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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Sun, Jan 14 2007
Jackson Sued for Not Paying for His Meds
Topic: Main News

Posted Jan 12th 2007 6:48PM by TMZ Staff
Filed under: Celebrity Justice

TMZ has learned that a Beverly Hills pharmacy claims Michael Jackson ran up a $100,000 tab for prescription meds, but never paid.

TMZ has obtained the lawsuit, filed Wednesday in Los Angeles County Superior Court, by drugstore to the stars Mickey Fine Pharmacy. The store, which often delivers its wares via motorcycle, alleges they had an oral agreement with Jackson to pay for any prescriptions they filled. The pharmacy claims Jackson made his last payment to them in mid-2005. According to the documents, the pharmacy made "repeated requests for payment." Perhaps MJ thought that "oral agreement" was related to how to take the pills.

They are asking for the $101,926.66 they are owed, plus court costs and other relief.

Calls to Jackson's reps were not immediately returned.


Michael Jackson's Response:


January 12, 2007



Washington, D.C. ?.. Regarding your inquiries about an action filed by G & J

Gross, Inc., DBA Mikey Fine Pharmacy against Michael Jackson: the issue

has been amicably resolved. Mikey Fine Pharmacy has been paid.

This action related to the administration of Mr. Jackson?s finances, which

has been transitioned away from Mr. Jackson?s former business managers.

On December 22, 2006, Mr. Jackson filed a lawsuit against his former

business managers, Bernstein, Fox, Whitman, Goldman and Sloan, LLP.

Source: Raymone Bain - Gail Felix - MJ News UPdate

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:39 AM WST
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Mon, Jan 1 2007
Michael Jackson joins throngs paying tribute to James Brown!!
Topic: Main News

AUGUSTA, United States (AFP) - "King of Pop" Michael Jackson headlined a throng of fans, friends and family who paid tribute to the late "Godfather of Soul," James Brown, who lay in an open casket.

At a memorial service here Saturday, thousands of people filed silently past the white-lined casket set among huge wreaths at the center of the James Brown Arena.

"Now, here today at last, the man and his music have been validated," said Reverend Cal Murrell, who is known as "the happy preacher."

Fans of the musical giant applauded as African-American rights activists Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Dick Gregory ascended the short flight of stairs to view the body during what was dubbed a "homecoming celebration."

"Yes, he was an amazing entertainer, but he was also an amazingly influential black activist," said Lee Sullivan, an Atlanta poet.

The mood was somber and reverent as relatives and close friends of the soul icon filed past the casket, but it turned electric as the powerful voice of the "hardest working man in show business" filled the arena during a video tribute featuring some of Brown's stage performances.

Michael Jackson, one of Brown's countless musical heirs, dressed in a dark brown leather coat and black sunglasses, greeted Brown's family and bade farewell to Brown at his casket.

"He was a mighty powerful man," said Donna McCloud, a 30-year-old chemical engineer who flew in from Kingston, Jamaica to pay her respects to the famed soulman.

"His influence is felt throughout the world," she said.

Brown, who shaped American rhythm-and-blues, funk and disco genres for a half-century and was a charter inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, died of complications from pneumonia in the state capital, Atlanta, on Christmas Day. He was 73.

Born in the small South Carolina town of Barnwell in 1933, Brown moved at the age of four to Augusta, where he grew up in a brothel run by his aunt.

Saturday's event was the final tribute for Brown, who was honored on Thursday at the famed Apollo Theater in New York's Harlem neighborhood, and at a private ceremony that relatives held in Augusta on Friday.

The James Brown Arena, which seats more than 8,000 people, was packed to capacity, and fans lined up for hours to get a final glimpse of the man who for five decades electrified audiences with his husky voice, flashy footwork and tight rhythms.

Crowds who could not gain access to the arena milled outside, holding photographs and recordings of the music star, some singing his hit tunes.

For the past few days, mournful and adoring fans had flocked to the city's statue of Brown, leaving flowers, records and messages at its feet.

The bronze statue depicting Brown, microphone in hand and shrouded in an American flag, stands in a square named after the famous singer.

Augusta recently adopted "We Feel Good" as its city motto -- a play on Brown's 1965 hit "I Got You (I Feel Good)."

Posted by:


Source: Yahoo

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 2:26 AM WST
Updated: Mon, Jan 1 2007 2:37 AM WST
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Sat, Dec 23 2006
Topic: Main News


December 20, 2007

Washington, D.C. --- Raymone K. Bain, General Manager, releases the following statement:

?Reports that Mr. Michael Jackson is seeking to sell his Neverland Valley Ranch in California on the Bravo television network?s reality show, `Million Dollar Listing,' are totally untrue and ludicrous and yet another malicious attempt to damage Mr. Jackson?s character and misrepresent his financial affairs.

?Mr. Jackson is NOT selling Neverland Valley Ranch. We have said this time and time again, but rather than believe the source, there are those who consistently rely on unsubstantiated reports from unnamed sources.

?We have not been in discussions with the Bravo Network regarding the series `Million Dollar Listing,? nor do we plan to do so.?


Raymone Bain

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 11:22 AM WST
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Sat, Dec 16 2006
Announce Date Change and an Additional ?Fan Appreciation Day.?
Topic: Main News

December 14, 2006

Michael Jackson and Broderick Morris, CEO, Positive Productions
Announce Date Change and an Additional ?Fan Appreciation Day.?

Tokyo, Japan -- Pop star Michael Jackson and Broderick Morris, CEO, Positive Productions, have mutually agreed today to postpone the Tokyo Christmas Celebration, planned for December 19, 2006, at the Tokyo Studio Coast, to
March 2007.

Both men agreed to the change in order to add a second separate event, a ?Fan Appreciation Day,? on March 9, 2007, for Japanese fans, and fans in other parts of the world who wish to attend, noted Morris, who added that they selected the March 9th date because it is referred to in Japan as San Ku,which means, ?Thank You.?

The Corporate VIP Event, which Mr. Jackson will meet, greet and take photos with attendees, be held the day before on March 8, 2007.

?I will be attending these special events on March 8th and 9th in Tokyo, Japan,? said Michael Jackson. ?Tokyo is such a wonderful place, and I look forward to speaking to my friends and fans at both events. My fans have been so
loving and supportive of me, and I am honored to attend an event to thank them for the love and support they have shown to me, and my family, throughout the years,? Jackson added.

?We want to be as inclusive as possible to all of Michael?s fans,? explained Morris. ?They have supported him throughout his career, and this is a unique opportunity for him to thank them. We both wanted to make sure that the
events were planned in a way as to include as many of Michael?s friends and fans as possible.? Morris said persons holding tickets for the Christmas event will receive priority consideration for the new dates. Purchasers of tickets can also return those tickets for a full refund.

For additional information, contact Positive Productions Yokohama at:

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:54 AM WST
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Statement from Michael Jackson: To My Japanese Fans
Topic: Main News

December 8, 2006

To My Japanese Fans:

I understand that there has been some confusion concerning my upcoming visit to Japan.

Positive Productions and Mr. Broderick Morris have been kind enough to invite me to Japan to participate in a Christmas event at the Tokyo Shinkiba Studio Coast, and I have accepted. I will be attending the Christmas Celebration on December 19, 2006.

As you all know, I visited Japan in May of this year. Mr. Morris and Positive Productions sponsored that trip as well. My children and I had a wonderful time visiting Tokyo and seeing fans and friends. I am sure that this visit will be just as enjoyable for us.

Please rest assured that reports of my upcoming visit to Tokyo are true.

Thank you for your love, your kindness, and the support that you, and my fans from around the world have shown to me, and my family, over the years.

I love you all from the bottom of my heart, and wish you, and your families, a wonderful holiday season.
With love,

Michael Jackson

Source: Raymone K. Bain

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:37 AM WST
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Fri, Dec 8 2006
World Music Awards founder Melissa Corken has spoken out in defence of MJ's 'performance' at the bash last Wednesday night.
Topic: Main News

Talking to MTV UK News, she said, "Let's get this straight, Michael was coming to collect an award, not perform. He doesn't have a record ready.

"The press picked up on a rumour that he was going to sing 'Thriller'. He was NEVER going to perform 'Thriller'. It was always going to be Chris Brown performing as a tribute"

She continued, "Michael was a little overwhelmed by (the press stories). He said I can't do 'Thriller' because I haven't done it for ten years.

"He wasn't quite ready to perform but he wanted to do something more than just accept his award so he decided to sing some of 'We Are The World'. He was courageous enough to do that."

And while most of the British tabs bigged up how many boos he got, Melissa told us the overall vibe of the show was overwhelmingly positive.

"He's played two times at the WMAs already but this time was even more explosive - I've never felt energy like that before. It was just wonderful. Over 10,000 people from all across the world came to see him.

"I love Michael, everyone assumes he's a diva but he's not - he demands nothing. He's just a really nice simple man. I went to see him and his beautiful children chilling in their hotel room."

And despite all the stick he also got for his appearance, Melissa told us that up close MJ looks fine. "He has beautiful skin and nice hair. He was looking good."

Thanks to: ahmed/MJNO...

Submited by: paul(mjcool)

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:36 PM WST
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Thu, Dec 7 2006
School choir backs Michael Jackson's show!!
Topic: MJ's Side Segments

TEENAGERS who sang with Michael Jackson at the World Music Awards have said people overeacted to the pop star's truncated performance.

Around 20 pupils from Holy Family Catholic College, Shernhall Street, Walthamstow, were asked to sing with Mr Jackson on-stage while he sang We Are The World at the glitzy award ceremony in Earls Court.
But the pop star got cold feet and fellow singer Beyonc Knowles, who was going to present him with an award, was left waiting for 20 minutes.

In the end, Michael Jackson managed to sing a couple lines from the song he wrote and produced with Lionel Richie.

It is alleged he was booed by fans.

However, the teenagers singing with him thought it was a dream come true and said there had been an over-reaction to his performance.

Portuia Douglas, 16, said: "The press got the wrong end of the stick. There wasn't any booing. There was booing for other artists because the crowd wanted to see Michael perform.

"I think everybody wanted to be in our shoes because it is a once in a life time opportunity to perform with Michael Jackson.

"I am a massive fan of his and when I knew I was going to sing with him I phoned everyone in my phone book. I was so excited I couldn't sleep."

Joesph Perry,16, said: "It was the first time Michael Jackson had performed in a while and perhaps people were expecting Thriller and I think they were surprised when he sang only four lines of the song.

"But It was really amazing singing with him. We were stuck in a room for ten hours and we were saying Where's Michael?' but when we were on stage it just clicked. "When we finished he said Thank you guys' and I even touched him.

"I was thrilled that our performance was shown round the world and my family in India saw me."He added that one of the teachers, who knew an event organisers, was asked if she knew any teenagers who wanted to sing with Michael Jackson. "Most people in my class weren't that bothered but, to me, it was a dream come true," said Joseph.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 2:42 AM WST
Updated: Sat, Feb 10 2007 12:41 AM WST
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Tue, Nov 28 2006
Michael Jackson turns efforts to Africa
Topic: Main News

Star will follow in Angelina Jolie?s footsteps, doing charity work in Rwanda

By Jeannette Walls
Updated: 1:39 a.m. ET Nov. 27, 2006

Will Michael Jackson be a thriller in Africa?

The singer?s much-hyped ?comeback? performance at the World Music Awards didn?t go so well, but now apparently he?s joining the ranks of celebs such as Madonna and Angelina Jolie doing good deeds in Africa. Jackson will be turning his attention to Rwanda, according to a report.

?Michael Jackson will be here in June 2007, he confirmed this,? Kije Mugisha, the Deputy Director General of the Rwandan bureau of information told Africa News. She said that Jackson was interested in children?s education, health care and the media, but didn?t say how much the cash-strapped performer had committed.

?Michael Jackson is eager to know how many hospitals are in place in Rwanda and how he can help in improving people?s health here,? Kije Muisha, who also doubles as the director general of Rwanda television, said, adding that the star had also promised to help the national television. ?He promised to do what he can afford to do. It could be in terms of equipment or any other assistance. We shall get to know much of that when he is here in June next year.?

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 11:49 PM WST
Updated: Sat, Feb 10 2007 12:52 AM WST
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Sun, Nov 19 2006
Michael Jackson Dissapointed By The Shambolic World Music Awards Comeback didn't go to plan...
Topic: Main News

By: Lowri Williams on 11/17/2006

It has been revealed that the reason Michael Jackson only sang a few lines of a song at the recent World Music Awards was because his mic was cut off as the event had run over its 11pm curfew.

Jackson was forced to wait before going on stage as the event was running behind schedule and so could only sing a few lines from his song `We Are The World'.

A friend of his told the Mirror: "He is terribly disappointed. He'd rehearsed four songs. He'd decide to sing `She's Out Of My Life' but each time his car drove up to the stage he was told it wasn't ready. Then his mic was cut off. It was just one disaster too far.

Another source added: "It was an extraordinary night for all the wrong reasons. Everything that could go wrong did. Everything was late, running orders were being made up during the show. celebs were being asked to do things with literally 10 minutes notice.

"No one could be persuaded to give Michael Jackson his award ? even Bon Jovi refused. In the end they begged Beyonce ? she said yes, but it certainly wasn't I the schedule."

An event spokeswoman Jules Just said: "The event started late because all the celebs got caught up doing interviews on the red carpet, which was one of the longest ever
"There were also technical hitches meaning things had to be juggled around. But all the team pulled together and we are appreciative of Philip Green for his support."

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:25 AM WST
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Jackson?s return to stage? No `Thriller?
Topic: Main News

Singer struggles to sing as sound cuts out at World Music Awards in London

MSNBC staff and news service reports
Updated: 12:27 p.m. ET Nov. 16, 2006

LONDON - Reclusive pop superstar Michael Jackson made a musical comeback of sorts on Wednesday, singing the chorus line of his charity single ?We Are The World? before the sound cut out as he struggled for the high notes.

The 48-year-old, performing live for the first time since he was acquitted of child molestation charges in June, 2005, had been expected to sing his seminal hit ?Thriller?.

But to the huge disappointment of screaming fans, that was performed instead by young U.S. star Chris Brown.
Jackson looked uncomfortable at times as he was surrounded by excited young members of a gospel chorus on stage with him.

That did not stop supporters desperate to see their idol cheer his every move, especially when threw his black sequin jacket into the crowd.

The failure by the deposed King of Pop to demonstrate his voice and confidence were back to anywhere near their best was likely to raise further doubts about his ability to resurrect a career that has been on hold for years.
?There have been so many people who have loved me and stood by me. I love all the fans from the bottom of my heart,? Jackson said before flinging his jacket and exiting the stage.

Earlier, Jackson?s appearance outside the Earl?s Court Arena in west London inspired glee and bedlam among hundreds of fans, who scrambled for photos and reached out to touch his gloved hand.

Jackson, clad in black and wearing his trademark shades, also spoke briefly to journalists. But the roar of the crowd combined with the singer?s own low-decibel delivery ensured few could hear anything he said. Asked where he has been living, Jackson replied: ?All over the place.?

Earlier in the evening, Jackson was given the Diamond Award honoring artists who sell more than 100 million records.

Introducing Jackson, U.S. singer Beyonce said: ?Tonight we are celebrating 25 years of ?Thriller?,? referring to his seminal album. ?If it wasn't for Michael Jackson I would never have ever performed. I love you, we all love you.?

Doubts abound

Jackson, who has been a virtual recluse for the last 17 months, thanked fans and his family, singling out his three children who have been with him during his stopover in London.

?I am greatly humbled by this award,? said Jackson, who wore his jet black hair long and straight. ?It was my dream that ?Thriller? would be the biggest-selling album ever ... and God has answered my prayers,? he added.

Jackson?s lifetime record sales tally is believed to be around 750 million, making him the most successful entertainer of all time.

It was an unhappy return to the London stage for Jackson, who has not performed in Britain for around a decade. In 1996, Pulp lead singer Jarvis Cocker stormed the stage and mocked Jackson during his rendition of ?Earth Song?.

Jackson has said he plans to move to Europe in a bid to resurrect his musical career and has indicated he will release a new album in 2007.

Whether Wednesday?s performance helps him on the road to professional recovery remains to be seen.

?I would say there?s very little chance of him coming back from where he is,? said Gareth Grundy, deputy editor of the Q music magazine, speaking before the show.

?I think people will always be fascinated by the freak show, and that?s what?s going on,? he said. ?I would categorize him as a celebrity as opposed to an artist.?

Celebrities Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan were also at the Earls Court venue, where they were joined by hundreds of reporters eager to catch Jackson in action.

Winners on the night included Madonna (world?s best pop artist), Canada?s Nelly Furtado (best pop/rock) and Nickelback (best rock group), Beyonce (best R&B), Kanye West (best rap/hip-hop) and Britain?s James Blunt (best new artist).

The World Music Awards reflect artists? global sales rather than a public vote or panel decision.

? 2006 MSNBC Interactive

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:12 AM WST
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Fri, Nov 17 2006
Michael Jackson Returns to Spotlight
Topic: Main News

Associated Press
By KATIE FRETLAND 11.15.06, 7:33 PM ET

Michael Jackson gave his first public performance Wednesday since his acquittal on child molestation charges a year-and-a-half ago - a fleeting rendition of "We are the World" surrounded by youthful singers.

Jackson, 48, sang at the World Music Awards in London, which was honoring him with an award commemorating the 25th anniversary of his hugely popular album, "Thriller."

But the reclusive pop icon, who has been traveling in Europe since his June 2005 acquittal in California, did not perform the album title song as some expected. Instead he appeared on stage and sang among a group of swaying, clapping kids - until the musical accompaniment inexplicably stopped.

"There have been so many people who have loved me and stood by me. I love all the fans from the bottom of my heart," Jackson said before flinging his black jacket into the crowd and exiting the stage.

Earlier, Jackson's appearance outside the Earl's Court Arena in west London inspired glee and bedlam among hundreds of fans, who scrambled for photos and reached out to touch his gloved hand.

Jackson, clad in black and wearing his trademark shades, also spoke briefly to journalists. But the roar of the crowd combined with the singer's own low-decibel delivery ensured few could hear anything he said.

Asked where he has been living, Jackson replied: "All over the place."

In recent days, he reportedly rented an entire London hotel for $95,000 a night.

Jackson has spent time in Bahrain and Ireland since he was acquitted, making few public appearances.

Jackson's "Thriller" album won eight Grammy Awards and sold more than 50 million copies.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:53 PM WST
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Michael Jackson Inches His Way Back
Topic: MJ's Side Segments

Nov 15, 5:13 AM EST
Elroy R.C. Smith

Michael Jackson is no longer hiding out in Bahrain.

Though he fled the United States after his acquittal on child molestation charges last year, apparently happy to live in seclusion in the Middle East, Jackson has started inching his way back into the spotlight.

Earlier this year, he went to Tokyo to accept MTV Japan's "Legend Award." This month, he allowed the syndicated TV show "Access Hollywood" to film him in the studio, working on music with superhot producer from the Black Eyed Peas.

And on Wednesday, in a rare public performance, he is set to sing the classic charity song he co-wrote, "We Are The World," at the World Music Awards in London, where he will get another special award.

Move over Justin. Jackson, still one of the best-selling artists of all time, is looking to reclaim his title as the King of Pop.

But does the public care?

"Michael needs to come back strong and come back of today, not of yesterday," said Elroy R.C. Smith, a program director at the Chicago-based radio station WGCI 107.5, which plays R&B, hip-hop and old-school music. "He could get back in the studio, but if he is out of touch with what's going on musically, he'll be considered, 'Well, he's finished.'

"Would the world love to see this guy come back musically? Absolutely. Because he's still one of the greatest performers of all time."

But Jackson the entertainer has long taken a back seat to Jackson the one-man freak show. His acquittal on allegations of molesting a young boy was just the latest, and most dramatic disaster for a man who has admitted to sharing a bed (chastely) with kids, dangled his baby from a balcony and shocked people with his cosmetically enhanced visage. And that's just THIS century ? don't get us started on blunders of the '90s or the late '80s.
Jackson's last album, 2001's "Invincible," went double-platinum but didn't register any megahits. Not-so-awesome news for the guy who made the world's best-selling album in "Thriller" and once released multiplatinum albums with ease.

Smith said Jackson's new music would have to earn its way on his radio station.

"I'm not going to play Michael Jackson because it's Michael Jackson," Smith said.

"But if it has an urban flair to it, if it has potential, oh yeah, we will truly give it a shot."

"Access Hollywood" host Billy Bush recently interviewed Jackson at his Ireland-based studio. Bush is also spending time with Jackson this week in London.

"He wants to show that he's moving forward and getting back to doing what he does," Bush told The Associated Press. "The theory (for his new album) is he's gonna build it in Europe and Asia and mount it that way, and eventually, I think the endgame would be the United States."

And he's still got plenty of fans. Bush was stunned earlier this week while watching Jackson generate a frenzy when he stepped out of a car in London.

"It's the most amazing thing I've ever seen," he said. "I mean I've seen a lot of celebrities get out of their car and get screams of adoration and adulation and all that, but nothing as emotional and vociferous as this."
Music makers are clamoring to work with him. R&B hitmaker Akon, who has a smash hit with Eminem and is collaborating on Gwen Stefani's new album, is one of them ? he plans to do a song for Jackson's album next year. His advice to Jackson? Go with his gut instincts, "just do music that feels good, that feels right, that's fun."
"Once he understands that, he'll be able to go in a studio and make an album within 30 days, because he just put his feeling into it," Akon told the AP. "Not only to think strategically... throw all that out the window. Do what you love to do and put it out and I promise you it will be successful."

That may be true. But in addition to hearing Jackson, fans also have to look at him ? and from the Pluto T-shirt and big-hair look he showed off this week, Jackson likely needs some fashion superstars to help him in that department.
Celebrity stylist Nicole Chavez, whose clients include "OC" actress Rachel Bilson, said Jackson should "tone down" his look ? style, hair and make-up ? to appeal to a broader audience.

"I think if you get the right people involved, everybody could create a look that would work for Michael and would work for the public," she told the AP.

Americans, Smith said, are "forgiving." They love to see down-and-out stars bounce back (see: Britney and Whitney). A radio-friendly, slickly produced album from Jackson might be something worth rooting for ? or not.
"I don't think he can do it like he did it the first time in the '80s ... Album sales just don't work like that anymore," Bush said.

"But I think he can capture the fascination. Good music is good music. And he's already proven that in that mind ? from that mind ? comes great, great music. So there's no question he can do it again. It's `will he?' and `will people accept it'?"

Copyright 2006 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:03 AM WST
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Topic: Breaking News

Guinness World Records London Head Quarters today welcomed the world?s biggest superstar through its doors for an honorary record presentation. Michael Jackson, a self confessed Guinness World Records fan since childhood, contacted Guinness World Records ahead of his visit to request that he could collect his multiple Guinness World Record certificates during his trip to London this week.
With a staggering eight records mapping career highlights over the last quarter of a century, Michael Jackson is one of Guinness World Records longest standing record holders. The records span from Youngest vocalist to top the US singles chart, (aged 11, fronting The Jackson Five) and First vocalist to enter the US single chart at No.1 ("You Are Not Alone") to Most weeks at the top of the US album charts (non-soundtrack) (37 weeks for Thriller); Most successful music video (Thriller sold over 1 million units); First entertainer to earn more than $100 million in a year to Highest paid entertainer of all time ($125 million in 1989 Forbes list). His ultimate and latest accolade was also presented to him: Most successful entertainer of all time.
Michael arrived at Guinness World Records offices in North West London at 4pm this afternoon with his entourage - a fleet of black and silver people carriers. Wearing his signature black three quarter length dinner jacket and trousers with yellow piping, he arrived amidst an army of fans who had followed him from the hotel.
He was greeted by Guinness World Records Editor, Craig Glenday, and given a whirlwind tour of the offices and shown weird and wonderful exhibits from the `Guinness World Records Cabinet of Curioddities?, including the world?s oldest vomit and tallest man ever?s shoes. Michael was then presented with his record certificates, a copy of the latest edition of the book and a special edition from the year he was born (1958 ). Evidently delighted with the accolades he holds in high esteem, Michael said: ?I?ve always been a big fan of the book. Thank you so much ? it?s a great honour to visit the Guinness World Records offices.?
Michael Jackson is in London for his first UK performance in nine years. He is due to be presented with a Diamond Award at the World Music Awards in Earls Court on Wednesday evening. He will also sing tracks from his Thriller album, bringing it back to life after 25 years. Guinness World Records Editor, Craig Glenday, will also be reuniting with the star on Wednesday evening to present him with his eighth Guinness World Record.
Guinness World Records Editor Craig Glenday said: ?We always expect the unexpected here at Guinness World Records. From the world?s tallest man, woman with the longest fingernails and most pierced woman, we?re used to all walks of life stopping by the office, but we haven?t been this excited since we met the Queen last year. Michael is one of the greatest superstars of all time and his unwavering success has kept him at the very top of the record breaking charts throughout his career. We?re absolutely delighted that Michael holds Guinness World Records in such high regard and honoured that he?s taken time out of his busy schedule to stop by and collect them in person.?

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:54 AM WST
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Michael Jackson madness hits London
Topic: Main News

Pop star confirmed that he will be singing `We Are the World?
Access Hollywood
Updated: 8:26 p.m. ET Nov. 14, 2006
LONDON - As Michael Jackson prepares for his performance at the World Music Awards in London on Wednesday, only Access Hollywood is with the King of Pop every step of the way.

Our cameras were with Michael inside Earl?s Court Arena as he rehearsed for his performance and MJ confirmed to Access he will be performing ?We Are The World? at the awards show.
And while all was quiet inside the arena during rehearsals, outside it was a much different story. Being with Michael since he landed in London, trust us the hardest part of his day is wading through the mob of fans to get in and out of his car.
Fans even waited for hours outside of Michael?s hotel for a glimpse of the superstar and a glimpse is what they got when Michael appeared on his balcony.
The fan frenzy went into overdrive when Michael emerged from his hotel to get into an awaiting van.
But the scene would get even wilder.
Ten minutes later, photographers converge on the restaurant Nobu as Michael?s van pulls up.
And as soon as MJ steps out of the fan, all rules are off as it?s a photo frenzy.
Once safely inside the restaurant, Michael dined with a party of 12 and even posed for some photos with Access? Billy Bush and designer Roberto Cavalli, who will be dressing Michael for the World Music Awards.
Not only will he be performing, but Michael will also receive the Diamond Award, given only to those who have sold over 100 million albums.
But the relaxing dinner ended two hours later when Michael met up with the mob scene outside.
?I was in the middle of this madness and let me just say I couldn?t imagine going through this every time I stepped outside,? Billy said.
On Tuesday morning, it was a bit less chaotic as Michael and our crew arrived at the offices of the Guinness Book Of World Records, where Michael picked up an award for breaking seven world records.
?Thank you for everything. God bless you,? Michael told those in attendance.
And Billy took the opportunity to remind Michael of one of his records.
?I have a trivia question. Speaking of records, what album holds the record for sales in the world?? Billy asked Michael. ?Do you know? I?ll give you a hint.?
As Billy hit play on ?Billie Jean,? Michael smiled and laughed.
A brief moment of levity before the Michael madness resumed.
Copyright 2006 by NBC. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:50 AM WST
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Wed, Nov 15 2006
Mom of Michael Jackson accuser admits welfare fraud
Topic: Breaking News

Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:24 PM ET

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A Los Angeles woman, whose son accused pop star Michael Jackson of sexual abuse last year in a sensational trial, pleaded no contest to welfare fraud on Monday and has agreed to repay more than $8,600.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Barbara Johnson also ordered the 38-year-old woman, who has not been named by most news organizations to protect the identity of her son, to perform 150 hours of community service.

Johnson said the welfare fraud charge would be reduced to a misdemeanor on April 27 if the woman performs the community service and pays the restitution by that date. The woman was expected to move to Georgia later this year and was ordered by the judge to enroll in a community service program there.

In California, pleading no contest plea is the legal equivalent of pleading guilty.

At the trial last year, prosecutors charged Jackson with molesting the teen and conspiring to hold him and his family against their will at his famed Neverland Valley Ranch in central California. The jury acquitted the entertainer of all charges in June of 2005.

The woman took the witness stand during the trial, testifying that for a time she was forbidden to leave the ranch and was intimidated by Jackson's associates.

She refused to testify about the welfare assistance, citing her Fifth Amendment protections against self-incrimination, and jurors said after the trial that her credibility in court factored into their deliberations.

Jackson, 47, has since moved out of the country, and Neverland remains largely shuttered.

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Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 2:58 AM WST
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Mon, Nov 13 2006
Michael Jackson to hold Xmas party in Japan!!!

Controversial pop icon Michael Jackson is expected to appear at a Christmas party in Tokyo, where the best tickets would be priced at 3,400 dollars per person, a report said.

Organizers hoped to hold the event in Tokyo on December 19, the Nikkan Sports tabloid said.
If Jackson agreed, the "Premium Christmas" show would be officially announced in the coming week, the paper said.

Under the proposal, Jackson would not perform at the event, which would offer 400,000-yen (3,400-dollar) "platinum" tickets and 200,000-yen "gold" tickets, the report said.

The audience was likely to have dinner with Jackson while listening to his recorded music, the report said.
It was not clear how many tickets would be sold.

Those with the platinum tickets would be allowed to sit nearer to Jackson and have a group picture taken with the singer, the tabloid said.

Gold ticket holders would receive his autographed portrait, the report said.

Jackson last came to Japan in May, when he received a "Legends Award" at MTV Japan's Video Music Awards.

It was the most public outing by the superstar since he was acquitted on child molestation charges in June 2005, and fled the United States for the relative privacy of the Arab kingdom of Bahrain.

Source; Yahoo..

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 2:00 AM WST
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Michael to Perform at the World Music Awards!!!!!

MJJF eNews #857 - Tuesday Nov 7, 2006

Michael Jackson to perform at the World Music Awards. According to USA Today, Michael Jackson will perform live when accepting the Diamond Award at the 2006 World Music Awards. They write that Jackson's costume will be designed by Roberto Cavalli, who supposedly visited Jackson Monday.

The official World Music Awards website, also lists Jackson under performers.

To get more information about how to achieve tickets, please go to:

Source: USA Today / / MJJForum

? - This news can be reposted with a credit to

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:54 AM WST
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Ed Bradley: Michael Jackson Releases Statement!!
Topic: Main News

"I am saddened to learn of the passing of 60 Minutes correspondent Ed Bradley.
As the first African-American to anchor a network morning news program, Mr. Bradley was a trailblazer who set impeccable standards for reporting and journalistic benchmarks in television news. Mr. Bradley single-handily broke down barriers for minorities in journalism.

My family and I offer our sympathy and prayers to Mr. Bradley's family and his friends. He will be missed." - Michael Jackson, Dublin, Ireland.

Submitted By:


Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:41 AM WST
Updated: Mon, Nov 13 2006 1:59 AM WST
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Mon, Nov 6 2006
Access Hollywood Interview - Part 2: Transcript Saturday, November 04, 2006
Topic: MJ's Side Segments

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The below is a transcript of an interview between Michael Jackson and Access Hollywood's Billy Bush that aired on Friday, November 3rd.

Billy Bush: Yesterday, in Part 1 of my exclusive in-studio visit, you saw a mixed Michael. He chose his words carefully. But when super producer Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas turned on the beats, Michael came alive!

There is no doubt in my mind that Jackson is coming back, but how? Amazingly, he hasn't really thought about it.

(Cuts to footage of inside the studio)

BB: There was nothing ever bigger than (Thriller) that. That is the biggest album ever.

(Cuts to footage of Thriller video before returning to studio)

BB: If you went back and took it to a second chapter...

Michael Jackson: That's a great idea.

(Cuts to footage of Billie Jean video)

BB: (Voiceover) Imagine Michael Jackson re-visiting Thriller. Remix, DVD's, Web Saturation. The sky's gotta be the limit with the biggest selling album with nearly 100 million copies worldwide.

(Returns to studio)

BB: Is that the first time you've heard of it? I mean like, or or, have you thought that...

Michael: No I haven't really thought about it in that way but I would give it more thought. We haven't really discussed it yet, on that level, but I'm sure at some point we will. But it's a great thought.

BB: Feel like I'm a collaborator here.

Michael: Yeah, yeah, you are...

(Laughter all round)

BB: I get a credit...

Michael: You are.

BB: I might get a credit.

(Cuts to footage of Michael, Will.I.Am and Billy Bush walking around Irish estate with new track produced by Will.I.Am playing in the background)

BB: (Voiceover) For right now Michael is focused on creating and not re-creating. And it is right here at this recording studio on the sprawling classic old Irish estate outside of Dublin where Michael has teamed up with Black Eyed Peas leader Will.I.Am to take his music to the next level.

(Cuts back to studio)

BB: Do you see something big with the music that you make again, or getting that ground swell going? Doing clubs and intimate things and getting it bigger and bigger and bigger?

Michael: Jee, you know I'm not sure, on that level.

Will.I.Am: I can answer that direct (as) a fan...

(Michael points at Will.I.Am)

BB: Go ahead.

Will.I.Am: Big!

(Cuts to footage of Michael dancing away to the music before returning)

Will.I.Am: Something needs to put a jolt back in the music industry. And the only thing that can do that is the jolt itself. The energy that sparked the imagination of the kids that are... me, you know, the Justin Timberlake's, we're all products of this. (Motions to Michael) So the only person that can put that jolt back in to that monstrosity of entertainment and music is the one who created that. (Motions to Michael again)

(Cuts to footage of Don't Stop 'till You Get Enough video)

BB: (Voiceover) But what about those people Michael inspired...

(Cuts to footage of Justin Timberlake's Rock Your Body video)

BB: (Voiceover) aspire?

(Cuts back to the studio)

BB: Michael, I would love to hear what you thought of Justin Timberlake or something like that, because he's the closest thing to Michael Jackson I think today. You know what I mean?

Michael: I think Justin's doing a wonderful job, as well as Usher (Michael smiles) it's great to see. I'm inspired by what they do, and I'm sure I've inspired them. It's very nice.

Came from Paul email And MJEOL.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 11:15 PM WST
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Sat, Nov 4 2006
Access Hollwood Interview - Part 1: Transcript
Topic: MJ's Side Segments

Part 1: Transcript
Friday, November 03, 2006

The below is a transcript of an interview between Michael Jackson and Access Hollwood's Billy Bush that aired on Thursday, November 2nd.

Billy Bush: Michael invited me to Ireland, to observe him, as he got back into the studio. Can lightning strike twice for the King of Pop?

Michael insisted this was NOT a formal interview. He wanted us to be more like flies on the wall. Let's face it, the way Michael sees it, when a camera and microphone has charmed its way into his personal space, it has turned out badly for him.

So with that in mind, we agreed to just turn the cameras on.

(Cuts to footage of Michael in the studio, and walking around around Irish estate with Billy Bush and Will.I.Am from the Black Eyed Peas, with a new track playing in the background)

BB: So this is really a kind of an exploratory mission. You (pointing at Michael) deciding to get back into making music...

Michael: (Smiling) I never stopped... I'm always writing a potpourri of music, you know, it's how it is.

BB: (Voiceover) Relaxed, and ready to return.

(Cuts to footage of Michael laughing)

BB: (To Will.I.Am) Let's hear it.

(Will.I.Am starts playing a track he has prepared for Michael)

BB: (Voiceover) That, is the Michael Jackson we found when Access journeyed over 5000 miles to this classic old Irish estate (footage on screen) outside of Dublin. The stone manor is built to rock with a state of the art recording studio. But it's because of the beauty of the emerald landscape that Michael chose to be here.

(Cuts to footage of BB in grounds of the estate)

BB: What goes on on these grounds is a lot of exercise and walking and horse back riding. Michael wakes up in the morning, he makes porridge for his kids, which is oatmeal, and fruit. All the food is organically grown here. The amazing thing is, is that the man that is known as the P.T. Barnum of the recording industry (everything done big and extravagant) is really sort of dialling it back... to the roots.

(Cuts to more footage of Michael in the studio)

BB: (Voiceover) Michael is on the search for fresh sounds and Black Eyed Peas leader Will.I.Am is the man with the beats.

(Footage of Will.I.Am and Michael nodding away to a track that is being played)

BB: Will, we were talking a little earlier, you got a phone call on the tour bus, right? Someone said, "Mike's on the phone..."

Will: I was like, "no, come one, stop playing around." I didn't know it. I thought somebody was joking.

BB: So this is like eh, this is baby steps? Of just checking out what may be a collaboration or some work together?

Michael: Yeah, yes.

BB: Why Will?

Michael: Because I think he's doing wonderful, innovative, positive great music. Thought it'd be interesting to collaborate or just, you know, see how the chemistry works... be wonderful.

Will: This is like, a dream come true for me, you know.

BB: (To Michael) Does he take your advice well?

Michael: (Nodding and smiling) Yeah, we uh, yeah we...

(Will.I.Am interrupts, Michael laughs)

Will: I have... you have to take advice from the King of Pop.

(Billy Bush laughs)

Michael: I like to take sounds and put them on a microscope and just talk about how we wanna manipulate the character of it.

BB: (Voiceover) Will brought something new to the table, while keeping that classic Michael sound intact.

Will: (To Michael about the music playing) Living 'Off the Wall' with them kind of strings... (smiles)

Michael: Oh yeah, yeah, 'Off the Wall' yes.

(Laughter all around)

BB: (Voiceover) If Michael likes what he hears, he'll add his own musical touches. But for now, the two (Michael and Will) work the board, weaving out a sound and tapestry - layer by layer.

Michael: Pretend we're technically inclined. (Laughter all round)

BB: (Voiceover) Do NOT doubt his (Michael's) tech savvy, Michael knows his way around a recording studio AND our new digital camera.

(Footage of Michael holding a camera from the Access Hollywood crew)

Michael: That's a beauty. You can edit within the camera...

BB: Film me.

Michael: So s...

BB: Can you operate it?

Michael: Uh, I don't know, ok yeah... (points camera at Billy Bush)

BB: Are you a technology...

Michael: Yeah, I love cameras...

BB: Love the action?

Michael: Yeah. Love it. It's a beauty. (Starts to put camera down, turns to crew member) What's the price of this one on retail?

Crew member: $6,000.

Michael: Wow!

BB: (Voiceover) But what really impressed Michael? Will's music.

(Footage of Michael bopping his head to the music before it stops)

BB: What you think there?

Michael: They're very nice grooves...

Will: Alright...

Michael: I like the chords, I like what you did.

Will: That's a... that's a club banger.

BB: Yeah...

Will: That's what they call that one.

(Music starts playing again, Will and Michael move to the music)

BB: (Voiceover) Will's beats are infectious, and an enthusiastic Michael could NOT contain himself.

(Cuts to footage of Michael moving to other side of studio to dance a few steps)

Michael: (To Billy Bush) Do you feel you have enough (footage)?

BB: I could go forever Michael. (Laughter all round) You don't wanna ask me that Michael.

Originally posted by: Eve The Music Lady

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:45 AM WST
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