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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Tue, Aug 31 2004
Don't Blame Me! I'm Just Doing My Job
Mood:  sharp
Tuesday, 24 August 2004

by Obiechena

When it comes to reporting anything on Michael Jackson these days, you're likely to have at least one commentator lamenting about how Jackson's backers/supporters/insiders--whatever you wish to call them--enjoy making unfounded allegations about the media and their carefully crafted coverage of the music legend. The press predictably cries foul and say it is pro-Jacksonites who are in the wrong. Apart from the massive spin cycles through which all things Jackson are run, the press will repeatedly tell you that they are just doing their jobs and reporting the news.

Their news or the news?

Take the coverage dedicated to last week's court proceedings in the Jackson case for example. Several witnesses were called by the defense to clarify whether Santa Barbara District Attorney Thomas Sneddon knew, or should have reasonably known, that private investigator Bradley Miller worked for former Jackson counsel Mark Geragos. Defense attorneys are attempting to show the prosecutor knew of the Miller-Geragos connection, which would deem the raid of the gumshoe's Beverly Hills office a violation of Jackson's attorney-client privilege.

To read the complete article, visit our Case Files section by clicking on:

MJJForum Article

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 3:47 PM JST
Updated: Tue, Aug 31 2004 3:54 PM JST
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