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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Fri, Dec 17 2004
Chat with Ms. Hughes
Mood:  sad

The Group Discussion with Ms Geraldine Hughes, was spectacular. We were able to meet and greet fans-supporters-interested individuals from around the world. I would like to thank Geraldine for her timely answers, and her patience with the so many questions that were being asked of her within the hours spent in the chatroom. Also special thanks goes out to Dollbaby for all her efforts and inspiration in putting this together along with her Media Marketing team for Ms Geraldine Hughes, I am pleased to be apart of this team as well. Special thanks goes out to Mr. Bob Davis, for hosting the chatroom that housed many of us at one time. Thanks all. Major love.

To purchased Redemption, "The Truth Behind The Michael Jackson Molestation Allegations," go to this link:

From last nights chat at the Soul-Patrol website - December 14, 2004, Here are Ms. Hughes answers/quotes/words to interested parties within the chatroom.
Soul-Patrol Chat room at

Ghughes: I am here to answer questions about my book "Redemption: The Truth Behind the (1993) Child Molestation Allegation"

Ghughes: I was the legal secretary in 1993 to the attorney and I witnessed the extortion scheme against Michael Jackson.

Ghughes: I came forth in 1993 and gave my information to the investigators, however, when the case settled, it went nowhere.

Ghughes: I knew that I was carrying information about this case that most people didn't know. Information that pointed to Michael's innocence.

Ghughes: or any Barnes and Nobles, or Boarders should be able to order the book.

Ghughes: I did ALL major talk shows, MSNBC, Scarsborough Country, Bill O'Reilly, etc. However, they aired my interview once only!

Ghughes: My favorite part of the book is "A Ram In The Bush." I am explaining why I was in the right place, at the wrong time. I further explain how God is on MJ's side because God gave Michael something he didn't give his accuser, a witness!

Ghughes: The most exciting part of the book is "The Ex Parte Motion." This part tells exactly what triggered them to launch the child molestation allegation against Michael.

Ghughes: I did an interview at the Jackson's home, but back in April or May. Not recently.

Ghughes: I've done an interview with Jermaine and Mr. Joe Jackson. While doing interviews I've met some of MJ's family. I haven't met MJ as of yet.

Ghughes: I've been told that MJ has read my book and loves it! However, because of the gag order, he is unable to do anything to assist or comment.

Ghughes: I've been told that Jordy is estranged from his father. I don't know if true or not!

Ghughes: In order to testify in MJ's favor, he [Jordan] has to go against his father. That is hard for anyone to do.

Ghughes: When he is on stage, he is performing.

Ghughes: No one that can really help Michael's case is being subpoenaed by the prosecutor.

Ghughes: I don't buy the Sodium Amythal theory because it was put out by Evan Chandler. I believe his statements "we're moving according to a certain plan that is not mine."

Ghughes: I've returned to work full-time. Unless something changes between now and the end of Jan, I don't see being able to attend the court hearings.

Ghughes: I am the only one disputing the Sodium amytal theory. I saw something entirely different take place.

Ghughes: Redemption has run full gammit. I would still recommend everyone to read so you can thoroughly understand what really happened in 1993.

Ghughes: Ray Chandler spent a lot of time trying to disprove the main points in my book that proves MJ's innocence.

Ghughes: In spite of the media downplaying it, it was quite successful due to MJ's supporters all over the world.

Ghughes: I will give credit to whom credit is due at the end of this chat session.

Ghughes: Everyone disappeared after the false allegations were launched; mainly because MJ has fans all over the world and they were afraid for their safety.

Ghughes: My book explains why MJ was forced to settle in 1993, which was at the advice of his attorneys. But he DID NOT pay the $$$ settlement. It was paid by his insurance company.

Ghughes: The entire civil case was about money.

Ghughes: I do not have evidence. I was an eye witness. While Ray Chandler's book tried to discredit me, inadvertently proved my contentions.

Ghughes: Jordy was a 12 year old, easily influenced child at the time. He was also interested in making movies, like his dad. So he had a very vivid imagination, capable of creating believable story lines.

Ghughes: My book "Redemption" explains clearly why MJ was forced to settle. If the court system was working for him, he would have stood a chance in court. However, as many of you know, for African Americans, sometimes the legal system doesn't work for us like it should.

Ghughes: My next book will be about the 2003 case called "MichaelGate: The Conspiracy Theories." This book will explore all the possible conspiracy theories that most people believe is fueling the 2003 case.

Ghughes: Before everyone goes, I'd like to thank Dollbaby; The Music Lady, Bob Davis, Yolandria, Trish, and everyone that bought Redemption and/or supported it.

Ghughes: I believe that MJ will be totally vindicated. I just heard from another inside source that said THEY HAVE NOTHING!!!

Ghughes: Redemption is only a threat to those who do not want to hear the truth.

Ghughes: While researching MJ's life, I found out that he has spent his life caring for the children of the world, not hurting them.

Ghughes: He has lived an impeccable roll-modeled life in front of the cameras HIS WHOLE LIFE. We've never heard of him on drugs, alcohol, etc.

Ghughes: I did know all of this about MJ before writing the book. After completing the book, I sat back and cried. I couldn't believe that anyone would accuse him of ever hurting a child, when he's spent his entire life helping them.

Ghughes: He did not have to submit to the body search in 1993. He suffered the humiliation of it "just to prove his innocence."

Ghughes: They say you know someone by their music. "Heal the World." "Man In the Mirror; Make that change." "It doesn't matter if your black or white." What about the "Earthsong." This is who MJ really is. A caring individual that truly cares not only about children, about mankind all over the world.

Ghughes: I have ministry children who spend the night at my house all the time. I am only careful with the opposite sex (boys) because I don't want no assumptions or accidents. However, when my girls come to my house for sleep overs, they march straight to my bedroom and take over my bed, my remote control, my popcorn. Maybe its the children that insists on sleepovers and treating MJ like he is one of the boys and not vice verse.

Ghughes: No false allegations will ever stop me from loving my children.

Ghughes: We are living in a witch hunt society that loves to see a giant fall; especially if that giant is a Black megastar named MJ.

Ghughes: I believe God used her to get me to write the book and it was her courage that allowed me to go forth.

Thank you, Ms Geraldine Hughes, for your insight on the 1993 case. Many were enlighten.

~~sending out a major love~~
"The Music Lady's"

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 2:58 PM WST
Updated: Mon, Dec 20 2004 4:48 PM WST
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