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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Thu, Apr 15 2004
Michael Jackson's official spokesperson, Raymone Bain, speaks with Fox News
Date: Sunday, March 28, 2004

Michael Jackson's official spokesperson, Raymone K. Bain spoke with Fox News' Rita Cosby via a telephone interview on Sunday, March 28, 2004. Ms. Bain spoke with Rita Cosby regarding Michael's upcoming visit to the nation's capital, Washington, D.C., where he will receive a humanitarian award by the African Ambassador's Spouses Association.

Ms. Bain said, "Michael has throughout his lifetime given to so many charities and has supported so many wonderful issues and organizations. So as a result of that, he is being honored by the African Ambassador's Spouses Association. The organization is comprised of 51 African and Caribbean countries."

Michael Jackson has given millions to charities worldwide throughout his lifetime. He has given these donations anonymously and publicly through his kindness and loving spirit to others that are less fortunate than him. In 2000, the Guinness Book of World Records ranked him as the popstar that has given to the most charities in history.

"He's honored by receiving this award, and rightfully so. He's done so much in his lifetime to the tune of over $50 million worldwide to charities and he is very honored by this award. He does random acts of kindness and he has done that throughout his entire life. He gives a number of monies to charities anonymously. So there are documented and undocumented acts of kindness from Michael Jackson," said Bain.

While visiting in Washington, D.C., he will be "attending private meetings and events with some of his friends and associates whom he has known over the years." Ms. Bain also said that he has a few meetings that are private that will be up on Capitol Hill.

When asked if he could speak to the public right now, what would he say, Ms. Bain replied, "One of the concerns Michael has had has been so many people speaking on his behalf whom he has not known, people whom he has never met, people who he has not seen since he was six or seven years old. I think that is one of the main things he has been concerned about. And of course he has indicated that he does not want that to continue and of course we've had conversations, Rita, about that. I think that has been the most annoying thing to him, to be sitting there looking at various reports and having people speaking on his behalf whom he has never met before, who do not know anything about what's going on and just giving misinformation. I think for a long time that was one of the proble... people speaking who did not have authority to do so, nor did they have the right information."

When Ms. Cosby spoke about how grueling the case must be for him, Ms. Bain reemphasized that, "Michael is doing fine and is basically taking control."



Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 5:21 PM JST
Updated: Thu, Apr 15 2004 5:29 PM JST
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