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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Sat, Jul 24 2004
Quincy Jones: Cable News is Turning into Something Dangerous
July 21, 2004

During an interview last night (July 20) with talk show host Tavis Smiley, legendary producer and composer Quincy Jones was asked about his feelings concerning the current situation of entertainment icon Michael Jackson, for whom he produced mega albums "Off the Wall," "Thriller," and "Bad." Jones stated that he feels "very pained" by Jackson's situation.

"Cable news is turning into something that is kind of dangerous...because they form--it's not a question of reporting the news," Jones said. "They're starting to create it."

He went on to add that he sees this to be the case with Jackson, Kobe Bryant, and political candidates.

"It's dangerous to have that much ideology and editorializing before the count's down," he continued. "People have a mindset already before [Jackson] even gets tried."

Members comments:

jowusu: "he really believes the media is destroying mj. i remember one time a reporter asked him about mj, and when he started to speak he was like dont go fox news on me now. he is really feeling the pain."

minnie jackson: "thanks Quincy support Michael... he know Michael is really hurt by media."

ILoveMichaelJ829: "I agree totally with what Qunicy said."

Source: Tavis Smiley (PBS)/MJJForum

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 11:06 AM JST
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