking questions and recording or writing down people's answers, all while in a public place, would cause them trouble with the judge. Even KEYT-TV cameraman Herb Tuyay was asked by a sheriff's deputy what he was taping. Mr. Tuyay said he was only shooting prospective jurors' feet and their shadows. Recording faces could be considered a misdemeanor.

Although Mr. Sneddon was not at the jury hall Thursday, he was seen leaving the underground garage at the Santa Barbara County Courthouse at 11 a.m., two hours after prospective jurors were to appear. However Senior Deputy District Attorney Ron Zonen and Deputy District Attorney Gordon Auchincloss were in the jury hall most of the day.

Who will be on the grand jury is a secret. The total of 25 members will have been selected from a 200 person pool.

This is the first step in the process and they are expected to hear from the first witness on Monday. As are all grand jury proceedings, this will be held in secret.

Source: Newspress/MJJForum


Major Love
Eve - The Music Lady

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:43 PM WST
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