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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Tue, Aug 24 2004
Stylist - Make Up Artist
Mood:  mischievious

I would like to make a statement about VH1's, MAN IN THE MIRROR.I forced myself to watch this. First let me begin with what was good about it. I thought is was an ATTEMPT to be sympathetic. BUT, if this was the case, why didn't anyone do their homework and try to make it truthful?The only thing that was true were the media reports...and we all know these are not accurate. This show was so bad I had to laugh out loud. It was a CHEAP production on every count. There was no resemblance to Michael or the Jackson family I have known for the past 25 years. The timeline was wrong. The characters where wrong. Who's creative decision was it to play Michael as a wimp and an idiot? He is the exact opposite! I guess the first clue into how bad this was going to be is there is not one note of Michael's music in it. How can you do a story of Michael without his spirit? Just another low level greedy attempt to capitalize on Michaels famous name and accomplishments.


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Eve - The Music Lady

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Eve - The Music Lady (Owner-Moderator)


Music Lady Received a note from Karen Faye

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 3:30 PM JST
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