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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Mon, Dec 20 2004
Jackson hosts kids' party
Mood:  party time!

Sunday, December 19, 2004 Posted: 1:22 AM EST (0622 GMT)

LOS OLIVOS, California (AP) -- Christmas came early for some 200 children who got to play at Michael Jackson's amusement park and meet Santa Claus.

"I hope you have a wonderful day. Merry Christmas. I love you," the pop singer called out to the children Friday from the driveway of his estate.

Jackson, who faces trial next year on child molestation charges, appeared happy during the few minutes he spoke to the arriving throng.

One of the youngsters shouted, "We love you."

"I love you more," Jackson replied before putting an umbrella over his head and walking back toward his house.

Jackson spokeswoman Raymone K. Bain said the entertainer chose to make an unusual personal appearance as a surprise for the last group of children touring Neverland before the Christmas holidays.

Bain said there was no relationship between the event and Jackson's upcoming trial.

Santa Barbara County authorities have charged Jackson, 46, with molesting a boy, conspiracy and administering an intoxicating agent, alcohol, to his alleged victim.

Investigators have carried out raids on Neverland, and in a recent court filing that seeks to introduce evidence of other purported crimes that went uncharged, prosecutors described the estate as "a veritable paradise" for children.

Friday's visitors, from six organizations and ranging in age from about 3 or 4 years to their teens, were bused to Neverland and then rode a train up from the parking lot. They included children with special needs from Santa Barbara and some affiliated with the First AME Church in Los Angeles, according to a list of groups issued to reporters. Jackson defense attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. attends the First AME church.

The Rev. Brenda Lamothe, executive assistant to First AME Pastor John Hunter, said the church did not authorize a group to go to Neverland.

Bain said charitable and civic groups bring children to Neverland at least three times a month to play on the amusement park rides, see its zoo and watch movies.

Neverland, in the scenic Santa Barbara County countryside, is a fairy-tale theme park with streams, waterfalls and a lake. The grounds are decorated with bronze statues of children at play.


Copyright 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:49 PM WST
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