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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Wed, Jun 30 2004
Accuser?s Mother Allowed Kids to Drink, Jackson Not Present? Bullet #158

Explosive new information in the Michael Jackson ?case? involved the accuser, his family, and alcohol.ABC News is reporting that there are witnesses who saw the accuser?s mother allowing her children to drink alcohol at Jackson?s Neverland Ranch when Jackson was away from the premises.These witnesses are also willing to testify to as much.This speaks to the heart of the allegations leveled against Jackson since prosecutors will actually claim the accuser would be plied with alcohol in order to be molested.

Months old comments and information from sources seem to be ringing true now with these kinds of details coming to light. Months ago, various sources would tell different media outlets things like ?You don?t know what she?s like. She?s very manipulative?, ?There?s a lot of things about this family that?s gonna come out?, and other foreshadowing comments. Suspicious minds would say that this isn?t even the half of the kind of information yet to be revealed about the family?s whereabouts, actions and statements made during the time they claim they were being abducted, plied with wine, molested, threatened and conspired against.

The ABC report states:

In addition, these sources told ABC News that there are witnesses who can testify that the alleged victim and his siblings were often seen drinking at Neverland when Jackson was not on the premises. They told ABC News that the alleged victim?s mother was often present when the children were drinking and did nothing to stop it. (see article)

Defense attorney Dana Cole, who knows Mesereau but is not involved in the Jackson case, says:

?If the mother is present?that would certainly cause a jury to think (a) What?s the big deal? Or (b) How could we possibly blame Michael Jackson for something that is being done in front of the kid?s own mother??

This wreaks havoc on prosecutor?s foundation in which they are trying to claim Jackson got the accuser drunk, essentially, and molested him. It also incites questions about the ?wine in soda cans? allegation. How could the accuser have been given alcohol by the mother and/or in the mother?s presence, and there still be the theory that Jackson administered alcohol in soda cans to hide it? Hide it for what? They were already drinking alcohol in front of the mother according to a number of witnesses. Does this destroy the ?wine in soda cans? theory? And if that ?soda can? theory is revealed to be a lie, what else are they lying about?

The family?s allegation seems completely ridiculous if it was common knowledge and acceptable behavior for the mother to allow her children to drink alcohol out of Jackson?s presence. No doubt there would be a number of witnesses (and possibly security camera video) given the number of people who visit Neverland at any given time.

Of the alcohol allegations, Fox News legal analyst Bob Massi expressed how this just further taints the accuser?s family?s credibility. He told guest host Laurie Dhue on June 25 2004:

It?s not a good week for prosecutors in a lot of cases. But this just again goes to the whole credibility of the case?And if she was there, and in fact knowing there was drinking and saw it and observed it, I mean the whole credibility of the case goes out the window. I?m sure the prosecutor is not a happy person tonight. (see video)

Defense attorney Mercedes Colwin was also dubious about the allegations against Jackson after hearing this news. She said:

We?ve already gotten all these allegations about the mother. I mean certainly we have the issue that the mother, when she found out the child might be molested, first call she made was to a lawyer. Not law enforcement. She called not just a lawyer, [she called] the lawyer that had represented the first child that accused Michael Jackson. These children are pawns for money in her game.

How do prosecution mouthpieces try to explain-away such damaging information? Well, reporters like Celebrity Justice?s Jane Valez-Mitchell and tabloid reporter Diane Dimond now claim as soon as the mother ?found out? Jackson was allegedly giving the accuser alcohol, she ?got her children out of there? and ?distanced? herself from Jackson. But these reports destroy other allegations made by the family.

How in the world could you be held hostage/abducted by Jackson?s people AND be free to take your children out of Neverland, distancing yourself from Jackson?? You can?t be free to leave AND be held hostage at the same time. So, which story is the truth and which one is the lie? Or are they both lies? Needless to say, Jackson?s attorneys by way of cross-examination may have to be the ones to get to the real story.

So what of those kidnapping allegations? Another issue addressed in the ABC report was the allegation of a conspiracy and kidnapping leveled against some of Jackson?s employees. The backstory is that the accuser?s family claims they were harassed and intimidated by certain Jackson employees in a conspiracy to silence them. They were allegedly kidnapped/abducted/held hostage at Neverland. Now the story has morphed again to include the allegation that they were held hostage at a Calabasas hotel. Well, it turns out that not only does this ?story? need major work as well, but there may actually be proof that the family was anything but harassed by Jackson?s associates.

Sources told ABC News that the accuser?s mother asked Jackson to put her up at a Calabasas hotel while she was looking for a new house. Not only that, she went on a shopping spree at Jackson?s expense while there. She was also free to come and go as she pleased, sources say. Of course these things are easily checkable because there are bound to be receipts, security camera video, witnesses, and possibly other video or audio speaking to these facts.

Could this be a part of the documentation some of Jackson?s associates have from their dealings with the family, as reported by Fox months ago? Could this be why prosecutors are continually getting search warrants?the total is up to a ridiculous amount, 47, right now?hoping that maybe they?ll just?.happen upon?.. some defense evidence to get a heads-up of what they have?

Stay tuned.


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Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:17 PM JST
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