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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Thu, Jan 27 2005
'I was teenage friend of Michael Jackson'
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Prosecutor Press Release

Jan 26 2005

By The Huddersfield Daily Examiner

A MILLIONAIRE from Calderdale could be called as a key witness in the Michael Jackson child abuse trial.

Club owner Terry George, 39, who lives in Stainland, spoke to the Examiner today and confirmed he had been contacted about a phone conversation he and the pop megastar had when he was just 13.

The schoolboy met Jackson when the star was touring with The Jackson 5 in 1979. The pair became friends and spoke regularly on the phone.

But Mr George, who owns a string of bars and nightclubs in Leeds, says that during one of the calls Jackson told him he was fondling himself and asked him to join in.

He said: "He was masturbating. It made me feel a bit uncomfortable, but afterwards I never thought that much about it.

"It only happened once. Normally, we would just talk like friends. It was amazing for a teenager to be able to say: `I am friends with Michael Jackson', especially as time went by because he became more and more famous."

Detective Paul Zelis, of Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department, contacted Mr George to ask him about the phone call while he was in New York filming a documentary with Martin Bashir about his friendship with Jackson.

It has not yet been confirmed whether Mr George will be called to appear in court in California when the trial starts next Monday.

Mr George, who also owns several flats in Huddersfield town centre, said he hopes Jackson is found not guilty.

"I do not feel like a victim and I never did feel like a victim," he said. "I forgot about it quite quickly.

"We only stopped talking on the phone when my mum got a #350 phone bill. That was what put an end to the relationship, not anything Michael did.

"I have not been in contact with him since 1983, but the way he has been treated by the media has been wrong.

"I do not know whether he is guilty of abusing the other boys. I hope he is not.

"It has been so sad to see a man with so much talent fall from grace like he has."

Mr George appeared on TV last night, on Channel 4's Jackson's Boys. He is also set to appear on an American documentary after the trial.

* Jackson reportedly reached a multimillion-dollar settlement with a boy who accused him of molestation in 1993. No criminal charges were brought in that case.

* In an interview with Martin Bashir in 2003 Jackson admitted to camera he had shared a bed with young boys.

* The King of Pop was indicted last April on 10 counts for the alleged sexual abuse of a Los Angeles boy in early 2003. He has pleaded not guilty to all 10 counts.

* The trial is expected to be the most high-profile since OJ Simpson was cleared of murder in 1995.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:40 PM WST
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