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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Tue, Oct 5 2004
Inside Michael's Private World
Mood:  sad
Topic: Prosecutor Press Release

October 4, 2004

Controversial herbalist Dr. Sebi claims that Michael Jackson's brother, Randy, brought him in this past winter to help the pop star detox from what Sebi calls an addiction crisis. "I was told by the cooks that [Jackson] was falling down and they had to pick him up off the floor? many times," Sebi told us.

Dr. Sebi is not a licensed medical doctor, but the self-proclaimed healer insists he helped Michael kick an addiction to painkillers that some published reports trace back to a painful 1984 accident where Jackson's hair caught fire shooting a commercial.

"His condition was one that was of stress because of the drug that he was taking," Sebi said of Jackson. "They were feeding him drugs all day long; he had to take them because of his sleeplessness and his nerves."

Dr. Sebi says that, starting a couple of months after Jackson was booked on molestation charges, he traveled with Michael and provided herbal compounds that eased the embattled superstar's nerves.

"When he came out of the state of stress from the drugs, his behavior was one that was free of concern about the case," Sebi told us. "He's absolutely certain that he's going to win this case. That he's not guilty."

And about Tom Sneddon and the pop star's other enemies, Sebi said, "If anything, Michael feels sorry for them. He has expressed love for Tom Sneddon."

While Sebi says Jackson seemed serene about the molestation charges, the singer created another drama in February near Aspen when he and a young man entered a Wal-Mart. The superstar wore a ski mask and scared employees, who called the cops.

"He asked me if I saw the news, and I said 'yes,'" Sebi explained. "So I asked him, 'Why did you go in there with ski masks?' He said, 'Well, I wanted to be discreet, but they called the police and said two white boys were in there with ski masks.'"

Sebi also told us Jackson seemed a good father to his kids, but was haunted by the ghost of his own troubled childhood and the burdens of lifelong fame. "The people wanted someone they could worship," Sebi told us. "And he seemed to be the perfect person. So that may have had a lot to do with the poor young man."

Dr. Sebi says he finally quit treating the superstar, and he now claims Jackson owes him $380,000, for which he plans to sue.

Jackson's spokesperson has long denied Michael has been treated for any addiction and would not comment on Dr. Sebi.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 2:25 PM JST
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