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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Fri, Oct 22 2004
Michael Jackson may commit suicide if he is convicted!
Mood:  sad

[Hollywood News]: London, Oct 20 : Michael Jackson's family fears that the pop icon may commit suicide if he is convicted of sexual assault.

Close relatives of the 'Thriller' star are, in fact, holding weekly meetings to decide the best possible way to bail him out of trouble.

"Michael ain't going to jail, he's going to commit suicide first," The Sun quoted a source quoting Jackson's brother Jermaine as saying.

The 46-year-old singing sensation is set to face trial early next year on charges of nine counts of child molestation. (ANI)

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 5:41 PM JST
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Mood:  sad

The troubled pop superstar has reportedly been slapped with a hefty bill from bosses at the MIRAGE, where cabaret stars SIEGFRIED AND ROY used to perform, for wrecking a villa he stayed in with his entourage a year ago (03).

Insiders tell American tabloid GLOBE that bosses have been patient, but Jackson, who uses the name JONATHON PARKER when he checks into the Mirage, has still to pay the alleged $250,000 (GBP138,900).

The source says, "I'm told he left an absolute mess behind. The carpeting was completely destroyed. The hotel found food, candy and whatever smashed into the carpeting throughout the place and there were drinks spilled all over it."

Jackson and his entourage vacated the villa when a warrant was issued for his arrest on child molestation charges.

21/10/2004 21:07

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 5:32 PM JST
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Fri, Oct 15 2004
Mood:  hug me
Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2004

On Tuesday, October 12, 2004, at 8:00AM, P.D.T., Michael Jackson appeared on ?The Steve Harvey Morning Show,? 100.3 / The Beat, a Radio One station, regarding Eminem?s video. In an exclusive interview with Steve Harvey, Michael Jackson made the following statement:

?I would like to thank you, Steve, Radio One, the African-American community, my fans from around the world, and some of the members of the media, for the support that you have given to me. I would also like to thank Mr. Robert Johnson, Chairman and Founder of BET for pulling the Eminem video from BET?s airplay. I appreciate very much the love and support that you all have shown me.

?I am very angry at Eminem?s depiction of me in his video. I feel that it is outrageous and disrespectful. It is one thing to spoof, but it is another to be demeaning and insensitive.

?I?ve admired Eminem as a artist, and was shocked by this. The video was inappropriate and disrespectful to me, my children, my family, and the community at large. It is my hope that the other networks will take BET?s lead and pull it.?


Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 4:40 PM JST
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Mood:  happy

Date: Thursday, October 14, 2004



NEW YORK, NY, October 13, 2004- The Source Magazine, the largest magazine devoted to hip-hop music, culture and politics applauded today as BET (Black Entertainment Television), pulled the newest Eminem video ?Just Lose It? from its video rotation. BET Chairman and Founder Robert Johnson personally removed the video, which mocks cultural icon Michael Jackson and shows an overall level of disrespect for black culture and its icons.

Eminem?s latest racial misstep comes on the heels of racist charges first leveled against him nearly two years ago by The Source?s CEO Ray Benzino. These charges intensified last November, after tapes where Eminem, real name Marshall Mathers, is heard rapping using blatant racial epithets and making disparaging remarks about black women. The ?Just Lose It? video is vindication for Benzino and The Source who were accused of overreacting by mainstream media outlets, other artists, and so called ?hip-hop activists.?

?For too long influential people in the hip-hop community have stood by Eminem while he has made a mockery of the culture that inspires and motivates our young people to achieve and be proud of their black heritage,? said Ray Benzino, CEO of The Source. ?I am proud of both Robert Johnson of BET for pulling the video, and for comedian Steve Harvey for urging MTV and VH1 to do the same. We as the leaders in the Hip-Hop community and music industry need to step up and realize that Eminem?s lyrics and actions are tearing down the very culture that people like Doug E. Fresh, Slick Rick, and Public Enemy have built from the ground up. I urge all members of hip-hop to come out and support Jackson, one of the most important, cultural icons of our time. No one should stand behind this mockery and only by supporting the airplay of ?Just Lose It? are we giving Eminem a way out.

Furthermore, The Source called upon Eminem?s management to pull the single from his upcoming album, and to publicly apologize to Michael Jackson for his offensive portrayal of the King of Pop. As one of Black America?s most visible icons, the magazine views any criticism of Jackson as a direct snipe at the culture itself.

The Source has weathered a consistent storm of criticism since first going after Eminem two years ago. Portrayed in the mainstream press as having a vendetta against Eminem, despite the publication having actually given the rapper his first big break when it featured him in its March 1998 ?Unsigned Hype? section, the magazine has never backed off its claims that Eminem is a racist and an imminent danger to the hip-hop community.

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Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 4:19 PM JST
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Thu, Oct 14 2004
Statement From MJJForum Fan Community Regarding Eminem's video, "Just Lose It."
Mood:  cool
MJJForum eNews #397 - October 13, 2004

REVISED, one of the largest Michael Jackson support groups on the internet, officially protests MTV?s continued promotion of Marshal Mathers, known as Eminem, and his video, "Just Lose It". Mathers, an artist who has condoned crimes against women, intolerance of sexual diversity, and domestic violence, has now added racial denigration to the litany of anti-social behaviors he exemplifies. The image of a member of the majority race vomiting on a black man reawakens age-old memories for segments of the black population who can still remember when vile acts such as this were perpetrated against them and their loved ones in order to keep them in their place.

We find it quite suspect that Mathers would choose Michael Jackson, the most famous black entertainer in history, as the target for his personal subjugation. In the 1980?s, Mr. Jackson broke through the glass ceiling of discrimination in the music industry and opened the door for many black artists to achieve success. It is obvious that Mathers, a white artist who has exploited a musical genre originated by African Americans, now intends to symbolically put Mr. Jackson where Mathers believes he belongs. Those days are over, and no African American should stand for this.

We agree with Robert Johnson, President of BET, who has called this video ?inappropriate and offensive,? and has wisely removed it from the station?s play list. We find it unacceptable that MTV, who has profited from the airing of Mr. Jackson?s own work for more than 20 years, continues to broadcast this open insult to Mr. Jackson and to the black community.

Furthermore, we find it reprehensible that MTV insists to air a video that is prejudicial to Mr. Jackson in a way that could negatively affect the legal proceedings he is involved in at the moment. MTV is grossly out of line in its interference in serious judicial proceedings by its support of one person?s slanted view of a situation which has yet to be resolved. MTV and Mathers should, themselves, be held accountable for their actions in a court of law.

Unfortunately, MJJForum cannot make that happen. We can, however, make our voices heard by informing fellow fans of all races, and from all over the world, of the position MTV has taken on the matter, and to encourage these millions of fans to take whatever action they see fit. We believe that MTV should follow the example BET has set by taking a stand and refusing to allow racial insults to infect our airwaves. The removal of this video from the MTV play list is certainly warranted.

contact: Barbara Chauvin, Editor -

DISCLAIMER: Neither MJJFORUM.COM, CLUBMJJF.COM, MJJF-EUROPE.COM, nor the opinions expressed in any and all writings/posts/eNews messages located anywhere on this site, are in any way affiliated either expressly or implicitly with Michael Jackson,, MJJProductions, his management, his attorneys, etc.


Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 5:09 PM JST
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Mon, Oct 11 2004
Mood:  loud

Troubled singer MICHAEL JACKSON will allegedly sue rapper EMINEM over his new music video, which mocks the THRILLER star.

The JUST LOSE IT promo features Eminem dressed as Jackson, losing his cosmetically enhanced nose, jumping on a bed with young children, being vomited on by the real Eminem and dousing his flaming hair by sticking his head down a toilet.

Jackson has branded the video "disrespectful" and is to determined to have it banned, reports Britain's DAILY SPORT newspaper.

Jackson's spokesperson says, "The Jackson family feels the video is demeaning and disrespectful. Michael is very displeased and doesn't want it shown."

A source close to the 46-year-old says, "The entire video is a send-up of Michael Jackson. Michael is very upset and is going crazy over it. Don't be surprised if he sues over this.

"He is moonwalking and has greasy hair. Eminem's hair catches on fire, just like Michael's did in the famous Pepsi commercial. He runs into a public toilet and douses the flames in a toilet."

10/10/2004 14:16

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 3:15 PM JST
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Sun, Oct 10 2004
Jackson Prosecutor ?blinded by zeal?
Mood:  surprised
MJJForum eNews #393 - October 8, 2004

Defense lawyers for entertainer Michael Jackson have argued that District Attorney Thomas Sneddon and his team of prosecutors should be removed from the case due to a conflict of interest.

The motion, originally filed on October 4th, was unsealed on Thursday revealing further details of the DA?s alleged vendetta against the superstar.

Jackson supporters and members of the media have for some time speculated that Sneddon is too personally involved in the case following his failed attempt to prosecute the singer in 1993.

The 34-page motion, still partially blacked out, claims Sneddon is "blinded by his zeal to convict Michael Jackson" and should be removed from the case. The defense further states the DA?s office "have an actual conflict of interest . . . that is so grave it is unlikely that Mr. Jackson will receive a fair trial."

Much of the document?s content had previously been included in a motion to dismiss the indictment against Mr. Jackson. Both motions cite Sneddon?s bias during grand jury proceedings. Judge Rodney Melville has yet to rule on the motion to dismiss the grand jury indictment.

In the unsealed documents, defense attorney Steve Cochran points out that the accuser?s mother was allowed to refer to Mr. Jackson as ?the devil? during her testimony to the grand jury. He further claims that she "prejudiced the grand jury with wild tales of 'killers' and secret conversations in 'code' despite a total lack of support for this version of events by other witnesses, including her own family."

Jackson?s team also contends that prosecutors "poisoned the well" during the hearings by allowing testimony about the 1993 case. It is also alleged that former county Sheriff, Jim Thomas, was allowed to leak prejudicial information about the case to the media.
This followed Judge Melville?s ruling that Thomas, now an NBC consultant, was not covered by the gag order preventing anyone involved in the case speaking publicly about it. The former Sheriff has said that while he does have a friendship with Sneddon, they do not discuss the current case and claims he did not leak information.

The tenuous relationship between the accuser?s parents was also highlighted during grand jury proceedings. Rocky relations between the two resulted in divorce and a restraining order being placed against the father.

At one point, it is revealed, he took photographs of his then wife as she came towards him with a stick. Prosecutors implied the boy?s father had sold this photograph to a tabloid newspaper. Jackson?s team claim this was an attempt by the prosecution to "sully the jurors' opinion" of the boy?s father. He still denies having sold the pictures.

The motion further points out that the investigation itself only began following the airing of a British documentary, ?Living with Michael Jackson?. The program left a "misimpression that Mr. Jackson had slept in the same bed with (the victim.)" Mr. Cochran notes that both Jackson and the boy say in the documentary that the singer slept on the floor while his accuser used the bed.

Jackson?s defense team also attacked Sneddon?s public demeanor during a news conference held to announce the arrest warrant again Mr. Jackson late last year. Many felt his jovial behavior was inappropriate.

Cochran again pointed out that Sneddon overstepped his boundaries as prosecutor when he personally led surveillance of an office belonging to a private investigator working for then Jackson attorney, Mark Geragos.

In an unusual move, Sneddon was called to testify in August and claimed his decision to personally conduct the surveillance was made out of convenience, as he happened to be in the area that day.

Also in the defense spotlight is Court TV and former Hard Copy journalist, Diane Dimond, who has been reporting on Jackson since 1993. In the newly released documents, defense attorneys have requested copies of any notes Sneddon had made of meetings with Dimond.

Prosecutors have requested that the motion to remove Sneddon not be heard during the next pre-trial hearing on October 14th. It is not yet known which motions will be heard on this date.

Source: SBNews-Press/NYPost/MJJForum

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 11:58 AM JST
Updated: Sun, Oct 10 2004 12:13 PM JST
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Fri, Oct 8 2004
Michael Jackson Yale Conference Media Coverage Inaccurate
Mood:  blue

"Regarding Michael Jackson: Performing Racial, Gender, and Sexual Difference Center Stage" a conference at Yale University that brought together scholars from many disciplines for two days, Sept. 23-24. The A.P. report by Diane Scarponi was inaccurate in saying that the legal case against Michael Jackson was not discussed.

(PRWEB) September 30, 2004 - The conference, "Regarding Michael Jackson:Performing Racial, Gender, and Sexual Difference Center Stage" brought together scholars from many disciplines for two days at Yale University, Sept. 23-24. Michael Jackson has both a private and a public personae. The Yale conference focused on Jackson as he presents himself as a public figure and in his artistic production. In a sense, the conference was a preview and a validation of the many ways he will be studied in the future as a cultural force, as someone who has pushed the limits of not only music, dance, video and film, but also the limits of the right to self-expression within a cultural framework.

The papers, respondents and discussions focused not on speculations about Jackson's motivations for personal and artistic choices, but on how those choices have altered the terrain of performance, music, and culture itself. His cultural influence can be seen in the multi-disciplinary nature of the conference, drawing people from musicology, fine arts, English, culture/media studies, critical theory and photography. Each presenter brought a different optique within the context of a thorough knowledge of and appreciation for the significance of Jackson's work.

The papers fell into two broad categories: 1)Jackson's cultural influence as he has tested boundaries of stereo-typical, cultural conceptions of race and gender through his self-expression, and 2) analyses of Jackson's music, videos and films. Uri McMillan's paper, "White Ambition: Michael Jackson, Racial Erasure, and Aesthetic Surgery" was not a discussion of specifics about Michael Jackson and plastic surgery, as the title suggests, but comprised a historical view of the uses of plastic surgery by various races and ethnicities as a strategy for coping with prejudice and seeking economic mainstreaming.

Musicologist Jason King discussed Jackson's vocals in his earlier, adult music, comparing them to others of his contemporaries. Nora Morrison presented her readings of themes of racial tension in Jackson's films (Beat It, Thriller, Smooth Criminal, and The Wiz), as in each of these pieces, Jackson subdues unruly crowds through music and dance. Rose Theresa's paper, "Michael Jackson, the King of Melodrama: Innocent until Proven Guilty," was enlightening about the theatrical genre of melodrama, which was explored through Jackson's short film, "Ghosts."

Todd Gray's paper was an exception to the two categories, in that he brought personal knowledge of Jackson to his presentation, as Michael Jackson's personal photographer for many years, (and designer of the "feet logo"). Gray showed installations and imagery of exhibitions of his photographs of Jackson. He said that Jackson had specific ideas about how he wanted to be represented to the public, and exerted full editorial control over each photograph that was published.

The A.P. report by Diane Scarponi was inaccurate in saying that the legal case against Michael Jackson was not discussed. K. C. Arceneaux's paper, "Michael Jackson: Media and Mythologies," presented facts about the child-molestation case against Jackson that have been suppressed or omitted by media, and explained how media taps into mythologies in order to raise ratings and "sell" the news. Refreshingly, the conference did NOT concern gossip about Jackson's personal life, nor mention tabloid stories, nor rumors. Instead, the conference was a serious look at Jackson's work and his vanguard position within culture by scholars who were thoroughly familiar with his artistry. It should be noted that popular culture, as a kind of ongoing, contemporary history, is a frequent topic in university classes, seminars, and conferences, and that other celebrities have also been the focus of serious study as they take their places in the history of art, music, and theater. This kind of serious study is a needed, balancing counterpoint to the often inaccurate media coverage of Jackson.

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Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:06 PM JST
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N.Y. Judge OKs Michael Jackson Tix Suit
Mood:  loud

Wed Oct 6, 6:34 PM ET

By SAMUEL MAULL, Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK - A judge has approved a class-action lawsuit against Ticketmaster and Madison Square Garden for allegedly selling seats with obstructed views of Michael Jackson's 30th anniversary concert three years ago.

The judge said the suit potentially covers 7,840 ticket buyers "who received no advance notice that their seats were inadequate for viewing purposes."

The suit filed by Dana Gross, 32, says she paid Ticketmaster $98.50 plus service charges for each of six tickets to see the self-styled King of Pop's concert in September 2001. She's asking for $14 million in damages.

Glen Rosenberg, 33, one of Gross' friends who went to the show, said after the lawsuit was filed, "We couldn't even see the show properly on the TV screens. It was so bad I might as well have been sitting in my bathroom."

Gross' lawyer, Peter Agulnick, said he had no comment on Judge Herman Cahn's ruling, which was made public Wednesday. No date was set for a trial.

Agulnick has said that his client wrote Ticketmaster to complain that her group had to sit behind a wall and could not see Jackson, Britney Spears, Liza Minnelli, Ray Charles or other performers.

Agulnick said Ticketmaster wrote back and basically told Gross, "Tough luck."

The judge allowed the case to go forward on complaints that included deceptive business practices and breach of contract. He noted that a Garden executive conceded employees were aware of the obstructions days before the concert.

Spokeswomen at both Ticketmaster and Madison Square Garden said they would not comment on pending litigation.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 11:17 AM JST
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Thu, Oct 7 2004
Jackson's Defense Wants to Know..., Dimond, Allred, Lieberman mentioned
Mood:  party time!
Topic: Breaking News

Date 2004/10/6 21:50:27

What do Michael Jackson?s defense attorneys want to know regarding what Tom Sneddon told Diane Dimond, Gloria Allred, Larry Feldman, Stan Katz and Carole Lieberman? That?s the question we all want answered.

In newly released court documents tonight (October 6, 2004), we learn that Jackson?s attorneys are still having trouble getting information from the prosecution. What they call ?peace meal? offerings from prosecutors have drawn rebukes by the defense.

For months there has been speculation about how Diane Dimond was just so mysteriously lucky enough to be at Jackson?s Neverland Ranch laying in wait with a camera crew, expecting the police to show up to raid Jackson?s home. And she learned this information in enough time to allow her to fly in to California and get two camera crews ready (one was at the police station just in case).

In court documents, Jackson?s attorneys sent a letter to prosecutors wanting information about a large number of things. Among those things include communications between Sneddon and the aforementioned ?Rogue?s Gallery? of characters involved in and around this case.

From the defense?s Motion to Compel, stamped Oct 6:

13. Please provide us with all notes, records, reports, phone conversations, statements (whether telephonic, in person, verbal, written, signed or unsigned), recordings (audio, video and/or transcripts), involving District Attorney Tom Sneddon's contacts with but not limited to Diane Diamond, Gloria Allred, Larry Feldman, Dr. Stanley Katz and Carole Lieberman. This request is limited to issues concerning Michael Jackson's arrest, past and present investigations and or inquiries conducted and or directed by Mr. Sneddon on behalf of the Santa Barbara District Attorney's Office and or by the current and former Sheriff of Santa Barbara County.

This article comes from MJEOL

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:48 PM JST
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Accuser's Mother hired numerous lawyers, says children can sue Jackson - AFP
Mood:  chatty

Date 2004/9/22 21:49:43 | Topic: MJ News

Michael Jackson's lawyers confront his accuser's mother

Fri Sep 17, 2:30 PM ET Add U.S. National - AFP to My Yahoo!

SANTA MARIA, United States (AFP) - Michael Jackson's lawyers sought to portray the mother of the boy who has accused him of child molestation as a liar who has made similar claims against an ex-husband.

Jackson stared grim faced at the 36-year-old woman, named in court documents only as Jane Doe, as his lead attorney Thomas Mesereau launched into a combative exchange with the woman.

Mesereau highlighted contradictions in a sworn statement and documents filed with the court in a bid to portray one of the key prosecution witnesses in the case against Jackson as unreliable.

The lawyer has previously called the woman a liar in court and this time he suggested her motive for accusing the self-styled King of Pop was mercenary.

"She made statements that her children can sue Michael Jackson after they turn 18," Mesereau declared.

"She said she is not after money then she says she is after money.

"She has hired numerous lawyers and used resumes for work that show she is sophisticated in investigation and prosecution and can supervise surveillance."

The court was not told what the woman's job was. But Mesereau said the woman knew how to file lawsuits and had once accused her ex-husband of molesting one of her sons and falsely imprisoning him in Los Angeles.

Jackson faces charges 10 counts including child molestation and false imprisonment.

The woman, who wore a black suit and open neck white blouse, appeared to avoid eye contact with Jackson as he sat at the defence table staring intensely at her while occasionally mopping his brow with a white handkerchief.

The woman crossed herself before taking a seat in the witness box and was quickly involved in court combat with Mesereau, frequently challenging his line of questioning.

"What are you asking?" she challenged, as Mesereau tried to press her about whether she knew private investigator Bradley Miller was working for Jackson's former attorney, Mark Geragos.

Jackson's team claim the woman and California prosecutors knew of the relationship when investigators swooped on Miller's Los Angeles office on November 18 to search for evidence of child abuse.

"He told me he was with Michael Jackson's security team," the woman said.

"It don't matter what the transcript said," she went on, referring to an account of an interview between her and Miller in which he identifieid himself as working for Geragos.

"He said he was Michael's PI (private investigator), or (somebody) said that. I don't remember, I wasn't paying attention."

The woman has two children, including the alleged victim, by her first husband, and has just had a baby with her new husband.


This article comes from MJEOL

The URL for this story is:

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:37 PM JST
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Even More Damaging Docs of Accusing Family?s Past ? MJEOL Bullet #99 REPOST
Mood:  celebratory

Given current revelations about the accuser's mother's past, which includes once accusing her ex-husband of sexually molesting the accuser and falsely imprisoning them, it seems appropriate that we recap what other people have had to say about this family.

In March 2004, NBC did an interview with the attorney who represented JCPenney in a lawsuit filed against them by this very same family.

In a stunning development yesterday (March 4), the attorney who represented JCPenney in a court case involving the family now accusing Jackson, released over 100 pages of documents from that case, and blasted the mother?s motives both in their case and in the Jackson case (see transcript from replay of report).

The attorney, Tom Griffin, was interviewed by NBC?s Mike Taibbi, the same reporter who broke the story about Richard Matsuura totally blasting the defamatory Vanity Fair article about Jackson in which Matsuura is cited as one of the children allegedly ?given wine by Jackson? (see Matsuura Angry at Defamatory Vanity Fair Article-Bullet #89).

Tom Griffin calls what the mother did to JCPenney a ?shakedown?. What was a small altercation with security?after some of the family members were actually caught outside of the store with ?an arm full of shoplifted clothes?--turned into a $3 million lawsuit.

The family claimed they were beaten severely in broad daylight by security to the extent where they all had broken bones. As of now, it is unknown if any medical records exist of the family?s alleged beating by store security. Griffin says there was absolutely nothing to backup their claims.

From the number of documents obtained by NBC, it would seem there was a substantial amount of information gathered by JCPenney?s defense team in that case. During his investigation, Griffin says:

It became readily apparent that this was an incident in my opinion, a scam, to extract money from JCPenney.

What may have sparked Griffin?s suspicions is the fact that the family, two years after filing the initial lawsuit, suddenly claimed the mother was sexually fondled in her breast and pelvic area for approximately 7 minutes by the guard or guards during the altercation. Remember this supposedly happened, according to them, in broad daylight after the family was stopped for shoplifting. She didn?t report this to the police or claim it happened at that time. Maybe she just?forgot?? If this seems far-fetched, then you are not alone.

During depositions and investigations, the psychiatrist for JCPenney said that the mother ?rehearsed? her two sons?one is the accuser?to lie and back-up the story she was telling. Sound familiar? The psychiatrist also says that the children were coached in what ?sounded like scripted copies of (her) testimony? (see Is the Michael Jackson molestation case a shakedown?).

According to the documents, the psychiatrist also found the mother to be ?schizophrenic? and ?delusional.? Even her own psychiatrist found her to be ?anxious and depressed.?

If you remember, this information fits with what Russ Halpern (father?s attorney) said in Nov 2003:

Halpern said the father once showed him a script his wife had allegedly written for their children to use when they were questioned in a civil deposition.

?She wrote all of their testimony. I actually saw the script,? Halpern said. ?I remember my client showing me, bringing the paperwork to me.? (see Accuser's Mother Writes Script of Lies).

Now there are two parties, independent from each other, confirming that the mother has previously coached her children/scripted their testimony. So why, then, does it seem to physically hurt some media people to actually make room in their mind for the possibility that Jackson is innocent? Maybe they?re suffering from the same kind of attitude the current district attorney of Santa Barbara is suffering from: It?s called the ?Jackson-is-guilty-and-ignore-everything-to-the-contrary? syndrome.

The JCPenney attorney continues:

?She just came up with this fairy tale, not a fairy tale, it?s a horror story, and just ran with it.?

Make no mistake about it, this information is devastating to the prosecution?s case whether they admit it or not. JCPenney ultimately settled the case two days before the trial for $137,500.00, a far cry from the $3 million the family was initially seeking.

This new information isn?t coming from the defense but rather an independent 3rd party who has had a run-in with this family in the past. And to have yet another party having a copy of this scripted testimony cannot be explained away.

What is also interesting is before the family saw a penny from the JCPenney lawsuit, the mother filed for divorce. The father too, may have been a part of the lawsuit against the store and an adversary of Griffin?s at the time. So there isn?t any apparent reason for them to conspire with each others story concerning the mother coaching her kids.

Has this stopped media attack dogs like Gloria Allred from rabidly trying to explain away the story? Of course not. What those like Allred do is attack the attorney bringing forth the information. She actually said on the Abrams Report (March 4):

The idea that an attorney for JCPenney?s would come out and take a cheap and seemingly unwarranted attack on a mother of a child who is alleged to be the victim of child molestation, I think it?s absolutely outrageous

Oh how dare Griffin throw his documented proof in our faces! How dare he make the public aware of previous actions regarding this family?s affinity for bending the truth! This isn?t about the attorney for JCPenney or his documents and opinions based on those documents. Allred can?t adequately defend the mother?s actions, so she attacks the attorney who brought the info to the public?s attention.

When asked his opinion about the family?s claims against Jackson, Griffin says:

They?re going for a homerun this time. This is a shakedown. Shakedown, part two.

There is probably much more information within the pages of these documents, which makes this attorney so set in his opinions on this family.

When asked on the Today show (March 5) if Jackson?s team had anything to do with this story or these documents, Jackson?s publicist Raymone Bain says ?We weren?t behind that.? And if one thinks about it, how in the world could the defense or anyone other than the attorney have anything to do with this story? They aren?t the authors of these documents nor are they the ones doing the interview with NBC?s Mike Taibbi.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:33 PM JST
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Wed, Oct 6 2004
The Jackson Kids To Appear On CBS!!
Mood:  energetic

Michael Jackson's nieces and nephews will appear on TV to defend him against child molestation charges and drum up sympathy for their embattled family,
CBS News says.

The Jackson kids - Jermajesty, 4, Jaafar, 8, 12-year-old twins Randy and Donte, and Genevieve, 14, will appear on the network's "The Early Show" on Thursday and Friday.

The children, whose dads are Michael's brothers Jermaine and Randy, say they are teased at school and hurt by publicity about their uncle's criminal

"They know inside that my uncle is innocent. So they just want to tease us to be cruel, because they're not happy with themselves," Genevieve told CBS.

"Us kids, you know, we get hurt from that because that's our uncle," Genevieve told CBS. And Jackson's nephew Donte complained about some media referring to his uncle as "wacko."

Jermaine Jackson says he hopes the kids will help the family's image. "We are just like any other family. We are like the Brady Bunch, but we're the
Jackson bunch."

The kids' TV appearances are the family's latest attempt to help Michael. Last month, the singer's famous siblings showed up at his court hearing.


Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:00 PM JST
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Tue, Oct 5 2004
Inside Michael's Private World
Mood:  sad
Topic: Prosecutor Press Release

October 4, 2004

Controversial herbalist Dr. Sebi claims that Michael Jackson's brother, Randy, brought him in this past winter to help the pop star detox from what Sebi calls an addiction crisis. "I was told by the cooks that [Jackson] was falling down and they had to pick him up off the floor? many times," Sebi told us.

Dr. Sebi is not a licensed medical doctor, but the self-proclaimed healer insists he helped Michael kick an addiction to painkillers that some published reports trace back to a painful 1984 accident where Jackson's hair caught fire shooting a commercial.

"His condition was one that was of stress because of the drug that he was taking," Sebi said of Jackson. "They were feeding him drugs all day long; he had to take them because of his sleeplessness and his nerves."

Dr. Sebi says that, starting a couple of months after Jackson was booked on molestation charges, he traveled with Michael and provided herbal compounds that eased the embattled superstar's nerves.

"When he came out of the state of stress from the drugs, his behavior was one that was free of concern about the case," Sebi told us. "He's absolutely certain that he's going to win this case. That he's not guilty."

And about Tom Sneddon and the pop star's other enemies, Sebi said, "If anything, Michael feels sorry for them. He has expressed love for Tom Sneddon."

While Sebi says Jackson seemed serene about the molestation charges, the singer created another drama in February near Aspen when he and a young man entered a Wal-Mart. The superstar wore a ski mask and scared employees, who called the cops.

"He asked me if I saw the news, and I said 'yes,'" Sebi explained. "So I asked him, 'Why did you go in there with ski masks?' He said, 'Well, I wanted to be discreet, but they called the police and said two white boys were in there with ski masks.'"

Sebi also told us Jackson seemed a good father to his kids, but was haunted by the ghost of his own troubled childhood and the burdens of lifelong fame. "The people wanted someone they could worship," Sebi told us. "And he seemed to be the perfect person. So that may have had a lot to do with the poor young man."

Dr. Sebi says he finally quit treating the superstar, and he now claims Jackson owes him $380,000, for which he plans to sue.

Jackson's spokesperson has long denied Michael has been treated for any addiction and would not comment on Dr. Sebi.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 2:25 PM JST
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Michael Jackson Defense Files Motion to Remove District Attorney
Mood:  bright

Monday, 04 October 2004

Attorney Robert Sanger filed a motion on Monday to remove Santa Barbara County district attorney's office from the Michael Jackson child molestation case.

Mr. Sanger said the motion was filed under seal because "the content of the motion includes reference to details in under-seal material including discovery materials, grand jury transcripts, investigative reports, exhibits and identities of witnesses."

Much of the proceedings have been kept under seal by Judge Rodney Melville.

It has long been believed that District Attorney Thomas Sneddon had a personal vendetta against Mr. Jackson. Motions to remove a district attorney are based on claims of personal involvement and conflict of interest.

"The odds of being successful are very slim," said criminal defense attorney Steve Cron. "It would be highly unusual for a judge to take the whole district attorney's office off a case." Mr. Cron said that lawyers claim in such motions that the chief prosecutor is so personally involved in the case that he can't make fair decisions.

Loyola Law Professor Laurie Levenson said that if the motion were granted and upheld on appeal, the state attorney general's office would have to take over the case.

"This was a natural motion to file," she said. "Even if the chances of success are not great, it's worth taking a stab at it."

Source: AP/MJJForum Article

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 2:00 PM JST
Updated: Tue, Oct 5 2004 2:06 PM JST
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Accuser's DNA Not Found
Mood:  happy


Results in the DNA testing which took place in the Michael Jackson Child Molestation Case have returned a result of negative according to "At Large with Geraldo Rivera". According to the show a source known only as "Peter Pan" revealed the information.

"Judge Melville has ordered the prosection to turn over any and all evidence by October 8th. The DNA results will be turned over to the defense this Friday."

Source: Geraldo / Fox

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:01 AM JST
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Fri, Sep 24 2004
Jackson defense denies photo report
Mood:  irritated

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Michael Jackson's defense attorney said in a court-approved statement Tuesday that news reports about photographs reportedly seized from the singer's home are false and that the prosecution in the child-molestation case agrees.

The information was not specified, but defense attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr.'s statement followed a report by Los Angeles radio station KFI that among a half-dozen photos seized were images of a naked boy or boys.

KFI news director Chris Little said an attorney for Jackson called and asked for a retraction but was turned down.

"We stand by the story," Little said.

Parties in the Jackson molestation case are under a gag order, but Santa Barbara County Superior Court Judge Rodney S. Melville has allowed attorneys to comment on news reports in approved statements.

Mesereau read his statement in a law office in Birmingham, Ala., but took no questions from reporters.

"The Michael Jackson defense team has learned that information is circulating throughout the media regarding alleged photographs supposedly seized from Mr. Jackson's residence. That information is false. The prosecution has confirmed that it is false," Mesereau said.

"We demand an immediate retraction from any news or media organization that made such an announcement," he said.

Prosecution spokeswoman Susan Tellem said she had not spoken directly with Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon, but she confirmed that Mesereau's statement had been approved by the court.

The KFI report, which cited unnamed sources, described a boy in a bathtub and a boy in a bed and said that it was not clear if each picture showed the same boy.

The station reported that the photographs were referred to in court Friday during a hearing in which the defense is challenging some of the seizures authorities made.

During the hearing, prosecutor Ron Zonen said items taken from Jackson's Neverland Ranch estate included six photos of a boy.

"It's very apparent looking at those items why we seized them," he said, without elaborating.


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Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 11:03 AM JST
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Sun, Sep 19 2004
Jackson's Family & Fans Support Unwavering as Defense Confronts Mother of Accuser
Mood:  special
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Author: Team MJJsource

In a mass show of unwavering support, the Jackson Family arrived, to the cheers of their fans, in a convoy of black SUV?s Friday morning to stand behind Michael as he faced the mother of his accuser.

Michael Jackson?s defense team questioned the mother of his accuser Friday, hoping to discredit her as a witness by highlighting contradictions in a sworn statement and documents filed with the court. Defense attorneys also sought to prove prosecutorial misconduct on the part of the district attorney?s office. Mr. Jackson watched intently as Jane Doe began a defiant testimony during which she loudly sighed, referred to her ordeal as "this nightmare," and accused a courtroom spectator of rudely whispering.

Jane Doe also testified she did not know why she was called to the witness stand, she stated that she believed the purpose of Friday's hearing was "just to bring me more torture."

Mr. Mesereau opened the hearing by raising doubts about the mother's credibility, asking her about molestation allegations he said she made against her ex-husband in the past as well as previous litigation, including charging J.C. Penney with false imprisonment. Superior Court Judge Rodney S. Melville ruled that those allegations were irrelevant for now.

The defense attorney then tried to show that the woman and prosecutors should have known that private investigator Bradley Miller was working for Mr. Jackson?s previous attorney, Mark Geragos, when Miller's office was raided.

Mr. Mesereau referred repeatedly to a transcript of an interview between Bradley Miller and the mother on Feb. 16, 2003, which was conducted only days after her son appeared with Mr. Jackson on a television special. He noted that the transcript stated Miller told her at the beginning and at end of the interview that he was working for "specifically an attorney named Mark Geragos who works for Michael Jackson." Jane Doe wagged her finger, argued and asked repeatedly for clarification during nearly three hours of testimony.

She refused to answer directly when repeatedly asked if the document was false. "I'm not denying it was said. I'm saying I don't remember," the woman testified.

Mesereau seemed exasperated when the woman said she didn't understand some of his questions. When he asked if Miller told her he worked for Geragos, she repeatedly said of Miller, "He's your guy."

At one point, the judge asked her whether she believed the transcript was false. She repeated that "Frank" had told her Miller was part of Mr. Jackson's security team and was his private investigator.

As Mesereau asked again and again about the interview transcript, he commented to the witness, "We'll see what the tape says."

She replied, "The tape says the same thing as the paper, but by their mouths they said different." Jane Doe often stared at the ceiling and at breaks during testimony, bowed her head and clasped her hands as if in prayer. Once, after Judge Melville coughed, she interrupted testimony moments later to say she was concerned about his cough.

She was unable to recall the length of a recent meeting with a prosecutor at her home, sighing and explaining to Mesereau, "I do a lot of staying up at night ? "

When asked other questions, she stroked her chin, wrinkled her brow, shut her eyes and craned her head before answering. Mesereau asked if it were true that she couldn't remember her age when she testified before the grand jury, but prosecutors successfully objected.

Mr. Jackson?s defense team has made Doe's credibility a crucial issue in the case. They contend that she saw the chance to rake in a fortune by fabricating the accusations involving her son, a recovering cancer patient who was 12 at the time of the visit.

Mesereau has previously called the woman a liar in court declaring, "She made statements that her children can sue Michael Jackson after they turn 18. She said she is not after money then she says she is after money. She has hired numerous lawyers and used resumes for work that show she is sophisticated in investigation and prosecution and can supervise surveillance."

The court was not told what the Jane Doe?s job was. But Mesereau said she knew how to file lawsuits and had once accused her ex-husband of molesting one of her sons and falsely imprisoning him in Los Angeles.

Later in the afternoon, attorneys for both sides presented arguments to the judge over whether authorities went beyond what they had warrants to seize in searches of Miller's office and Neverland on Nov. 18, 2003.

Defense attorney Steve Cochran argued that prosecutors had gone to absurd lengths to justify taking some of the items and searching some parts of Neverland.

Prosecutors conceded that some items should not have been taken.

The combative hearing ended without a ruling being given on the seizure of evidence. Judge Melville said he would provide his ruling in writing at a later date. The next scheduled court date is October 14th.

As they broke for lunch, Mesereau, with Michael and the entire Jackson family standing behind him, read a heartfelt statement. He said the singer now regrets paying to settle two past claims of child molestation.

?Greed begets greed,? Mesereau stated, ?Mr. Jackson now realizes that the advice he received was wrong. He should have fought these actions to the bitter end and vindicated himself. The recent publicity about these settlements is unfair and damaging to him, his family and his dedication to the world?s children. The false charges he is facing will be battled in a court of law within our justice system. He is innocent and will be vindicated.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 4:43 PM JST
Updated: Sun, Sep 19 2004 4:53 PM JST
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Mood:  happy

Friday, September 17, 2004

Regretfully, we are compelled to vigorously respond to numerous and false statements being made about Mr. Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson was recognized as a musical genius as a child. His life and development were devoted to cultivating his musical talents and extraordinary gifts. Discipline, hard work, and a desire to heal and better this world through his creativity were emphasized throughout his youth.

It was recognized very early that Michael Jackson?s musical talent and genius could generate many millions of dollars to him and others around him. From the time he was a little boy, others have sought to exploit and take advantage of his creative talent and inherent goodness.

Mr. Jackson has donated large sums of money around the world to foster the interests and welfare of our world?s children. Early in his life, he learned and believed that while others sought to exploit and take advantage of his vulnerabilities and idealism, children did not.

Believing that children are the true example of God?s beauty, innocence and purity, Michael has devoted much of his life to helping the world?s children. He has donated millions of dollars to healing children with disease, helping children with AIDS, and traveling the world to emphasize the importance and welfare of our children. He would never harm a child.

Mr. Jackson has been a target of frivolous lawsuits throughout his career. To date, well over a thousand ridiculous lawsuits have been filed or threatened against Mr. Jackson for all kinds of reasons by those who sought to obtain money by exploiting his achievements and love for people. None of these claims involved allegations that he ever harmed a child. However, they involved, for the most part, creative and outrageous attempts to take money from Mr. Jackson. Throughout his career, Mr. Jackson?s desire to create and help our world has been subjected to efforts to exploit, undermine and take advantage of this wonderful human being.

Mr. Jackson has been repeatedly advised by those who stood to make fortunes in his business affairs to pay money, rather than face certain false allegations. As a result, many years ago, he did pay money, rather than litigate, two false allegations that he had harmed children. People who intended to earn millions of dollars from his record and music promotions did not want negative publicity from these lawsuits interfering with their profits.

These two false allegations must be placed in a proper perspective. Mr. Jackson has interacted with millions of children. Many millions of children around the world love Michael Jackson and never alleged that he harmed them in any way.

Those who wanted to profit from his good deeds and vulnerabilities were also threatening to destroy his ability to raise his own children and to champion the welfare, integrity, humanity and interests of children around the world. Michael Jackson occupies a world where his privacy is continually violated.

Michael Jackson now regrets making these payments. Nevertheless, these efforts to settle are now being used against him regardless of the merits or the truth behind them. These settlements were entered into with one primary condition. That condition was that Mr. Jackson never admitted any wrongdoing. Mr. Jackson always denied doing anything wrong.

Mr. Jackson had hoped to buy peace in the process. He was advised that while these sums of money appeared large, they were actually very small compared to money he could make in music. Mr. Jackson has earned well over one billion dollars in his career. Placed in this perspective, they were very small sums, indeed.

Greed begets greed. Mr. Jackson now realizes that the advice he received was wrong. He should have fought these actions to the bitter end and vindicated himself. The recent publicity about these settlements is unfair and damaging to him, his family and his dedication to the world?s children. The false charges he is facing will be battled in a court of law within our justice system. He is innocent and will be vindicated.

Thomas A. Mesereau, Jr.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 4:35 PM JST
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Jackson hearing tense as accuser's mother testifies
Mood:  cool

Los Angeles Times


SANTA MARIA, Calif. - The mother of Michael Jackson's young accuser testified at the pop entertainer's pretrial hearing Friday amid defense suggestions that she is a greed-driven opportunist and chronic liar.
Although the woman known in court as Jane Doe was subpoenaed to testify only on a dry, evidentiary issue, her appearance in the packed courtroom made for high drama.

Twenty feet away from the witness stand in Santa Maria Superior Court, Jackson sat at the defense table, staring at the 36-year-old woman in her black jacket and simple white blouse. He was clad in a resplendent ivory three-piece suit and decked with glittering watch chains. Six of his siblings, also dressed in white, occupied the courtroom's first two rows.

Jackson and Doe said nothing to each other. It had been more than two years since she and her family had stayed at his palatial Neverland estate, where she now says they were held captive and her son was molested.

Doe blessed herself with the sign of the cross before taking the stand. At each break, she propped her head on her hands and prayed.

If she sought guidance, she needed it to withstand a two-hour grilling by defense attorney Tom Mesereau. At times, she appeared evasive, suspicious and forgetful.

Unable to recall the length of a recent meeting at her home with a prosecutor, she sighed deeply and explained to Mesereau: "I do a lot of staying up at night . . .."

Asked other questions, she stroked her chin, wrinkled her brow, shut her eyes and craned her head before answering. Mesereau asked if it were true that she couldn't remember her age when she testified before the grand jury, but prosecutors successfully objected.

The defense has made Doe's credibility a crucial issue in the case against Jackson. They contend Doe saw the chance to rake in a fortune by fabricating the accusations about her son, a recovering cancer patient who was 12 at the time of the visit. Prosecutors say Jackson, who has pleaded not guilty, is a merciless predator.

At issue Friday was whether Doe told Santa Barbara County prosecutors that Bradley Miller, a Beverly Hills private investigator, worked for Jackson's former attorney, Mark Geragos. Police seized tapes and documents during a search of Miller's office in November. Jackson's attorneys contend that using those items in court would violate attorney-client confidentiality.

Doe said she knew of Miller only as a member of Jackson's security team, despite a tape-recorded interview she did with him in February 2003. Made shortly after the devastating British TV documentary on Jackson's life, the tape begins with Miller identifying himself as "a licensed private investigator working for Geragos & Geragos, specifically for Mark Geragos, who is a lawyer for Michael Jackson."

Doe seemed to deny the accuracy of the transcript. After further questioning, she backpedaled. "I don't remember," she said. "Now I know who Mark Geragos is. Then it didn't mean nothing to me."

Doe repeatedly asked Mesereau to rephrase his questions, saying they were confusing. Asked if she knew the hearing's purpose, she replied: "Just to bring more torture on me and my children."

Clearly exasperated at times, Mesereau failed to get any admissions from Doe about the relationship between Geragos and Miller. Even so, he managed to make damaging points that strayed far from the hearing's ostensible purpose.

Although Superior Court Judge Rodney S. Melville cut him off, he asked Doe about previous litigation, including charging J.C. Penney with false imprisonment and her ex-husband with abusing one of her children.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 4:19 PM JST
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